Humidity in spanish


pronunciation: umedɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

humidity = humedad. 

Example: A fresh, constant temperature and humidity not only promotes efficiency of use, it encourages use.


» ambient humidity = humedad ambiental.

Example: They were then stored in an office for 24 hours to regain ambient humidity.

» atmospheric humidity = humedad atmosférica.

Example: The loaded wagons were then covered with tarpaulins to keep out rain and atmospheric moisture which would have slaked the lime.

» humidity chamber = cámara humidificadora.

Example: The article is entitled 'Humidity chamber for flattening maps at the Arizona Department of Library, Archives and Public Records'.

» relative humidity = humedad relativa.

Example: The films and magnetic tapes should be stored at a relative humidity of 30-40% and a temperature of 20-30ºC.

Humidity synonyms

humidness in spanish: humedad, pronunciation: hjumɪdnes part of speech: noun
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