Gay in spanish


pronunciation: gɑi part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

gay = homosexual, gay, maricón, marica. 

Example: There are indications that gay and lesbian readers will be better served in the future.


» gay bar = bar de gays.

Example: The gay bar we see at the beginning of the film looks like a dark harem of good-looking hunks.

» gay liberation = liberación de los homosexuales.

Example: Some librarians have found opposition to the setting up of 'alternative rooms' containing 'movement publications and trade books on women's and gay liberation, the third world, imperialism, yoga, rock music, the draft, prisons, the counter-culture, communes, social change'.

» gay man [gay men, -pl.] = homosexual. [Sexo masculino]

Example: It is the proper function of New Zealand libraries to provide affirmative and empowering information to minority groups such as lesbians and gay men.

» gay marriage = matrimonio gay.

Example: While he supports the fight for gay marriage, the 70-year-old star recently confessed tying the knot never crossed his mind.

Gay synonyms

brave in spanish: valiente, pronunciation: breɪv part of speech: adjective queer in spanish: raro, pronunciation: kwɪr part of speech: adjective, noun gala in spanish: gala, pronunciation: gælə part of speech: noun jovial in spanish: jovial, pronunciation: dʒoʊviəl part of speech: adjective jolly in spanish: alegre, pronunciation: dʒɑli part of speech: adjective, noun cheerful in spanish: alegre, pronunciation: tʃɪrfəl part of speech: adjective merry in spanish: alegre, pronunciation: meri part of speech: adjective indulgent in spanish: indulgente, pronunciation: ɪndʌldʒənt part of speech: adjective homo in spanish: homo, pronunciation: hoʊmoʊ part of speech: noun sunny in spanish: soleado, pronunciation: sʌni part of speech: adjective festive in spanish: festivo, pronunciation: festɪv part of speech: adjective colorful in spanish: vistoso, pronunciation: kʌlɜrfəl part of speech: adjective homosexual in spanish: homosexual, pronunciation: hoʊmoʊsekʃəwəl part of speech: adjective, noun jocund in spanish: jocundo, pronunciation: dʒoʊkənd part of speech: adjective joyous in spanish: jubiloso, pronunciation: dʒɔɪəs part of speech: adjective cheery in spanish: alegre, pronunciation: tʃɪri part of speech: adjective mirthful in spanish: alegre, pronunciation: mɜrθfəl part of speech: adjective braw in spanish: braw, pronunciation: brɔ part of speech: adjective festal in spanish: festivo, pronunciation: festəl part of speech: adjective homophile in spanish: homófilo, pronunciation: hoʊməhaɪl part of speech: adjective, noun
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