Hare in spanish


pronunciation: liebɹ̩e part of speech: noun
In gestures

hare = liebre. 

Example: The article is entitled 'The immunologist and the Internet -- a tale of the tortoise and the hare?.


» as mad as a March hare = como una cabra, más loco que una cabra, tan loco como una cabra.

Example: I turned and looked into her eyes and knew instantly what I should have known before, that she was as mad as a March hare.

» harebrained = atolondrado, disparatado, descabellado, desatinado. [También escrito hairbrained]

Example: Then one day she finds herself shooting the moon with a scheme so harebrained and daring that it just might succeed.

» hare-lip = labio hendido.

Example: Both hares and rabbits have a split lip, or hare-lip, although there are slight differences since it is only rabbits that have a layer of skin to cover the gums.

» sea hare = liebre marina.

Example: Limpets are related to sea snails, abalones, mussels, and sea hares.

Hare synonyms

rabbit in spanish: Conejo, pronunciation: ræbət part of speech: noun
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