pronunciation: listeθɑ
part of speech: noun
gumption = agallas.
Example: The blame was not theirs that they were so lacking in gumption.
» have + the gumption to = tener el valor de, tener (las) agallas para.
Example: I was in a relationship that I knew was not aligned with my values but did not have the gumption to leave.
Gumption synonyms
in spanish: sentido,
pronunciation: sens
part of speech: noun
in spanish: arena,
pronunciation: grɪt
part of speech: noun
in spanish: arena,
pronunciation: sænd
part of speech: noun
in spanish: columna vertebral,
pronunciation: bækboʊn
part of speech: noun
in spanish: tripas,
pronunciation: gʌts
part of speech: noun
common sense
in spanish: sentido común,
pronunciation: kɑmənsens
part of speech: noun
mother wit
in spanish: madre ingenio,
pronunciation: mʌðɜrwɪt
part of speech: noun
horse sense
in spanish: sentido común,
pronunciation: hɔrssens
part of speech: noun
good sense
in spanish: juicio,
pronunciation: gʊdsens
part of speech: noun