Hangout in spanish


pronunciation: koʊlgɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

hang out1 = lugar de encuentro, lugar donde pasar el rato, lugar frecuentado, sitio frecuentado. 

Example: During its existence the facility became a popular 'hang out' for the youth population.

hang out2 = pasar el rato, pasar un rato, pasar el tiempo, frecuentar. 

Example: Bigfoot or Sasquatch is generally depicted as a night creature but at times he will come out at daylight and likes to hang out in the woods.

Hangout synonyms

resort in spanish: recurso, pronunciation: rɪzɔrt part of speech: noun, verb repair in spanish: reparar, pronunciation: rɪper part of speech: noun, verb haunt in spanish: guarida, pronunciation: hɔnt part of speech: verb, noun stamping ground in spanish: terreno de estampación, pronunciation: stæmpɪŋgraʊnd part of speech: noun
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