Humor in spanish


pronunciation: umoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

humour [humor, -USA]1 = humor. 

Example: If you are looking for books about humor in orchestral music, you can combine these two lists.


» deadpan humour = humor serio.

Example: Never sentimental, the movie has moments of droll, deadpan humor.

» find + humour in = encontrar humor en.

Example: Shrigley finds humour in flat depictions of the inconsequential, the unavailing and the bizarre -- although he is far fonder of violent or otherwise disquieting subject matter.

» have + a bad sense of humour = tener un mal sentido del humor.

Example: Because really, the only thing worse than having no sense of humor, is having a bad sense of humor.

» have + a good sense of humour = tener un buen sentido del humor.

Example: Andy has a good sense of humor but there is genuine pain in his voice as he looks over the sopping field and sees his crops struggling.

» have + no sense of humour = no tener sentido del humor.

Example: Because really, the only thing worse than having no sense of humor, is having a bad sense of humor.

» ill-humour [ill-humor, -USA] = malhumor. 

Example: This diet provides energy and protect against rapid decreases of the level of glucose in blood preventing fatigue, hunger, weakness and ill-humour.

» lose + Posesivo + sense of humour = perder el sentido del humor.

Example: Endowed with the gift of being able to both listen and question, this paragon always is ready to meet the public without losing balance or a sense of humor.

» sense of humour = sentido del humor.

Example: This article examines the benefits of a good sense of humour to librarians involved in library user training.

humour [humor, -USA]2 = estado de ánimo. 

Example: A historical outline of the study of personality is given with particular emphasis on the concept of the 4 humours: choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine.


» aqueous humour = humor acuoso.

Example: Only a minute concentration of carbenicillin was found in the aqueous humor and retina.

» good humour = buen humor, buen carácter.

Example: Luminously portrayed as a free-spirited genius spilling over with self-confidence and good humor, Juana is the shining feminist heroine of Bemberg's film.

» in good humour = de buen humor.

Example: To keep your little child in good humour, you have to get down to his level.

» take + Nombre + in good humour = tomarse Algo con humor, tomarse Algo de buen grado.

Example: Even when their animals, frightened at the unusual sight, shied up a bank or into a field, they took it in good humour.

» vitreous humour = humor vítreo.

Example: 5 sea gulls were inoculated with flukes from the lens, and 3 with flukes from the vitreous humor.

humour3 = seguirle el juego a Alguien, llevarle la corriente a Alguien, seguirle la corriente a Alguien, complacer, consentir, mimar. 

Example: With your recipes I will be able to bake things that I will be able to share with my friends without them having to humor me and say it tastes good when it really tastes like cardboard.

Humor synonyms

wit in spanish: ingenio, pronunciation: wɪt part of speech: noun temper in spanish: templar, pronunciation: tempɜr part of speech: noun mood in spanish: estado animico, pronunciation: mud part of speech: noun humour in spanish: humor, pronunciation: hjumɜr part of speech: noun witticism in spanish: agudeza, pronunciation: wɪtɪsɪzəm part of speech: noun wittiness in spanish: graciosidad, pronunciation: wɪtinəs part of speech: noun sense of humor in spanish: sentido del humor, pronunciation: sensʌvhjumɜr part of speech: noun sense of humour in spanish: sentido del humor, pronunciation: sensəvjumɜr part of speech: noun
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