Humanity in spanish


pronunciation: umɑnidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

humanity1 = humanidad. [Seres humanos]

Example: Considered as necessary work in the interest of humanity and general enlightenment, bibliography gains ground as the years pass.


» crime against humanity = crimen contra la humanidad, crimen de lesa humanidad, delito de lesa humanidad, delito contra la humanidad.

Example: After World War II, Hitler's right-hand man was convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

» dregs of humanity, the = escoria de la humanidad, la.

Example: You people are the dregs of humanity, like zombies from a cesspool.

» enemy of humanity = enemigo de la humanidad.

Example: If he can't do that right, then he has no place in any station of government and we need to realize that he is an enemy of humanity.

» history of humanity, the = historia de la humanidad, la .

Example: Because of technology more people are writing and sharing their writing than at any time in the history of humanity.

humanity2 = humanidad. [Comportamiento humano]

Example: Librarians need a special combination of tact, patience, and humanity to serve users satisfactorily.


» inhumanity = inhumanidad, atrocidad, barbarie, crueldad.

Example: Humanism is seen as the last best way to combat inhumanity & injustice.

Humanity synonyms

man in spanish: hombre, pronunciation: mæn part of speech: noun world in spanish: mundo, pronunciation: wɜrld part of speech: noun mankind in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: mænkaɪnd part of speech: noun humans in spanish: humanos, pronunciation: hjumənz part of speech: noun humankind in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: hjumənkaɪnd part of speech: noun humanness in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: hjumənnəs part of speech: noun human beings in spanish: seres humanos, pronunciation: hjumənbiɪŋz part of speech: noun human race in spanish: raza humana, pronunciation: hjumənreɪs part of speech: noun
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