Hug in spanish


pronunciation: ɑbɹ̩ɑθoʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

hug1 = abrazo. 

Example: Barbro Blomberg in 'Ge laantagaren en kram!' (Give the reader a hug!) describes the 'charm course' in personal relations run by the Association's Contact Group.


» bear hug = abrazo fuerte, abrazo del oso.

Example: After a bear hug, she drew back and made a hasty swipe at her eyes.

» give + Nombre + a hug = dar un abrazo, abrazar.

Example: Halfway through the evening, my best friend pulled me aside and gave me a massive hug -- "What's that in aid of?" I asked.

» hug of the bear, the = yugo soviético, el.

Example: In DC19 Finland has been moved from -471 to -4897, finally allowing it to escape from the hug of the bear, or to give a more rational schedule for European USSR, depending on one's point of view.

» warm hug = abrazo cariñoso, abrazo afectuoso, cálido abrazo.

Example: He was not kidding when he said that Caracas could greet travellers with a slap in the face rather than a warm hug.

hug2 = abrazar. 

Example: Parents can show warmth and caring by hugging their children and reassuring them of parental love and concern for their welfare.

hug3 = ir pegado a. 

Example: The first canal hugged the northern perimeter of the river, and the second ran along the valley's southern fringe.

Hug synonyms

embrace in spanish: abrazo, pronunciation: embreɪs part of speech: verb, noun squeeze in spanish: exprimir, pronunciation: skwiz part of speech: verb, noun bosom in spanish: seno, pronunciation: bʊzəm part of speech: noun clinch in spanish: clinch, pronunciation: klɪntʃ part of speech: noun, verb
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