Hump in spanish


pronunciation: xoʊɹ̩oʊbɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

hump1 = bulto, saliente. 

Example: Indeed it is normally possible to see with a raking light which was the mould side of the sheet, for it shows a pattern of both chain and wire indentations, while the other side (the felt side) is more or less flat, or shows wire humps only.


» hump bridge = puente peraltado, puente encorvado.

Example: You should not overtake on the left if there is a bend ahead, a hump bridge or the brow of a hill.

» road hump = badén, resalto.

Example: Road humps are placed only on residential streets with not more than two lanes and with a speed limit of 30 mph.

» speed hump = badén, resalto.

Example: Roundabouts and speed humps are forms of traffic calming which offer promise to curb speeding.

hump2 = joroba, chepa, giba. 

Example: Camels have humps on their backs as places to store fat to live off when food and water are scarce.


» dowager's hump = cifosis.

Example: When people are crippled by a dowager's hump, or curvature of the spine at the top of the back, it is often the result of spinal fractures from osteoporosis.

» humpbacked = jorobado, concorvado, corcovado, encorvado, chepudo.

Example: In addition, he parodies romantic conventions by casting one of the story's lovers as a disfigured, humpbacked character reminiscent of Quasimodo in Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame of Paris.

hump3 = encorvarse, arquearse. 

Example: If your cat cries when it urinates or if it humps over when walking, it may well have some other illness.

hump4 = follar, follarse, tirarse. 

Example: However, my friend's dog has been done and he still wants to hump everything he can, just doesn't realise he's firing blanks.

Hump synonyms

love in spanish: amor, pronunciation: lʌv part of speech: noun, verb know in spanish: saber, pronunciation: noʊ part of speech: verb bed in spanish: cama, pronunciation: bed part of speech: noun screw in spanish: tornillo, pronunciation: skru part of speech: noun bump in spanish: bache, pronunciation: bʌmp part of speech: noun, verb bang in spanish: explosión, pronunciation: bæŋ part of speech: noun hunch in spanish: corazonada, pronunciation: hʌntʃ part of speech: noun bulge in spanish: bulto, pronunciation: bʌldʒ part of speech: noun, verb jazz in spanish: jazz, pronunciation: dʒæz part of speech: noun prominence in spanish: prominencia, pronunciation: prɑmənəns part of speech: noun protrusion in spanish: saliente, pronunciation: prətruʒən part of speech: noun bonk in spanish: bonk, pronunciation: bɑŋk part of speech: verb make out in spanish: dar a entender, pronunciation: meɪkaʊt part of speech: verb extrusion in spanish: extrusión, pronunciation: ɪkstruʒən part of speech: noun jut in spanish: sobresalir, pronunciation: dʒʌt part of speech: noun, verb excrescence in spanish: excrecencia, pronunciation: ɪkskresəns part of speech: noun protuberance in spanish: protuberancia, pronunciation: proʊtubɜrəns part of speech: noun gibbosity in spanish: gibosidad, pronunciation: dʒɪbɑsəti part of speech: noun get it on in spanish: ponlo en, pronunciation: getɪtɑn part of speech: verb do it in spanish: hazlo, pronunciation: duɪt part of speech: verb lie with in spanish: mentir con, pronunciation: laɪwɪð part of speech: verb have a go at it in spanish: probarlo, pronunciation: hævəgoʊætɪt part of speech: verb be intimate in spanish: ser íntimo, pronunciation: biɪntəmət part of speech: verb gibbousness in spanish: gibosidad, pronunciation: dʒɪbəsnəs part of speech: noun have intercourse in spanish: tener relaciones sexuales, pronunciation: hævɪntɜrkɔrs part of speech: verb have it off in spanish: tenerlo apagado, pronunciation: hævɪtɔf part of speech: verb have it away in spanish: tenerlo lejos, pronunciation: hævɪtəweɪ part of speech: verb hunch over in spanish: encorvarse, pronunciation: hʌntʃoʊvɜr part of speech: verb sleep with in spanish: dormir con, pronunciation: slipwɪð part of speech: verb hunch forward in spanish: corazon hacia adelante, pronunciation: hʌntʃfɔrwɜrd part of speech: verb
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