Garment in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩endɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

garment = prenda, vestido, prenda de vestir. 

Example: The garment was identified as the wedding dress of Margaret of Denmark who married James III of Scotland in 1469.


» garment industry, the = industria de la confección, la.

Example: These are services that are considered essential in the garment industry.

» undergarment = prenda interior, prenda de ropa interior, prenda íntima.

Example: The tradition associating this rare medieval clerical undergarment with the English martyr is traceable to the late 14th or early 15th c.

Garment synonyms

clothe in spanish: vestir, pronunciation: kloʊð part of speech: verb dress in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: dres part of speech: noun apparel in spanish: vestir, pronunciation: əpærəl part of speech: noun raiment in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: reɪmənt part of speech: noun garb in spanish: traje, pronunciation: gɑrb part of speech: noun tog in spanish: ataviar, pronunciation: tɑg part of speech: verb habilitate in spanish: habilitar, pronunciation: həbɪlɪteɪt part of speech: verb fit out in spanish: equipar, pronunciation: fɪtaʊt part of speech: verb enclothe in spanish: encerrar, pronunciation: enkloʊð part of speech: verb

Garment antonyms

strip pronunciation: strɪp part of speech: noun unclothe pronunciation: ənkloʊð part of speech: verb undress pronunciation: əndres part of speech: verb, noun disrobe pronunciation: dɪsroʊb part of speech: verb discase pronunciation: dɪskeɪs part of speech: verb uncase pronunciation: ənkeɪz part of speech: verb strip down pronunciation: strɪpdaʊn part of speech: verb
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