Humanitarian in spanish


pronunciation: umɑnitɑɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

humanitarian = humanitario. 

Example: One is to believe, for instance, that the public library movement began in a passion of liberal and humanitarian zeal, and yet public libraries were generally cold, rigidly inflexible, and elitist institutions from the beginning.


» humanitarian aid = ayuda humanitaria.

Example: The author identifies and describes a number of selected web sites that provide free information in the areas of health and humanitarian aid.

» humanitarian assistance = ayuda humanitaria.

Example: Humanitarian assistance is of cardinal importance for the victims of natural disasters and other emergencies.

» humanitarian group = grupo humanitario.

Example: These specialists are joining a growing initiative to make humanitarian groups more responsible with their gas-guzzling four-wheel-drive cars.

» humanitarian relief = ayuda humanitaria.

Example: Medicines can play a vital role in humanitarian relief efforts in disaster zones.

Humanitarian synonyms

humane in spanish: humano, pronunciation: hjumeɪn part of speech: adjective humanist in spanish: humanista, pronunciation: hjumənɪst part of speech: noun, adjective humanistic in spanish: humanista, pronunciation: hjumənɪstɪk part of speech: adjective do-gooder in spanish: hacer el bien, pronunciation: doʊgudɜr part of speech: noun improver in spanish: mejorador, pronunciation: ɪmpruvɜr part of speech: noun human-centered in spanish: centrado en el ser humano, pronunciation: hjumənsentɜrd part of speech: adjective
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