Garrison in spanish


pronunciation: guɑɹ̩niθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

garrison1 = guarnición, guarnición militar. 

Example: Thirty-five cannons with a range of one and one-half miles once defended the region, and 17 of them still lie within the garrison.


» garrison town = plaza fuerte.

Example: In a new strategy, Muslim rebels shelled Algeria's main garrison town for about three hours, killing 12 civilians and wounding 85.

» garrison troops = tropas de guarnición.

Example: The Saxon garrison troops are certainly in general much more colourful than Prussian garrison troops.

garrison2 = guarnecer, guarnecer con tropas, acuartelar. 

Example: Saint Helena was garrisoned by the British during the 17th century.

Garrison synonyms

fort in spanish: fuerte, pronunciation: fɔrt part of speech: noun
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