Gross in spanish
pronunciation: bɹ̩utoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun

gross [grosser -comp., grossest -sup.]1 = grave, serio, flagrante. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]
Example: She notes some gross inadequacies of these schemes in classifying African subjects, especially in the social sciences and humanities.more:
» gross benefits = ingresos brutos, beneficios brutos.
Example: The application of game theory to library networks consists of three basic subjects: the calculation of the costs of a network, the calculation of the gross benefits for the whole network, and the stability of the network.» Gross Domestic Product (GDP) = Producto Interior Bruto (PIB).
Example: An extrapolation of the UK regional ILL figures shows that the Gross Domestic Product can be used to predict the volume of the interlending market.» gross ignorance = ignorance crasa, ignorancia supina.
Example: Data from a nation-wide survey reveal gross ignorance of major events, personalities, documents, and literary classics in Western civilisation.» gross income = ingresos brutos.
Example: Information systems frequently cost organizations between one and ten per cent of their gross income.» gross injustice = flagrante injusticia, injusticia flagrante.
Example: It would be a gross injustice if the intelligence agencies were now to carry the can for a war built on such slender foundations.» gross misconduct = falta grave.
Example: Just fire her for gross misconduct and show her the door and leave it at that.» gross mistake = error craso, error garrafal.
Example: Unless we are clear about the answers, we are likely to make a number of gross mistakes in trying to bring children and books together in a tensile and lasting connection.» Gross National Product (GNP) = Producto Nacional Bruto (PNB). [El valor total de los bienes y servicios producidos por un país en un año; cifra que se toma como medida del rendimiento económico de un país]
Example: While the government plans to spend 2% of Gross National Product by year 2000 on research, funding for research libraries is cut.» gross negligence = culpa grave, negligencia grave.
Example: General principles of criminal law, including the difference between recklessness and gross negligence, are reviewed to provide those in the outdoor industry a rough guide as to their possible criminal liability.» gross profit = ingresos brutos, ganancia bruta.
Example: For 217 businesses for which comparable data were available, the gross profit was the same at 29.1 per cent for 1978/9 and 1979/80 but the net trading profit was down from 3.6 per cent to 3.1 per cent.» gross receipts = ingresos brutos.
Example: Publishing on commission, when the author paid all the costs of production and allowed the publisher a percentage of the gross receipts as a payment for producing and handling the book, had been used since early times for specialist publications.» gross revenues = ingresos brutos.
Example: OCLC reported fiscal 2001 as another successful year with gross revenues increasing 8 per cent to 165.3 million dollars and with net revenues reaching 159.8 million dollars with operating expenses 156.9 million dollars.» gross sales = ventas brutas.
Example: Here are some guidelines that will definitely improve your gross sales, and quite naturally, your gross income.gross [grosser -comp., grossest -sup.]2 = burdo, grotesco, grosero, basto, repugnante, horripilante. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]
Example: Janell has always had a soft spot in her heart for animals most people might find gross.gross3 = obtener unos beneficios brutos de, recaudar en bruto.
Example: After grossing 600 million worldwide it is the 2nd most successful animated feature of all time from Disney.more:
» gross + Nombre + out = asquear, repugnar, disgustar, dar asco.
Example: Ally says that, as a general rule, the idea of kissing another woman grosses her out.» gross up + a figure = redondear una cantidad.
Example: The resultant figure is grossed up so that payment can be calculated.