Gutted in spanish


pronunciation: destɹ̩ipɑdoʊ part of speech: verb, adjective
In gestures

gut2 = mermar, reducir, vaciar. 

Example: Prices of European produced scientific, technical and medical serials continue to gut US research libraries.

gut3 = destripar. 

Example: When white fish are gutted at sea, washed and iced, they have white flesh on landing because they have had time to bleed.

gut4 = vaciar el interior de Algo. 

Example: The store was gutted and rebuilt, according to his specifications, into a beautiful, modern facility, decorated in vibrant hues and furnished with the latest Herman Miller offerings.


» fire + gut = fuego + destruir por completo.

Example: It gives an overview of the problems faced by the Los Angeles Public Library after it was gutted by the disastrous fire in 1986.



» be gutted = llevarse una desilusión, sentirse hecho polvo, sentirse destrozado, quedarse hecho polvo, llevarse un chasco, llevarse un palo.

Example: Makosi admitted she was gutted to lose the contest.

» feel + gutted = llevarse una desilusión, sentirse hecho polvo, sentirse destrozado, quedarse hecho polvo, llevarse un chasco, llevarse un palo.

Example: I can't help but feel gutted that people who would give their right arm to be there probably won't get tickets.
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