Hour in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

hour = hora. 

Example: Most host are not available twenty-four hours a day, seven days of the week.


» 24 hours a day, seven days a week = permanentemente los siete días de la semana.

Example: Our Digital Reference Service is now available worldwide 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

» 24 hour(s) service = servicio las 24 horas.

Example: Librarians have begun building Web sites as a means of providing 24 hour services.

» a 24-hour service = un servicio las 24 horas.

Example: For our customers we offer a 24-hour-service hotline.

» after hours [after-hours] = nocturno, después del horario de trabajo, después del horario normal.

Example: Night owl project is an after hours telephone reference service initially unded by an LSCA grant.

» after-school hours = horas después de la escuela, horario extraescolar, después de la escuela.

Example: The article 'The public library and the latchkey children' concludes that the majority of public libraries are being used to some extent for the purpose of caring for children during after-school hours.

» at all hours = a todas horas, en todo momento, siempre.

Example: Since many people go into and out of the hospital at all hours, theft is a concern.

» at an unearthly hour = a una hora intempestiva.

Example: Don't you just love getting up at an unearthly hour, while the rest of the world is still asleep and it's pitch-dark outside?.

» at any hour of the day or night = a cualquier hora del día o de la noche.

Example: The contributions are by some of Harvard's 135 current scholars, who have access to the library's 3.5 million volumes at any hour of the day or night, should they so wish.

» at peak hours = durante las horas punta.

Example: Many demonstrations also suffered from the time delay which plagues Internet use at peak hours in the USA.

» at the eleventh hour = a última hora, en el último momento, in extremis.

Example: The final versions were agreed at the eleventh hour, late on Tuesday 9 December, just before the opening of the Summit.

» banking hours = horario de atención al público, horario de apertura al público. [Generalmente aplicado a los bancos]

Example: Standard banking hours are 9.30am-4pm Monday to Thursday, and 9.30am-5pm Friday, but some banks are open on Saturday mornings.

» be the need of the hour = ser la necesidad del momento, ser una necesidad apremiante.

Example: Genetically Modified (GM) seeds are the need of the hour to bolster farm production in the face of rising demand.

» business hours = horario comercial, horas de apertura, horas de oficina.

Example: In order to improve the quality of library services it is essential to provide suitable equipment and premises and to determine suitable library business hours.

» clock hour = hora de reloj.

Example: However, real time is defined in clock hours -- specifically, the hours that the library's products are available to the clients.

» closing hour = hora de cierre, horario de cierre.

Example: Confirmation of the opening and closing hours for the library.

» connect hour = hora de conexión.

Example: Discount charges are available by contracting to buy a predetermined number of connect hours per year.

» driver's hours = horas al volante.

Example: Into this category would come the regulations covering social provisions in respect of road transport, such as drivers' hours and the use of tachographs, which have an impact on the provision of public transport.

» during peak hours = durante las horas punta.

Example: If you drive by, you will notice two students in uniform controlling the traffic during peak hours.

» early morning hours, the = madrugada, la.

Example: The party raged into the early morning hours drawing the attention of police, who have increased patrols in the area because of end of the year partying.

» every hour that God sends = día y noche, todo el tiempo, sin descanso, sin descansar, sin cesar.

Example: As someone who is at it like billy-o almost every hour that God sends, I was delighted but not surprised by this survey.

» extended hours = horario de apertura más amplio.

Example: There is a continuing need for public libraries to offer extended hours of service.

» extend + Posesivo + hours = ampliar el horario de apertura.

Example: Many information agencies exist on a shoestring budgets find it financially impossible to extend their hours.

» flexibility (in/of) working hours = horario flexible, flexibilidad de horario.

Example: The two main features are continued wage moderation and negotiated flexibility of working hours, particularly part-time jobs.

» flying hours = horas de vuelo. [Expresión usada generalmente en plural]

Example: But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.

» for a couple of hours = durante un par de horas, por un par de horas.

Example: The electricity went off for a couple of hours at the office, and I got some nap time.

» for hours = durante horas.

Example: A good novel will engross me and have me switched off from the real world for hours.

» for hours on end = durante horas y horas, durante muchas horas.

Example: We used to put our kitties on a tether and let them explore the back yard, but not for hours on end.

» for hours upon hours = durante horas y horas, durante muchas horas.

Example: Moving day is stressful enough without having to sit for hours upon hours in bumper to bumper traffic to schlep one trunkful of boxes over at a time.

» for many long hours = durante muchas horas, durante mucho tiempo.

Example: They work terribly, terribly, hard, for many long hours.

» half-hour = media hora.

Example: In order to make my twice-weekly half-hour visits to the class more relaxing and, I hoped, more enjoyable, the teacher designed a special area the children called 'the storycorner'.

» happy hour = hora feliz. [En un bar, período de tiempo durante el cual las consumiciones son más baratas]

Example: Even the U.S. military got in the act, when in 1984 they abolished happy hours at military base clubs.

» hourglass = reloj de arena.

Example: The gland was pale pink in colour with an hourglass shape that was constricted in the middle.

» hour hand = aguja de las horas, manecilla de las horas.

Example: Students first practiced counting by 1s and 5s around a clock with no hands before being introduced to the differing functions of the second, minute and hour hands.

» hours of operation = horario de apertura, horario laboral, horario de trabajo, horario de atención al público.

Example: Days and hours of operation are always weather-dependent and can result in earlier closures without notice.

» idle hours = tiempo libre.

Example: A little later in the same document, in a passage dealing in a rather smug way with the then infant county libraries we read that the purpose of such libraries should be to relieve the tedium of idle hours quite irrespective of intellectual profit or educational gain.

» in + Posesivo + hour of need = cuando más se necesita, cuando más hace falta, en momentos de apuros, en tiempos de apuros, en momentos difíciles, en tiempos difíciles.

Example: I am indebted to you, not just for the help you gave Loub in his hour of need, but also for the kindness you have shown to us.

» in the early hours (of/in the morning) = a primeras horas de la mañana, de madrugada, en la madrugada.

Example: People with depression, for example, often wake up in the early hours of the morning and find themselves unable to get back to sleep.

» in the small hours (of the morning) = de madrugada, a las tantas, a altas horas de la noche, bien entrada la noche.

Example: My Jewish grandfather/mentor always tells me how he gets the most work done in the small hours of the morning before the rest of the world.

» in the span of one hour = en el espacio de una hora, en cuestión de una hora, en el plazo de una hora, en el transcurso de una hora.

Example: In the span of one hour, a new mother can experience more emotions than she did in the previous two months: joy, rage, ambivalence, ecstasy, despair, aggravation, bewilderment, bliss - and everything in between.

» in the wee hours (of the morning) = de madrugada, a las tantas, a altas horas de la noche, bien entrada la noche.

Example: Get up in the wee hours of the morning and head out into the country, far from the city lights so you can observe tomorrow's meteor shower.

» long hours = muchas horas, mucho tiempo.

Example: Long hours of opening are facilitated by the use of part-time student staff.

» long hours, the = horario intenso de trabajo.

Example: Bored out of her mind with the long hours and mundane tasks, she decided to give radio a try.

» lunch hour = hora del almuerzo, almuerzo.

Example: Peak use of the libraries occurs during lunch hours.

» man-hour = hora hombre, hora de trabajo. [Trabajo realizado por una persona en una hora]

Example: To assist public library staff with the increased workload the Provincial Library Centre loans 2 staff for 20 man-hours each week.

» mph [miles per hour] = mph [millas por hora].

Example: Wind generators are certainly cost effective in the nine to eight mph average wind.

» office hours = horas de oficina, horario, horario de apertura.

Example: They are open normal office hours, though some have experimented with late evening opening and some now open on Saturday mornings.

» office hours = tutorías.

Example: Information includes library hours, the academic calendar, daily weather information, faculty office hours and phone numbers, and computing facility locations.

» on the hour = a la hora en punto.

Example: All courtesy buses depart the club on the hour every hour every day -- from 9am until close.

» opening hours = horario de apertura, horario laboral, horario de atención al público. [Número de horas que una biblioteca está abierta al público, de lunes a domingo]

Example: Cuts in the 1988 budget have resulted in cuts in opening hours, staff hours, and book budget.

» operating hours = horario, horas de funcionamiento.

Example: Accurate determination of operating hours is vital in analyzing operating costs = La determinacion exacta de las horas de funcionamiento es de vital importancia en el análisis de los costos de operacion.

» out of hours = a deshora(s), fuera del horario normal.

Example: They are dedicated to out of hours emergency veterinary care for sick and injured pets during evenings, weekends and bank holidays.

» over-long hours = horarios de trabajo demasiado cargados.

Example: Their response to the grinding monotony of repetitive labour and over-long hours was frequent absenteeism.

» over several hours = durante varias horas.

Example: The crock pot is one of the best tools for low-effort cooking, especially for meals designed to cook over several hours.

» peak hour = hora punta.

Example: During the summer, peak hours are 2 to 7 p.m. weekdays, and prices during those hours vary based on demand.

» rush hour = hora punta.

Example: The prospect of transporting more than 2600 individuals through a capital city, in the middle of rush hour, would daunt even the most experienced conference organizers.

» school hours = horas de clase.

Example: Even though we were asked to by the truant officer we don't even report school age children who are in the library during school hours.

» shopping hours = horario comercial, horario de apertura.

Example: The author discusses the effects of the reform of the Sunday shopping hours on national shopping habits.

» slack hours = horas de poca actividad, horas de poco movimiento.

Example: Some libraries will accept questions only during slack hours and have arranged to have an answering device explain that telephone service is not available at that particular time.

» small hours, the = madrugada, la.

Example: Power, psychology, national pride and historical rivalries all intervened to prolong the arguments into the small hours.

» staff hours = dedicación del personal.

Example: Cuts in the 1988 budget have resulted in cuts in opening hours, staff hours, and book budget.

» story hour [storyhour] = hora del cuento.

Example: The mediatheque serves the local, deprived population with story hours, film shows, exchange of stamps and postcards.

» talk for + hours = hablar durante horas, hablar horas y horas.

Example: They say that guys keep conversation short and sweet while girls can talk for hours till they put you to sleep.

» unearthly hour = hora intempestiva, horario intempestivo.

Example: More people are taking the dip into online business and abandoning the huge corporations with overwhelming superiors and unearthly hours.

» ungodly hour = hora intempestiva.

Example: I get up at all sorts of ungodly hours, and I am extremely lazy.

» unsocial hours = horas intespestivas, horas fuera de lo normal. [Generalmente referido al trabajo]

Example: Current interests in greater flexibility in working time are leading to an increase in the extent of unsocial hours working.

» until/till the early hours (of the morning) = hasta (las) altas horas de la madrugada, hasta la madrugada, hasta las tantas (de la madrugada), hasta (las) altas horas de la noche, hasta las tantas (de la noche).

Example: A lot of the bars and cafes are open until the early hours of the morning.

» visiting hours = horario de visita(s), horas de visita(s).

Example: Decisions to limit the number of visitors or visiting hours are made to protect the health and safety of patients, staff and visitors.

» waking hours = horas activas. [En inglés, esta expresión connota las horas en que una persona está despierta]

Example: Librarians, led by men like Melvil Dewey, spent the majority of their waking hours attempting to reduce library work to a 'mechanical art', and their mind-numbing articles weighed heavily upon the pages of 'Library Journal'.

» wee hours of the morning, the = madrugada, la.

Example: Anyone who's spoken to me recently is probably aware that on most nights I'm up slaving away to the wee hours of the morning on my project .

» wee hours, the = madrugada, la.

Example: He was drinking like a fish, every night, into the wee hours.

» while away + the hours = pasar las horas, matar las horas, pasar el tiempo, pasar el rato, matar el tiempo, matar el rato. [También escrito wile away, aunque hay quien lo rechaza como incorrecto]

Example: Most people are content to while away the hours on a beach with a good book in hand and a picnic cooler at their feet.

» wile away + the hours = pasar las horas, matar las horas, pasar el tiempo, pasar el rato, matar el tiempo, matar el rato. [Forma no aceptada por todos de la expresión while away]

Example: With so many images contained this is a book to wile away the hours with, epitomising as it does the notion that learning can be fun.

» work hours = jornada laboral, horario laboral, horario de trabajo.

Example: Sleepiness continues to be a significant issue among medical residents despite recently mandated reductions in resident work hours.

» working hours = jornada laboral, horario laboral, horario de trabajo.

Example: As opening hours increase and working hours decrease, the role of part-time staff must be carefully considered.

» work + long hours = trabajar muchas horas al día, echar muchas horas al día.

Example: In the 80s and 90s, I used to work long hours, often fly coast-to-coast on my assignments, and was deadbeat at the end of the day.

» work + unsocial hours = trabajar a horas intespestivas, trabajar a horas fuera de lo normal.

Example: The author compares British parents who work 'unsocial' hours with and with the Australian situation.

Hour synonyms

minute in spanish: minuto, pronunciation: mɪnət part of speech: noun, adjective hr in spanish: hora, pronunciation: hr part of speech: noun time of day in spanish: hora del dia, pronunciation: taɪmʌvdeɪ part of speech: noun 60 minutes in spanish: 60 minutos, pronunciation: mɪnəts part of speech: noun
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