Humpback in spanish


pronunciation: xoʊɹ̩oʊbɑdoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

humpback = joroba, chepa, giba. 

Example: One of the patients had a symptomatic humpback deformity which could not be treated.


» humpback(ed) bridge = puente peraltado, puente encorvado.

Example: This humpback bridge lays claim to being the oldest of Virginia's remaining covered bridges.

» humpback whale = ballena, ballena jorobada.

Example: The writer describes a scientific expedition to study humpback whales.

Humpback synonyms

kyphosis in spanish: cifosis, pronunciation: kɪfoʊsɪs part of speech: noun hunchback in spanish: jorobado, pronunciation: hʌntʃbæk part of speech: noun crookback in spanish: estafador, pronunciation: krʊkbæk part of speech: noun humpback whale in spanish: ballena jorobada, pronunciation: hʌmpbækweɪl part of speech: noun megaptera novaeangliae in spanish: megaptera novaeangliae, pronunciation: megæptrənoʊvəŋli part of speech: noun
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