Gaudy in spanish


pronunciation: jɑmɑtiboʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

gaudy [gaudier -comp., gaudiest -sup.] = ostentoso, chabacano, hortera. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Less gaudy techniques are usually in the end more successful.

Gaudy synonyms

flash in spanish: destello, pronunciation: flæʃ part of speech: noun loud in spanish: ruidoso, pronunciation: laʊd part of speech: adjective, adverb meretricious in spanish: rimbombante, pronunciation: merətrɪʃəs part of speech: adjective cheap in spanish: barato, pronunciation: tʃip part of speech: adjective tawdry in spanish: cursi, pronunciation: tɔdri part of speech: adjective garish in spanish: llamativo, pronunciation: gerɪʃ part of speech: adjective tacky in spanish: pegajoso, pronunciation: tæki part of speech: adjective colorful in spanish: vistoso, pronunciation: kʌlɜrfəl part of speech: adjective gimcrack in spanish: de mala calidad, pronunciation: gɪmkræk part of speech: adjective brassy in spanish: de latón, pronunciation: bræsi part of speech: adjective flashy in spanish: ostentoso, pronunciation: flæʃi part of speech: adjective trashy in spanish: de pacotilla, pronunciation: træʃi part of speech: adjective tatty in spanish: raído, pronunciation: tæti part of speech: adjective showy in spanish: llamativo, pronunciation: ʃoʊi part of speech: adjective tasteless in spanish: insípido, pronunciation: teɪstləs part of speech: adjective sporty in spanish: deportivo, pronunciation: spɔrti part of speech: adjective jazzy in spanish: llamativo, pronunciation: dʒæzi part of speech: adjective
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