Humbling in spanish


pronunciation: umijɑnte part of speech: adjective
In gestures

humble2 = humillar, rebajar, doblegar. 

Example: After nine long years, Pakistan's fourth military dictator, General Musharraf, had been humbled by the masses.

humble3 = aleccionar, dar una lección de humildad. 

Example: But more than anything else, I'd like to thank him for humbling me, for talking to me and showing me the world through a different lens.

humbling1 = humillante, degradante, deshonroso. 

Example: What started as a bubble a couple of years ago has evolved into a horrific, humbling and scary atmosphere that has grown into a national economic crisis.

humbling2 = aleccionador, moralizante, que baja los humos, que pone a Uno en su sitio. 

Example: It is inspiring, humbling and empowering that we can gather with our colleagues from around the world and see that our similarities are numerous.


» humbling experience = lección de humildad.

Example: I wasn't prepared for the humbling experience of learning how far my expectations were from reality and how much I needed to learn.

Humbling synonyms

abasement in spanish: humillación, pronunciation: əbeɪsmənt part of speech: noun humiliation in spanish: humillación, pronunciation: hjumɪlieɪʃən part of speech: noun demeaning in spanish: degradante, pronunciation: dɪminɪŋ part of speech: adjective humiliating in spanish: humillante, pronunciation: hjumɪlieɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective mortifying in spanish: mortificante, pronunciation: mɔrtəfaɪɪŋ part of speech: adjective undignified in spanish: indigno, pronunciation: əndɪgnɪfaɪd part of speech: adjective
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