Hairless in spanish

Sin pelo

pronunciation: sinpeloʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

hairless = sin pelo, pelado, pelón, calvo. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: Jonah was thrown clothed into the mouth of the sea monster and emerged nude and hairless.

Hairless synonyms

smooth in spanish: suave, pronunciation: smuð part of speech: adjective bald in spanish: calvo, pronunciation: bɔld part of speech: adjective depilatory in spanish: depilatorio, pronunciation: dɪpɪlətɔri part of speech: noun glabrous in spanish: glabro, pronunciation: glæbrəs part of speech: adjective balding in spanish: que se está quedando calvo, pronunciation: bɔldɪŋ part of speech: adjective beardless in spanish: barbilampiño, pronunciation: bɪrdləs part of speech: adjective tonsured in spanish: tonsurado, pronunciation: tɑnʃɜrd part of speech: adjective bald-headed in spanish: calvo, pronunciation: bɔldhidɪd part of speech: adjective bald-pated in spanish: Calvo, pronunciation: bɔldpeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective depilous in spanish: depiloso, pronunciation: dɪpɪləs part of speech: adjective nonhairy in spanish: no lácteos, pronunciation: nɑnheri part of speech: adjective smooth-faced in spanish: cara lisa, pronunciation: smuθfeɪst part of speech: adjective

Hairless antonyms

hirsute pronunciation: hɜrsut part of speech: adjective hairy pronunciation: heri part of speech: adjective
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