Hunchback in spanish


pronunciation: xoʊɹ̩oʊbɑdoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

hunchback = jorobado. 

Example: Dwarfs and hunchbacks were always preferred candidates for the jester role, from the Aztecs, to India, to China.

Hunchback synonyms

unfit in spanish: impropio, pronunciation: ənfɪt part of speech: adjective humpback in spanish: jorobado, pronunciation: hʌmpbæk part of speech: noun kyphosis in spanish: cifosis, pronunciation: kɪfoʊsɪs part of speech: noun humped in spanish: jorobado, pronunciation: hʌmpt part of speech: adjective humpbacked in spanish: jorobado, pronunciation: hʌmpbækt part of speech: adjective crookback in spanish: estafador, pronunciation: krʊkbæk part of speech: noun hunchbacked in spanish: curcuncho, pronunciation: hʌntʃbækt part of speech: adjective crookbacked in spanish: estafado, pronunciation: krukbækt part of speech: adjective
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