Hundredth in spanish


pronunciation: θentesimoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures



» one-hundredth = centésima.

Example: If necessary, it could be made extremely fast by substituting thermionic-tube switching for mechanical switching, so that the full selection could be made in one one-hundredth of a second.

Hundredth synonyms

ordinal in spanish: ordinal, pronunciation: ɔrdənəl part of speech: adjective, noun 100th in spanish: Centésimo, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective centesimal in spanish: centesimal, pronunciation: sentesəməl part of speech: adjective one-hundredth in spanish: cien, pronunciation: wʌnhʌndrədθ part of speech: noun one percent in spanish: uno porciento, pronunciation: wʌnpɜrsent part of speech: noun
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