Hunger in spanish


pronunciation: ɑmbɹ̩e part of speech: noun
In gestures

hunger = hambre. 

Example: This article highlights bibliometrically the degree of fit between the national research effort and the social aim of agriculture, (to prevent hunger and poverty).


» arouse + hunger = despertar el deseo de/por.

Example: That arouses in him the hunger for the extension of knowledge and experience that books can give = Eso despierta en él el deseo de aumentar el conocimiento y la experiencia que los libros pueden proporcionar.

» book hunger = sed de lectura.

Example: The author explores the reasons for the success of these aid projects, which revealed the enormous book hunger in the rural areas.

» curb + Posesivo + hunger = controlar el hambre, frenar el hambre.

Example: Curb your hunger before a shindig, but don't starve yourself, since what you don't want is to hit the ground running because you've starved yourself all day.

» die of + hunger = morir de hambre, morir de inanición.

Example: He who is dying of hunger must be fed rather than taught.

» have + a hunger for = ansiar, anhelar, desear ansiosamente, tener ansias de.

Example: So I was a little different, I couldn't read until I was 15, I was dyslexic, I was bullied but I always had a hunger for success.

» hunger for = deseo de, ansias de.

Example: If solutions are not found to meet this challenge, users' hunger for multimedia could pull the Internet apart.

» hunger pang = retortijón de hambre.

Example: Fruits and vegetables that are slowly digested are the most filling and hold off the hunger pangs for longer.

» hunger strike = huelga de hambre.

Example: Participants commented on ethical aspects of two fictitious case studies: an inmate on a hunger strike and a death row inmate who wishes to be an organ donor.

» insatiable hunger = hambre insaciable.

Example: This is because it's the insatiable hunger in the brain that tells your body to go into its fat-storing mode.

» pang of hunger = retortijón de hambre.

Example: With scorching heat from above and hard labour in the fields, Mirza Kak felt pangs of hunger.

» starve of + hunger = morir de hambre, morir de inanición.

Example: He will dwell in the church that is built by martyrs fighting for justice, by children starving of hunger, by mothers and fathers walking the streets of misery.

» suffer from + hunger = pasar hambre, padecer hambre.

Example: Their aims is to reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger.

Hunger synonyms

lust in spanish: lujuria, pronunciation: lʌst part of speech: noun crave in spanish: pedir, pronunciation: kreɪv part of speech: verb starve in spanish: morir de hambre, pronunciation: stɑrv part of speech: verb thirst in spanish: sed, pronunciation: θɜrst part of speech: noun hungriness in spanish: hambre, pronunciation: hʌŋgrinəs part of speech: noun

Hunger antonyms

be full pronunciation: bifʊl part of speech: verb
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