Gauge in spanish


pronunciation: kɑlibɹ̩e part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

gage [gauge, -UK]1 = calibre, dimensiones. 

Example: There was from an early stage a tendency towards the standardization of type sizes, which may have arisen originally from the difficulty of altering the gauge of the mould.

gage [gauge, -UK]2 = evaluar, medir, estimar. 

Example: The 2nd 'Think Tank' held in Dallas, June 89, focused on gauging what breakthrough issues are occurring in the field that directly concern libraries and merit consideration.


» gauge + interest = constatar el interés.

Example: They are gauging interest for a user's group meeting, possibly taking place in conjunction with other national meetings.

» gauge + opinion on = recabar la opinión sobre, sondear la opinión sobre.

Example: The main concern is to look into current use of, and interest in, electronic information services, and also to gauge opinion on setting up a data base concerned solely with development issues.

» gauge + Posesivo + reaction = recabar + Posesivo + opinión.

Example: This article describes results of a questionnaire survey to gauge users' reactions and to examine the suitability of continuing the system on a permanent basis.

» gauge + public opinion = recabar la opinión pública, sondear la opinión pública.

Example: The article is entitled 'Gauging public opinion on libraries'.

» gauge + the demand for = estimar la demanda de Algo.

Example: Gauging the potential demand for a 'difficult' novel by a completely new author is obviously a hazardous business and might result in books standing unwanted on the shelves.

» gauge + the effectiveness of = evaluar la eficacia de Algo.

Example: This section considers a few devices with which it is possible to gauge the effectiveness of an index or set of search keys.

» gauge + the impact of = medir el impacto de Algo.

Example: This study attempts to gauge the impact the availability of this information has on reference services.

» gauge + the implications of = evaluar las implicaciones de Algo.

Example: This study was conducted to gauge the practical and theoretical implications of fees for services in libraries on a national and an international basis.

» gauge + the success of = evaluar el éxito de Algo.

Example: The commercial success of a book must always be gauged according to the expectations of the publisher.

gauge [gage, -USA]1 = calibre, dimensiones. 

Example: There was from an early stage a tendency towards the standardization of type sizes, which may have arisen originally from the difficulty of altering the gauge of the mould.


» blood pressure gauge = tensiómetro, esfigmomanómetro, esfingomanómetro.

Example: Lie down for 3 to 5 minutes and then measure your blood pressure with a blood pressure gauge.

» pressure gauge = manómetro.

Example: Fill pipes or plumbing fixtures with water or air and observe pressure gauges to detect and locate leaks.

» rain gauge = pluviómetro.

Example: Rain gauges are thought to be the most ancient weather instruments, and they're believed to have been used in India more than 2,000 years ago.

» tyre pressure gauge = manómetro de presión de los neumáticos.

Example: Before traveling long distances, always check your tyre pressure to ensure that they are correct with a tyre pressure gauge.

» wind gauge = anemómetro.

Example: A wind gauge can also be helpful in reminding you to secure the patio furniture, or shut off the lawn sprinkler due to high wind conditions.

gauge [gage, -USA]2 = evaluar, medir, estimar. 

Example: The 2nd 'Think Tank' held in Dallas, June 89, focused on gauging what breakthrough issues are occurring in the field that directly concern libraries and merit consideration.


» gauge + interest = constatar el interés.

Example: They are gauging interest for a user's group meeting, possibly taking place in conjunction with other national meetings.

» gauge + opinion on = recabar la opinión sobre, sondear la opinión sobre.

Example: The main concern is to look into current use of, and interest in, electronic information services, and also to gauge opinion on setting up a data base concerned solely with development issues.

» gauge + public opinion = recabar la opinión pública, sondear la opinión pública.

Example: The article is entitled 'Gauging public opinion on libraries'.

» gauge + reaction = recabar + Posesivo + opinión.

Example: This article describes results of a questionnaire survey to gauge users' reactions and to examine the suitability of continuing the system on a permanent basis.

» gauge + the demand for = estimar la demanda de Algo.

Example: Gauging the potential demand for a 'difficult' novel by a completely new author is obviously a hazardous business and might result in books standing unwanted on the shelves.

» gauge + the effectiveness of = evaluar la eficacia de Algo.

Example: This section considers a few devices with which it is possible to gauge the effectiveness of an index or set of search keys.

» gauge + the impact of = medir el impacto de Algo.

Example: This study attempts to gauge the impact the availability of this information has on reference services.

» gauge + the implications of = evaluar las implicaciones de Algo.

Example: This study was conducted to gauge the practical and theoretical implications of fees for services in libraries on a national and an international basis.

» gauge + the success of = evaluar el éxito de Algo.

Example: The commercial success of a book must always be gauged according to the expectations of the publisher.

Gauge synonyms

estimate in spanish: estimar, pronunciation: estəmət part of speech: noun, verb judge in spanish: juez, pronunciation: dʒʌdʒ part of speech: noun, verb guess in spanish: adivinar, pronunciation: ges part of speech: verb, noun gage in spanish: calibrar, pronunciation: geɪdʒ part of speech: noun approximate in spanish: aproximado, pronunciation: əprɑksəmət part of speech: adjective
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