Hardback in spanish

Tapa dura

pronunciation: tɑpɑduɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

hardback = edición en tapa, edición en cartoné, edición en cubierta dura, edición cara, edición en tapas duras. [Tirada de una publicación encuadernada con dos superficies rígidas y resistentes, normalmente de cartón]

Example: This magazine gives quarterly figures of the UK publishing industry's turnover by book categories, by hardback and paperback and by home and export.


» hardback book = libro encuadernado en tapa.

Example: The agency also estimated that 54.5 per cent of households bought no paperbacks and 63.2 per cent of households bought no hardback books.

» hardback covers = libro encuadernado en tapa.

Example: Many paperbacks actually stand up to this usage better than the flimsy hardback covers now being produced.

Hardback synonyms

backed in spanish: Respaldados, pronunciation: bækt part of speech: adjective hardcover in spanish: de tapa dura, pronunciation: hɑrdkəvɜr part of speech: noun hardbound in spanish: encuadernado, pronunciation: hɑrdbaʊnd part of speech: adjective hardbacked in spanish: tapa dura, pronunciation: hɑrdbækt part of speech: adjective
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