Halt in spanish


pronunciation: deteneɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

halt1 = detención, paro. 

Example: The success of the investment campaign has led some to call for a total embargo, which would include an academic boycott and a halt to the sale of books.


» brake to + a halt = detenerse frenando, pararse frenando, frenar hasta detenerse, frenar hasta pararse.

Example: Jenna was napping in the back seat when she felt their vehicle brake to a halt.

» bring to + a (grinding) halt = detener completamente.

Example: The author examines the possibility that increased traffic load may bring the information superhighway to a grinding halt.

» call + a halt on = poner fin a, dar fin a.

Example: These are the people who say that libraries should call a halt on 'business as usual', based on what is felt 'to be good for the community'.

» come to + a (dead) halt = detenerse completamente, pararse completamente, detenerse por completo, pararse por completo.

Example: This has largely come to a halt in recent years with some 14 major university libraries remaining with DDC.

» come to + a shuddering halt = detenerse completamente, pararse completamente, detenerse por completo, pararse por completo.

Example: The horse-drawn hearse overturned, causing the funeral procession to come to a shuddering halt and dislodging the coffin.

» grind to + a (screeching) halt = detenerse completamente, pararse completamente, detenerse por completo, pararse por completo.

Example: The library will scarcely grind to a halt if the acquisitions file is unavailable for a day.

» put + a halt to = poner fin a, dar fin a, poner punto (y) final a, dar el puntillazo a, dar la puntilla a, dar por terminado, dar por concluido, acabar con.

Example: This financial crisis put a halt to the project since their lender went bankrupt that year.

» screech to + a halt = detenerse frenando de repente derrapando con un chirrido, pararse frenando de repente derrapando con un chirrido.

Example: Joey slammed on the brakes and the car screeched to a halt just an inch away from the propane tank.

» skid to + a halt = frenar derrapando, detenerse derrapando.

Example: He skidded to a halt before bonking against the living room window.

halt2 = detener, parar, suspender. 

Example: Consequently, a freeze-frame or still-picture effect can be achieved by simply halting the movement of the head across the disc.


» halt + in full flight = detener bruscamente.

Example: I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight during a visit to a college to speak to student teachers by the explosive entrance of a lecturer.

Halt synonyms

check in spanish: comprobar, pronunciation: tʃek part of speech: verb, noun hold in spanish: sostener, pronunciation: hoʊld part of speech: verb, noun block in spanish: bloquear, pronunciation: blɑk part of speech: noun stop in spanish: detener, pronunciation: stɑp part of speech: verb, noun stem in spanish: vástago, pronunciation: stem part of speech: noun, verb freeze in spanish: congelar, pronunciation: friz part of speech: noun, verb settle in spanish: resolver, pronunciation: setəl part of speech: verb stay in spanish: permanecer, pronunciation: steɪ part of speech: verb lame in spanish: cojo, pronunciation: leɪm part of speech: adjective, noun hitch in spanish: enganche, pronunciation: hɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb arrest in spanish: arrestar, pronunciation: ɜrest part of speech: noun, verb staunch in spanish: firme, pronunciation: stɔntʃ part of speech: adjective kibosh in spanish: kibosh, pronunciation: kɪbɔʃ part of speech: verb stanch in spanish: restañar, pronunciation: stæntʃ part of speech: verb crippled in spanish: lisiado, pronunciation: krɪpəld part of speech: adjective stoppage in spanish: paro, pronunciation: stɑpɪdʒ part of speech: noun unfit in spanish: impropio, pronunciation: ənfɪt part of speech: adjective halting in spanish: vacilante, pronunciation: hɔltɪŋ part of speech: adjective

Halt antonyms

go pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb start pronunciation: stɑrt part of speech: verb, noun get going pronunciation: getgoʊɪŋ part of speech: verb
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