Humorous in spanish


pronunciation: umoʊɹ̩istikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

humorous = humorístico, cómico, gracioso. 

Example: Supporting material -- cartoons, quotations and humorous excerpts -- are used to keep students intrigued and clues are allowed if students are unable to formulate a research strategy.


» in a humorous vein = de forma humorística, de modo humorístico.

Example: Low was possibly the most celebrated political cartoonist of the 20th century, best remembered for the way he mercilessly ridiculed Hitler and Mussolini in a humorous vein.

» semi-humorous = semihumorístico.

Example: This is semi-humorous account of how an on-line search for allergens of the common house mite led to false drops caused by truncating the term Dermatophagoides.

Humorous synonyms

facetious in spanish: chistoso, pronunciation: fəsiʃəs part of speech: adjective dry in spanish: seco, pronunciation: draɪ part of speech: adjective ludicrous in spanish: ridículo, pronunciation: ludəkrəs part of speech: adjective wry in spanish: torcido, pronunciation: raɪ part of speech: adjective ironic in spanish: irónico, pronunciation: aɪrɑnɪk part of speech: adjective ridiculous in spanish: ridículo, pronunciation: rɪdɪkjələs part of speech: adjective droll in spanish: gracioso, pronunciation: droʊl part of speech: adjective risible in spanish: risible, pronunciation: rɪzəbəl part of speech: adjective funny in spanish: gracioso, pronunciation: fʌni part of speech: adjective witty in spanish: ingenioso, pronunciation: wɪti part of speech: adjective hilarious in spanish: divertidísimo, pronunciation: hɪleriəs part of speech: adjective zany in spanish: loco, pronunciation: zeɪni part of speech: adjective, noun comic in spanish: cómic, pronunciation: kɑmɪk part of speech: adjective jocular in spanish: jocoso, pronunciation: dʒɑkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective farcical in spanish: absurdo, pronunciation: fɑrsəkəl part of speech: adjective amusing in spanish: divertido, pronunciation: əmjuzɪŋ part of speech: adjective tongue-in-cheek in spanish: lengua en la mejilla, pronunciation: tʌŋtʃik part of speech: adjective, adverb killing in spanish: asesinato, pronunciation: kɪlɪŋ part of speech: noun slapstick in spanish: payasadas, pronunciation: slæpstɪk part of speech: adjective, noun jocose in spanish: jocoso, pronunciation: dʒoʊkoʊs part of speech: adjective ironical in spanish: irónico, pronunciation: aɪrɑnɪkəl part of speech: adjective comical in spanish: cómico, pronunciation: kɑmɪkəl part of speech: adjective mirthful in spanish: alegre, pronunciation: mɜrθfəl part of speech: adjective uproarious in spanish: estruendoso, pronunciation: ʌproʊnɜrəs part of speech: adjective waggish in spanish: chacotero, pronunciation: wægɪʃ part of speech: adjective laughable in spanish: cómico, pronunciation: læfəbəl part of speech: adjective humourous in spanish: chistoso, pronunciation: hjumʊrəs part of speech: adjective bantering in spanish: bromas, pronunciation: bæntɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective joking in spanish: bromas, pronunciation: dʒoʊkɪŋ part of speech: adjective jesting in spanish: bromas, pronunciation: dʒestɪŋ part of speech: adjective clownish in spanish: clownesco, pronunciation: klaʊnɪʃ part of speech: adjective gilbertian in spanish: gilbertiano, pronunciation: gɪlbɜrʃən part of speech: adjective tragicomic in spanish: tragicómico, pronunciation: trædʒɪkɑmɪk part of speech: adjective seriocomic in spanish: tragicómico, pronunciation: seriəkɑmɪk part of speech: adjective buffoonish in spanish: bufón, pronunciation: bufjunɪʃ part of speech: adjective sidesplitting in spanish: divertidísimo, pronunciation: saɪdɪsplɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective tragicomical in spanish: tragicomico, pronunciation: trædʒɪkɑmɪkəl part of speech: adjective seriocomical in spanish: seriocomical, pronunciation: seriəkɑmɪkəl part of speech: adjective clowlike in spanish: como, pronunciation: kloʊlaɪk part of speech: adjective

Humorous antonyms

humorless pronunciation: hjumɜrləs part of speech: adjective unhumorous pronunciation: ənhjumɜrəs part of speech: adjective
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