Hunting in spanish


pronunciation: kɑθɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

hunt2 = buscar, cazar, perseguir. 

Example: Nonetheless, we would still not wish to hunt through the file in order to change all subdivisions of that heading.


» house hunt = buscar casa, buscar alojamiento.

Example: The best season to house hunt may be winter when fewer potential buyers are looking.

» hunt down = perseguir, cazar, atrapar.

Example: Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

» hunt for = buscar, andar buscando, ir en busca de, ir a la caza de, andar a la caza de.

Example: Police are hunting for a woman they fear may be planning to carry out a suicide bomb attack.

» hunt + high and low = remover Roma con Santiago, remover (el) cielo y (la) tierra, buscar por todas partes.

Example: They hunted high and low, even examining the waste-paper baskets, but to no avail.

» hunt + Nombre + to extinction = cazar hasta su extinción.

Example: Fur seals, which were once almost hunted to extinction here, can be seen lazing in the sun on the rocks and playing in the shallow waters.

hunting1 = caza, cacería, persecución, búsqueda. 

Example: It was not until the 16th century that falconry and stag hunting gained the significance that it retained until 1789.


» bargain-hunting = caza de ofertas, búsqueda de ofertas.

Example: But first, I'd like to tell you a story about how bargain-hunting on Thanksgiving and Black Friday went wrong.

» bow-hunting = caza con arco.

Example: The vast majority of hunted game is killed with a firearm; other hunting methods (bow-hunting, trapping, capturing with decoys, etc.) are less significant.

» close(d) season for hunting = veda de caza.

Example: Despite this woeful situation, hares remain the only game species without a closed season for hunting -- the result is that pregnant does are killed and newly born leverets left to starve.

» deer hunting = caza de ciervos.

Example: Properly controlled deer hunting is an important tool in managing deer populations.

» flat-hunting = búsqueda de piso, búsqueda de alojamiento.

Example: When looking for a flat in London, a few tips for flat hunting can come in handy.

» fox-hunting = caza del zorro, cacería del zorro, caza de zorros, cacería de zorros.

Example: In the 19th century, the wit and playwright Oscar Wilde memorably mocked fox-hunting as 'the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable'.

» headhunting = búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos.

Example: The article 'How headhunters do their research' describes the process of research in the headhunting or executive search business.

» house-hunting = búsqueda de casa, búsqueda de alojamiento.

Example: When she walked into that second one, that ended all her house-hunting.

» hunting game = juego de caza.

Example: Primitive war dances, fertility rites, hunting games are all rituals human beings develop in their corporate as well as their private lives.

» hunting horn = cuerno de caza.

Example: The hunt is the predominant sound of the poem, which features more than ten references to the sound of hunting horns or bugles.

» hunting licence = licencia de caza.

Example: The environment is threatened because the observance of environmental regulations is not strictly controlled and fishing and hunting permits and licenses are granted all too easily.

» hunting-lodge = cabaña de cazadores.

Example: A detailed description is given of shelving used in the new premises of the International Youth Library, a restored hunting-lodge in Munich.

» hunting party = cacería, montería, partida de caza.

Example: The climax occurs during a hunting party in the woods, when Olga goes off by herself and is later found murdered.

» hunting permit = permiso de caza.

Example: The environment is threatened because the observance of environmental regulations is not strictly controlled and fishing and hunting permits and licenses are granted all too easily.

» hunting season = veda de caza, temporada de caza.

Example: The opening day of the pheasant hunting season was almost picture-perfect as warm temperatures and sunshine were the order of the day.

» job hunting = búsqueda de empleo.

Example: The keen competition among employers for the best employees has boosted the development of Web sites devoted to job hunting.

» live off + hunting = vivir de la caza.

Example: The Uros tribe lives off hunting, fishing, and selling their beautiful handicrafts.

» treasure hunting = búsqueda de tesoros (perdidos).

Example: But archeologists are speaking out against treasure hunting, saying it damages key historical traces.

» whale hunting = caza de ballenas.

Example: The annual global dust-up over whale hunting is about to kick off again.

» witch hunting = caza de brujas.

Example: The article 'Witch hunting in the online field' views with concern recent moves in the USA to classify certain information as sensitive.

hunting2 = cinegético, de caza. 

Example: This a complete list of hunting resources to help the New York hunter find what he's looking for.


» hunting guide = guía de caza, guía de cazadores.

Example: A hunting guide while still in his teens, he learned his woodcraft first hand, absorbing lore handed down to him from his father.

» hunting tourism = turismo cinegético.

Example: One of the study's main findings is that hunting tourism generates revenue of 155 million dollars.

Hunting synonyms

search in spanish: buscar, pronunciation: sɜrtʃ part of speech: noun hunt in spanish: cazar, pronunciation: hʌnt part of speech: noun, verb searching in spanish: buscando, pronunciation: sɜrtʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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