Hot in spanish
pronunciation: kɑliente part of speech: adjective

hot [hotter -comp., hottest -sup.]1 = caliente, cálido, caluroso, candente. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]
Example: Preferred word forms will also be noted: 'heat' may be preferred to 'hot'.more:
» baking hot = hirviendo, que pela, achicharrando, muy caliente, ardiente, achicharrante, tórrido, abrasador.
Example: He slept on a camp bed in the baking hot room between 12-hour shifts and survived on leftovers brought to him by friendly chefs.» be boiling hot = hacer un calor infernal, hacer un calor abrasador, hacer un calor sofocante.
Example: Would you rather it was boiling hot all year round or freezing cold all year round?.» be boiling hot = estar hirviendo, estar que pela, estar achicharrando.
Example: I felt the phone and it was boiling hot, way too hot to hold for a few seconds.» be boiling hot = achicharrarse de calor, abrasarse de calor, arder de calor, asarse de calor.
Example: She was boiling hot and her hands and feet were freezing.» be hot as hell = hacer un calor de cojones, tener un calor de cojones.
Example: It was summer, of course, so it was hot as hell, but eventually the bus turned up.» be in hot water = estar en un aprieto, estar en apuros, estar con el agua al cuello, estar en un brete.
Example: And if I had known then what I know now I might not have been so eager to accept that offer, because I have been in hot water ever since.» be stifling hot = hacer un calor sofocante, hacer un calor agobiante, hacer un calor asfixiante.
Example: Despite the air-conditioning, the room was stifling hot and my thoughts felt sluggish - of course that might have been the fear.» cut through + Nombre + like a (hot) knife through butter = cortar Algo como si fuera mantequilla.
Example: The branches I was removing had a circumference of approximately 30cm and the chainsaw cut through them like a hot knife through butter.» drop + Nombre + like a hot brick = no querer saber más nada de.
Example: The public is equally quick to worship a winner as to drop a loser like a hot brick.» drop + Nombre + like a hot potato = no querer saber más nada de.
Example: People were just curious, and once they slaked their thirst for this new product, they dropped it like a hot potato.» feel + hot = sentirse caliente.
Example: Feeling hot and excessive sweating can be signs of a thyroid problem, especially of an overactive thyroid.» find + Reflexivo + in hot water = encontrarse con problemas, encontrarse en apuros, encontrarse con el agua al cuello.
Example: Anyway, this time around, the airline is finding itself in hot water for an entirely different reason.» get + (all) hot under the collar = ponerse furioso, ponerse como loco, enfurecerse, encolerizarse, cabrearse, crisparse, acalorarse, sulfurarse.
Example: She is quick to get hot under the collar, but once the problem is ironed out she forgets it entirely.» get + hot = calentarse, hacer calor, tener calor, sentir calor.
Example: Why do my legs always get hot and start itching when I run or walk fast?.» get + hotter = calentarse, hacer cada vez más calor.
Example: The world is getting hotter, and the changing climate poses a threat to most living creatures, not the least of which are snow leopards.» get into + hot water = meterse en un aprieto, meterse en apuros, meterse en problemas, meterse en follones, meterse en líos, meterse en belenes, meterse en camisa de once varas.
Example: He has got into hot water for mentioning an unmentionable truth: some people are not very bright.» get in(to) + hot water = meterse en un aprieto, meterse en apuros, meterse en un lío, meterse en un embrollo, meterse en un brete.
Example: If you get in hot water once for something you said that rubbed somebody else the wrong way, it is indeed possible that the person who took offense is being way too sensitive.» go like + hot cakes = venderse como rosquillas, venderse como churros, venderse como pan caliente.
Example: Don't wait another minute, reservations for this year's tours are going like hot cakes.» gust of hot air = bocanada de aire caliente, bocanada de calor.
Example: The gusts of hot air are unrelenting, diligently carrying fine particles of sand into every crevice in your body.» hit + a hot button = irritar, enojar, exasperar, enervar, cabrear, levantar ampollas.
Example: She's relatively patient, but when you hit a hot button with her, she can go from calm to stark-raving mad and cursing in about .00001 seconds .» hot-foot it to = apresurarse, darse prisa, ir corriendo, ir volando.
Example: Read on for 10 eco-friendly things that you can do with lemons, then hot-foot it to your local farmers' market to stock up.» hot air = aire caliente.
Example: These methods include the use of hot air, steam, and heaters.» hot air = palabrería, retórica, palabras al viento.
Example: All these annual events seem to generate a lot of hot air but very little materializes as a result especially in the Government sector.» hot-air balloon = globo de aire caliente, globo aerostático.
Example: Topics covered include the Bosnia peace talks, hot-air balloons, salt production, and the North American prairie ecosystem.» hot-air ballooning = montar en globo.
Example: Hot-air ballooning is the oldest and most romantic form of aviation in the world.» hot air duct = conducto de aire caliente, tubo de aire caliente.
Example: The capacity of the drier was 650 kg of ear corn which was 40 cm deep over the hot air ducts.» hotbed = semillero.
Example: Plants started in a hotbed and especially those started indoors should be 'hardened' before they are moved into the garden.» hot climate = clima cálido, clima caluroso.
Example: Apples and pears may live in a hot climate for a while, but they won't produce fruit.» hot coal = ascua, brasa.
Example: If you can walk on hot coals you can accomplish anything you put your mind to..» hot cross bun = panecillo de Pascua, hornazo de Pascua.
Example: Hot cross buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday, hot from the oven with lashings of butter.» hot desking = uso compartido de mesas de trabajo. [Método de organización del trabajo según el cual las mesas de trabajo tanto de la dirección como de los empleados no es fija sino que cada uno las utiliza conforme las necesitan pues toda la información está en formato electrónico]
Example: Universities seem to have ignored some of the new approaches adopted by the modern corporate world where the emphasis is on downsizing, flexibility, open plan, hot desking and plug and go = Las universidades parecen haber ignorado algunos de los nuevos métodos adoptados por el mundo empresarial moderno donde se hace hincapié en la reducción de plantilla, la flexibilidad, el diseño abierto, el uso compartido de mesas de trabajo y el 'plug and play'.» hot discussion = discusión acalorada.
Example: There were hot discussions, hard solutions, brilliant brain waves and horrible mistakes.» hot dog = perrito caliente.
Example: The article is entitled 'Exhibits in the American Pavilion at the 1958 Brussels World's Fair: women's clothing, men's gadgets, hot dogs and haute couture'.» hot dog = fantasma, fanfarrón, jactancioso, chulo, petulante, cantamañanas.
Example: Jerry Hairston is a bit of a hot dog and needs to be reined in at times.» hot drink = bebida caliente.
Example: A hot drink is a wonderful way to warm up on a cold day.» hot flash [hot flush, -UK] = sofoco, bochorno. [Generalmente referido a los causados por la menopausa]
Example: Eating flaxseed may not ease menopausal hot flashes after all, despite some promising early evidence that it might.» hot flush [hot flash, -USA] = sofoco, bochorno. [Generalmente referido a los causados por la menopausa]
Example: For some women, the dreaded hot flushes or night sweats which often accompany the menopause can last for as long as a decade.» hot food = comida caliente.
Example: Though coolers are often used to transport cold foods, they can also be used to transport hot foods.» hot ham and cheese sandwich = sandwich mixto caliente, sandwich caliente de jamón (york) y queso.
Example: I had a hot ham and cheese sandwich and potato wedges there yesterday -- I love that place.» hothead = fanático, fogoso, exaltado.
Example: This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.» hot-headed [hotheaded] = fanático, fogoso, exaltado, impetuoso, vehemente.
Example: The 1996 film of 'Romeo and Juliet' is a gripping presentation of Shakespeare's story of star-crossed lovers in an impulsive, hot-headed, violent world.» hot-headedness = fogosidad, impetuosidad, vehemencia.
Example: As soon as she had uttered the words she rued her hot-headedness and wished she could better rein her temper.» hothouse = invernadero.
Example: These plants are often not as hardy when placed in the garden under less than hothouse conditions.» hot iron = hierro caliente.
Example: Some men, by continual sinning, sear even the conscience as with a hot iron, so that it becomes dead and past feeling.» hotkey = atajo de teclado.
Example: Each hotkey has one or more commands that are being executed sequentially.» hotline [hot-line] = teléfono de emergencia, número de emergencia, línea directa.
Example: An I&R service may involve itself in providing 'hotlines', that is emergency help during times of crises or when other services close down, eg evenings, weekends or public holidays.» hotlink [hot-link] = contener hiperenlaces, unir mediante hiperenlaces.
Example: E-Zine-List is an alphabetised, list which is hotlinked to the zines themselves and has grown from 25 entries in 1993 to 430.» hotlink [hot-link] = hiperenlace.
Example: Web based online public access catalogues enable cataloguers to provide hotlinks to Internet based resources of interests to their patrons.» hot-melt = de fusión en caliente.
Example: The product is hot melt and can be dispensed from a standard press or pump.» hot-metal composing machine = máquina de componer en caliente.
Example: But damp paper was still preferred for much ordinary printing until late in the nineteenth century, partly because it evened out the minor inequalities of used type in the days before the introduction of hot-metal composing machines which cast type afresh for each job.» hot-metal machine = máquina de componer en caliente.
Example: They were cold-metal machines, which set pre-cast type, as distinct from the later hot-metal machines which cast fresh type as they went along.» hot off the griddle = recién hecho. [Generalmente hecho a la plancha]
Example: It's a weekend treat to have a pancake brunch with hot off the griddle pancakes and syrup.» hotplate = plancha, plancha de cocinar.
Example: This range of hotplates covers a variety of sizes in cast iron and aluminium on request.» hot potato = patata caliente, asunto candente, tema candente, asunto delicado, tema delicado.
Example: When you're handed a hot potato such as the sickly economy, as is the case with President Obama, the responsible solution is to let it cool down.» hot-rod = bólido.
Example: Some people are interested in photography or painting or dress-making or hot-rods.» hot spell = período de calor, racha de calor, ola de calor.
Example: By Friday night the weather turned for the worst as the hot spell gave way to strong winds and a heavy grey sky.» hot springs = baños de agua caliente, fuentes termales.
Example: A World Heritage City, Bath is renowned for its hot springs, Roman Baths, and Georgian architecture.» hot tool = hierro para dorar. [En encuadernación, pequeñas herramientas manuales usadas para estampar letras o decoraciones sobre la cubiertas o lomo de los libros]
Example: Finally gold leaf was laid in place over the blind impressions, and fixed into them with further impressions of the hot tools, surplus gold being rubbed off.» hot tub = jacuzzi, bañera de hidromasaje.
Example: This form of bacteria survives in hot tubs, especially hot tubs made of wood.» hot water = agua caliente.
Example: For most households, hot water is second only to transport as the largest cause of greenhouse gas emissions.» hot water bottle = bolsa de agua caliente.
Example: I am told that hot water bottles are good for menstrual cramps.» hot water tap = llave del agua caliente, grifo del agua caliente.
Example: The hot water tap works fine, but the cold water tap had a day or two of less water coming out and now it is just a dribble.» hot weather = tiempo caluroso, clima caluroso, temperaturas altas.
Example: Periods of extremely hot weather --heat waves-- can cause serious health problems for everyone.» in hot pursuit of = persiguiendo sin tregua, buscando como loco, pisándole los talones a Alguien.
Example: All of a sudden we heard the roar of jet engines and looked up to see two military jets lifting off the runway in hot pursuit of this object.» in the hot seat = en la línea de fuego, en el puesto de dirección.
Example: The article is entitled 'Sitting in the hot seat: some thoughts from the reference chair'.» just hot air = pura palabrería.
Example: We can complain about politics, politicians and our country's downward spiral, but our words are just hot air if we are not informed.» piping hot = hirviendo, que pela, muy caliente, achicharrando, ardiente, achicharrante, tórrido, abrasador.
Example: The monks then add milk and salt to taste and piping hot Tibetan tea is ready to serve.» red-hot = candente, al rojo vivo.
Example: A commonly quoted version of Edward's death is that he was murdered with a red-hot poker forced up his fundament.» sell like + hot cakes = venderse como rosquillas, venderse como churros, venderse como pan caliente.
Example: Organic farmer stumbles onto a product that is selling like hot cakes -- chives.» strike while + the iron is hot = aprovechar la oportunidad, la ocasión la pintan calva, coger la ocasión por los pelos.
Example: If you fail to strike while the iron is hot, there's a good chance you'll lose your [hotter -comp., hottest -sup.]2 = de plena actualidad, novedoso, candente. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]
Example: But searching an Internet database through hot new technique such as Wide Area Information Servers is vastly different from using the BITNET protocols to rummage through files on one of its server computers.more:
» hot from = recién salido de.
Example: However, in November 1976, with the eighth edition still hot from the press, the decision to revert wholly to indirect subdivision was implemented, thus invalidating a substantial part of the Introduction to the eighth edition.» hot issue = tema candente, asunto candente.
Example: The problems of piracy, misappropriation and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights are a hot issue in international trade.» hot off the griddle = recién salido del horno, de última hora. [Generalmente referido a una noticia]
Example: 'As long as I'm the editor I want news that's hot off the griddle!' she says, rejecting any story more than 15 minutes old = "¡Mientras que yo sea la editora quiero noticias de última hora!" dijo rechazando cualquier noticia que durase más de 15 minutos.» hot off the press(es) = noticia de última hora, recién publicado.
Example: The article is entitled 'Hot Off the Press: Differential Forms in Electromagnetics'.» hot out of the oven = recién salido del horno.
Example: Nothing beats sticky buns hot out of the oven!.» hotspot = zona activa, lugar interesante, punto conflictivo.
Example: By doing so, the system finds hotspots on the Web that contain information germane to a user's query.» hot topic = tema candente, tema de actualidad, asunto candente.
Example: Futurology has become a hot topic in today's world, particularly for managers.» red-hot = de plena actualidad, novedoso, candente.
Example: A fast expanding nightlife and a red-hot design district are making it one of the world's most glamorous destinations.» the next hot thing = la próxima moda.
Example: These could be the next hot thing but they are still very pricy, almost too pricy for most [hotter -comp., hottest -sup.]3 = caliente, cachondo, salido, calenturiento. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]
Example: She's is a well known pornstar for well known reasons, her hot curvy figure, big tits and top performance made her an international pornstar.more:
» be smoking hot = estar buenísimo, estar como un tren, estar como para parar un tren.
Example: Besides the fact she's smoking hot, she has the perfect mix of je-ne-sais-quoi/sophistication in her style, that makes her my best friend.» get + hot = ponerse caliente, ponerse cachondo.
Example: Some couples get hot looking at naked people with each other, and strip clubs are the place to do that.» hot chick = tía buena.
Example: But man she's still a cutie -- I wouldn't mind having a romp in the hay with this hot chick.» smoking hot = despampanante, buenorro, espectacular, buenísimo.
Example: She is one of those ultra sexy, smoking hot women who turn heads when they walk past anyone.