Humankind in spanish


pronunciation: umɑnidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

humankind = humanidad, raza humana, género humano. 

Example: Information has recently been qualified as a humankind's heritage.

Humankind synonyms

man in spanish: hombre, pronunciation: mæn part of speech: noun world in spanish: mundo, pronunciation: wɜrld part of speech: noun humanity in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: hjumænɪti part of speech: noun mankind in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: mænkaɪnd part of speech: noun humans in spanish: humanos, pronunciation: hjumənz part of speech: noun human beings in spanish: seres humanos, pronunciation: hjumənbiɪŋz part of speech: noun human race in spanish: raza humana, pronunciation: hjumənreɪs part of speech: noun
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