Human in spanish


pronunciation: umɑnoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

human1 = humano, ser humano. 

Example: Intelligent agents are based on the concept of shared abilities and cooperative learning between humans and computers.


» early humans = primeros (seres) humanos, los.

Example: The use of ochre by early humans dates to at least 250,000 years ago in Europe and Africa.

» human-centred [human-centered, -USA] = centrado en el hombre, orientado hacia el hombre, basado en el hombre.

Example: The panellists discussed the interdisciplinary issues digital libraries researchers are considering concerning: human-centred, artefact-centred and technology-centred research issues.

» human-centredness [human-centeredness, -USA] = centralización en el hombre, orientación hacia el hombre.

Example: It is not enough to base the concept of human-centredness on ideas of social utility, collaborative working or human controllability.

» human civilisation = civilización humana.

Example: At the other extreme is Mises, who describes economic theory as an essential element in the structure of human civilization.

» human cost = coste de vidas humanas.

Example: The book, written by a man who is not a military historian as such, is concerned above all with showing the war's hideousness, its frightful human cost, its pathos and loss, and its essential failure to achieve its objectives.

» human history = historia de la humanidad.

Example: This article reviews the emerging role of information in human history.

» human-machine = entre la máquina y el hombre, de la máquina y el hombre.

Example: The digital librarian acts as guardian of the information superhighway and as a symbiotic human-machine guru = El bibliotecario digital actúa como guardián de la superautopista de la información y como gurú que representa la simbiosis de la máquina y el hombre.

» human-oriented = pensado para el usuario, diseñado para el usuario, orientado al usuario, orientado a la persona.

Example: Traditionally, controlled natural languages fall into two categories: human-oriented and machine-oriented controlled natural languages.

» humans = personas, gente.

Example: The first of these categories does not involve indexing by humans.

» human-system = entre el hombre y el sistema.

Example: Formal system models can be combined directly with a representation of human cognition to yield an integrated view of human-system interaction: a syndetic model.

human2 = humano. [Adjetivo]

Example: The indexes are produced by computer, without necessarily any human intervention.


» assault on human dignity = atentado contra la dignidad humana.

Example: He stressed that human cloning was unethical and a direct assault on human dignity.

» breach of + Posesivo + human rights = infracción de + Posesivo + derechos humanos.

Example: I showed one of the staff the video and he got quite bolshie with me, as my taping her was, according to him, a breach of her human rights.

» charter of human rights = carta de derechos humanos.

Example: Germany therefore strongly supports the idea of a charter of human rights which would have pride of place among Europe's treaties.

» during a human lifetime = durante la vida de una persona.

Example: During a human lifetime every molecule of the body is replaced many times over.

» fellow human being = semejante, prójimo.

Example: What is our responsibility to a fellow human being, who in this case happens to be a respected library director who is also our boss?.

» fit for human consumption = apto para el consumo humano.

Example: In food safety, 'fit for human consumption' generally means that a potentially dangerous substance is not present in or on a product at a harmful level for human health.

» for human consumption = para consumo humano.

Example: Horses could soon be butchered in the U.S. for human consumption after Congress quietly lifted a 5-year-old ban.

» HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) = VIH (Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana).

Example: The article is entitled 'HIV/AIDS pandemic... are libraries doing enough?'.

» human behaviour = comportamiento humano.

Example: Because it is a public space, the library is an ideal location for observing human behavior = Debido a que la biblioteca es un espacio público, éste es un lugar ideal para observar el comportamiento humano.

» human being = ser humano.

Example: McLuhan's observation is, I think, based upon an ongoing tension that exists between human beings and the world they live in.

» human billboard = hombre anuncio.

Example: The Spanish capital of Madrid has banned the use of human billboards, calling them an 'assault on people's dignity'.

» human body, the = cuerpo humano, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: This article analyses documents obtained by search based on key words with regard to their distribution in accordance with 5 basic locations of tumors in the human body.

» human bonding = lazo afectivo.

Example: Due to its relative intelligence, strong human bonding characteristics, and trainability, the pot-bellied pig has become an increasingly popular companion.

» human brain, the = cerebro humano, el.

Example: These methods might exclude documents which could only be recognized as relevant by the lateral thinking which, for the present at least, appears to be the prerogative of the human brain.

» human capital = capital humano. [Conocimiento, experiencia, habilidades, etc. que posee un individuo y que le hace valioso para una empresa o la sociedad en general]

Example: Librarians have to look at alternative sources of funding, but also try to convince government of the need for subsidising information services as part of an investment in human capital.

» human casualty = víctima humana.

Example: The whole extent of Chernobyl's damage -- both in terms of human casualties and environmental destruction -- may never be known for sure.

» human cloning = clonación humana, clonación del ser humano.

Example: He stressed that human cloning was unethical and a direct assault on human dignity.

» human-computer interaction = interacción hombre-ordenador.

Example: Newer technologies on offer include: expert systems; neural nets; hypertext; human-computer interaction; and intelligent computer-aided instruction.

» human condition, the = condición humana, la. [Expresión generalmente usada en el plural]

Example: Genomic research will dramatically improve the human condition.

» human conduct = conducta humana.

Example: Hypocrisy cannot be easily eradicated from human conduct.

» human consciousness = conocimiento humano.

Example: The development of alphabets altered human consciousness and the linearity of written language clouding our minds to the multidimensionality of human thought.

» human consumption = consumo humano.

Example: By the 20th century, the industrial revolution had resulted in an exponential increase in the human consumption of resources and an increase in health, wealth and population.

» human contact = contacto humano, contacto con el ser humano, contacto con el hombre.

Example: Some cats are cuddlier by nature while others need some encouragement to enjoy human contact.

» human creature = criatura humana.

Example: 'But human creatures must not help each other nor must they make any maudlin twist'.

» human dignity = dignidad humana.

Example: The book brings together numerous ideas about the nature of human dignity and what you actually need to stay alive and build a life that offers more than bare existence.

» human dimension = dimensión humana.

Example: The anticipated epistemological consequences of the human dimension are challenged.

» human emotion = emoción humana.

Example: The desire to feel secure is the granddaddy of all human emotions.

» human energy = esfuerzo humano, energía humana.

Example: The primary objective of systems design today is to minimise the expense of human energy.

» human error = error humano.

Example: Risk management has to take account of the problems caused by human error, power failure, computer hackers, viruses, intercepted electronic mail and telephone fraud.

» human evolution = evolución de la especie humana, evolución de la raza humana, evolución del hombre, hominización.

Example: The behavior of a close relative challenges assumptions about male supremacy in human evolution.

» human existence = existencia humana.

Example: Set against the span of human existence, the five-hundred-year-history of the printed book is but an instant.

» human factor = factor humano.

Example: For them, a constellation of human factors and professional insight should, instead, guide every weeding decision.

» human faculties = facultades humanas.

Example: Are we not perhaps then amputating our human faculties by limiting ourselves to the kind of meaningless cacophonation of symbols with which computers deal?.

» human feeling = sentimiento humano.

Example: The reader is like her: he sits watching the diverse pageant of human thought and human feeling passing across the gleaming mirror of literature.

» human flesh = carne humana.

Example: The jury heard pieces of cooked human flesh were found in his kitchen and in a bin bag.

» human frailty = debilidad humana, flaqueza humana.

Example: The author demonstrates a wickedly funny eye for human frailty without succumbing to cynicism or misanthropy.

» human-generated = generado por el hombre, creado por el hombre.

Example: A new study has determined that human-generated sounds significantly affect the lives of aquatic animals.

» human genetics = genética humana.

Example: Technologies that create risks that might have incommunicable global consequences include atomic energy, genetic technology, human genetics, nanotechnology, & computer science.

» human genome, the = genoma humano, el. [Expresión generalmente usada con el artículo]

Example: The Human Genome Project aims to map the structure and function of approximately 100,000 genes in the human body.

» human geography = geografía humana.

Example: Human geography is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape human interaction with the environment.

» human health = salud.

Example: Indigenous knowledge now surfaces in the fields of human health, aquatic resource management, rural sociology, agricultural education, range management, water resource management, etc..

» human-human communication = comunicación humana, comunicación entre humanos.

Example: The book provides a solid introduction to all aspects of speech communication, including human-human communication.

» human-human interaction = interacción humana, relaciones interpersonales.

Example: This article presents a method of discourse analysis used to specify the functions performed in human-human information interaction.

» human indexing = indización humana.

Example: It will also be necessary for humans to add call number and subject indexing, although a considerable amount of work has already been done on mechanized subject classification and subject indexing, which is at least as good as human indexing.

» human intelligence = inteligencia humana.

Example: The author attempts to repudiate Cherniavsky's argument to show that machine intelligence cannot equal human intelligence.

» human interaction = relaciones interpersonales.

Example: Beware of the 'Smombies' -- the rude and careless smartphone zombies who are destroying human interaction.

» human interest = de interés humano.

Example: Staff creativity can spice up statistical data with humor, graphics, photographs, and human interest stories.

» human intervention = intervención del hombre.

Example: The human intervention, that we were assured earlier is still so necessary to the cataloging process, in fact takes place largely at the Library of Congress.

» humankind = humanidad, raza humana, género humano.

Example: Information has recently been qualified as a humankind's heritage.

» human language = lenguaje humano.

Example: Unlike traditional data, multimedia has a very free format and has mostly lost the constraint of human language.

» human life = vida humana.

Example: There are, it is assumed, 'high' and 'low' forms of culture, especially in the field of the creative arts which are conceived of as somehow the pinnacle and foremost end of human life.

» human loss = pérdida humana.

Example: The saboteurs were expecting huge human losses but their plan failed.

» human mind, the = mente humana, la.

Example: They attempt to develop an isomorphic relationship between the human mind and a computer's logic.

» human nature = naturaleza humana, condición humana.

Example: If a planned activity flies in the face of human nature, its success will be only as great as the non-human factors can ensure.

» human need = necesidad humana.

Example: Information is power, a basic human need and fundamental human right.

» human nutrition = alimentación del ser humano, nutrición del ser humano, alimentación del hombre, nutrición del hombre.

Example: The system aims to cover periodical articles on the use and function of vitamin, mineral, phytochemical, botanical and herbal supplements in human nutrition.

» human papillomavirus = virus del papiloma humano.

Example: Scientist urges human papillomavirus jabs for boys to stem oral cancer rise.

» human parasite = parásito humano, parásito del hombre.

Example: Human parasites are often harmful to the body and can cause diseases, such as trichinosis.

» human person = ser humano.

Example: It is essential to develop an understanding of the relation between phenomenological, epistemic, practical and social knowledge and its relation to the consciousness, questions, and practice of the human person.

» human power = esfuerzo físico humano.

Example: A journey in which he will circumnavigate the globe solely through the use of human power.

» human-powered = propulsado con el esfuerzo físico humano.

Example: Lewis finally came home, completing a 13 year, 46000 mile (74000 kilometer) human-powered circumnavigation of the globe.

» human race, the = raza humana, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The human race has produced since the invention of movable type a total record, in the form of magazines, newspapers, advertising blurbs, correspondence.

» human record, the = conocimiento humano, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: In the short run, the most likely prospect is for all current systems to continue with electronic formats merely adding to the richness of the human record.

» human relations = relaciones humanas.

Example: The vast majority of management problems, even those which seem at first glance to be wholly planning or organizing or controlling problems, usually turn out to be bristling with ticklish human relations problems.

» human relationships = relaciones humanas.

Example: Certainly there are very serious novels which, by means of a fictitious story, have a great deal to say about human relationships and social structures.

» human resource management = gestión de recursos humanos.

Example: Personnel recruitment is an important part of human resource management and thus a significant means in improving effectiveness.

» human resource manager = encargado de recursos humanos, responsable de recursos humanos, jefe de recursos humanos.

Example: Conflict resolution and improving overall workplace moral is a key part of the role of a human resource manager.

» human resources = recursos humanos. [Personal con el cuenta una organización]

Example: The impression left by the two early attempts to create universal bibliographic control was that the creation of one universal source of reference was beyond human resources and resourcefulness.

» human right = derecho humano.

Example: Information is power, a basic human need and fundamental human right.

» human rights abuse = violación de los derechos humanos.

Example: They have campaigned indefatigably for humane prison conditions and have been documenting and exposing human rights abuses.

» human rights activist = defensor de los derechos humanos.

Example: With deep concern we have witnessed the attempts by Tunisian authorities to silence journalists and human rights activists in the run-up and during the summit.

» human rights campaigner = defensor de los derechos humanos.

Example: Human rights campaigners have welcomed an announcement by Iran that appears to end the execution of juvenile offenders.

» human rights defender = defensor de los derechos humanos.

Example: He is a prominent lawyer and human rights defender and faces a prison erm on charges of supporting Kurdish rebels.

» human rights of women = derechos humanos específicos de la mujer.

Example: Abuse is a violation of the human rights of women, which perpetuates the invisibility of women and the issues affecting them.

» human rights violation = violación de los derechos humanos.

Example: Ukrainian activists say human rights violations are rampant in Crimea.

» human science = ciencias humanas.

Example: P H Hirst defines eight such primary divisions of knowledge: mathematics, physical science, human science, history, moral knowledge, art, religion, philosophy.

» human scum = escoria humana.

Example: We are determined to take substantial measures to physically remove despicable human scum who are committing treason.

» human sense = sentido humano, sentido del ser humano.

Example: Furthermore, this example brings into discussion the concept of a more complex relationship between the human senses and water in architecture.

» human services = servicios sociales.

Example: Information technology applications in human services will become increasingly integrated = Cada vez más las aplicaciones de la tecnología de la información se integrarán en los servicios sociales.

» human shield = escudo humano.

Example: The prohibition of using human shields is contained in numerous military manuals, many of which extend the prohibition to all civilians.

» human society = sociedad humana, sociedad.

Example: Whatever the truth is in these cases, the world was reminded yet again that scoundrels, cheats and deceivers abound in the higher echelons of human society.

» human soul, the = espíritu humano, el.

Example: To show one's worth, to feel important -- that is the secret of the human soul.

» human spirit, the = espíritu humano, el.

Example: War heroes are admired as embodiments of the human spirit at its most dazzling.

» human story = historia personal.

Example: Our staff around the world gather these human stories every day so that people living in peace and comfort can understand why the forcibly displaced and stateless need compassion and care.

» human suffering = sufrimiento humano.

Example: The novel disencumbers us of the baggage that we usually bring to the scene of human suffering.

» human thought = pensamiento humano.

Example: The development of alphabets altered human consciousness and the linearity of written language clouding our minds to the multidimensionality of human thought.

» human value = valor humano.

Example: The article is entitled 'Egg Timers, Human Values, and the Care of Autistic Youths'.

» human waste = residuo humano.

Example: All rubbish wastes from organic to inorganic wastes right on to human wastes can all be recycled for usage again.

» human will, the = voluntad humana, la.

Example: Caught between the violence of human will and the capriciousness of fate these characters refuse to become what nature intended them to be.

» international human rights law = derecho internacional sobre los derechos humanos, derecho internacional humanitario.

Example: The main overarching argument that we make in this statement is that this would be a retrogressive measure under international human rights law.

» loss of human life = pérdida de vidas humanas. [También se usa loss of human lives, pero con mucha menos frecuencia]

Example: In recent decades, government and military officials alike have pushed increasingly in the direction of bloodless wars, where confrontations are undertaken - and ultimately won - with minimum loss of human life.

» non-human [nonhuman] = no humano.

Example: Recent legislation and social pressures produced changes in the Animal Welfare Act, including a provision that requires environments that promote the 'psychological well-being' of captive nonhuman primates.

» superhuman = sobrehumano, sobrenatural.

Example: Only one of the two flasks contains the magic potion that makes you superhuman, the other will turn you into something indescribably horrible.

» the course of human evolution = el curso de la evolución humana.

Example: The course of human evolution has been punctuated by a long succession of chance discoveries and accidental inventions.

» to err is human = equivocarse es humano.

Example: The article 'To err is human' describes 7 common searching errors when learning to do on-line searching.

» trafficking in human beings = tráfico de seres humanos, trata de seres humanos.

Example: By all accounts, trafficking in human beings is increasing at staggering rates.

» under human care = bajo el cuidado humano.

Example: Animals that live under human care are in captivity = Los animales que viven bajo el cuidado humano están en cautividad.

» unfit for human consumption = no apto para el consumo humano.

Example: Drinking water in some of the villages was found unfit for human consumption due to high levels of minerals and chloride.

» violation of human rights = violación de los derechos humanos.

Example: Librarians are often victims of the violation of human rights.

» within a human lifetime = durante la vida de una persona.

Example: That means that sustainable energy is energy which is replenishable within a human lifetime and causes no long-term damage to the environment.

Human synonyms

man in spanish: hombre, pronunciation: mæn part of speech: noun person in spanish: persona, pronunciation: pɜrsən part of speech: noun soul in spanish: alma, pronunciation: soʊl part of speech: noun individual in spanish: individual, pronunciation: ɪndəvɪdʒəwəl part of speech: adjective, noun frail in spanish: frágil, pronunciation: freɪl part of speech: adjective weak in spanish: débiles, pronunciation: wik part of speech: adjective mortal in spanish: mortal, pronunciation: mɔrtəl part of speech: adjective anthropomorphic in spanish: antropomórfico, pronunciation: ænθrəpəmɔrfɪk part of speech: adjective homo in spanish: homo, pronunciation: hoʊmoʊ part of speech: noun fallible in spanish: falible, pronunciation: fæləbəl part of speech: adjective humanlike in spanish: humano, pronunciation: hjumənlaɪk part of speech: adjective someone in spanish: alguien, pronunciation: sʌmwən part of speech: noun hominid in spanish: homínido, pronunciation: hɑmənɪd part of speech: adjective, noun somebody in spanish: alguien, pronunciation: sʌmbɑdi part of speech: noun imperfect in spanish: imperfecto, pronunciation: ɪmpɜrfɪkt part of speech: adjective anthropoid in spanish: antropoide, pronunciation: ænθrəpɔɪd part of speech: adjective, noun human being in spanish: ser humano, pronunciation: hjumənbiɪŋ part of speech: noun manlike in spanish: varonil, pronunciation: mænlaɪk part of speech: adjective earthborn in spanish: mortal, pronunciation: ɜrθbɔrn part of speech: adjective anthropomorphous in spanish: antropomorfo, pronunciation: ænθroʊpəmɔrfəs part of speech: adjective hominal in spanish: hominal, pronunciation: hɑmənəl part of speech: adjective hominian in spanish: hominiano, pronunciation: hoʊmɪniən part of speech: adjective hominine in spanish: hominina, pronunciation: hɑmɪnaɪn part of speech: adjective

Human antonyms

nonhuman pronunciation: nɑnhjumən part of speech: adjective
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