Fund in spanish
pronunciation: finɑnθiɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun

fund1 = partida presupuestaria, fondos.
Example: If the price is different, the default price should be changed so that the financial records for the fund are correctly committed.more:
» accumulate + fund = recaudar fondos.
Example: Their purposes was to settle the disputes between the members, to negotiate with master, to accumulate and disburse a benevolent fund, and to exact contributions for drinks and parties.» allocate + funds = asignar un presupuesto, asignar fondos, destinar fondos, librar fondos.
Example: Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.» benevolent fund = fondo de auxilio. [Cantidad que se acumula en una sociedad para ayudar a sus miembros en caso de emergencia]
Example: Their purposes was to settle the disputes between the members, to negotiate with master, to accumulate and disburse a benevolent fund, and to exact contributions for drinks and parties.» bindery fund = partida presupuestaria para la encuadernación.
Example: Only bindery funds may be chosen.» binding fund = partida presupuestaria para la encuadernación.
Example: To distinguish the two fund types visually, it is often useful to begin or end the binding funds with a special character, say, an asterisk.» book funds [bookfunds] = presupuesto para la compra de libros.
Example: Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.» budget fund = partida presupuestaria, central de gastos.
Example: Criteria for allocating book budget funds should be based on 11 factors which are separately discussed.» canvass + funds = solicitar fondos.
Example: The committee suggested that the next time they should canvass the bank for funds.» commit + fund = asignar una partida presupuestaria, asignar dinero.
Example: Because of mixed results, a study was undertaken to learn how other libraries utilise in-house processes, what alternative methods of in-house binding they use and how they commit their funds for commercial binding.» disburse + fund = desembolsar fondos.
Example: Their purposes was to settle the disputes between the members, to negotiate with master, to accumulate and disburse a benevolent fund, and to exact contributions for drinks and parties.» dispose of + funds = disponer de fondos.
Example: CRG has always remained an amateur organization in the sense that it does not dispose of large funds, and its members are actuated by enthusiasm for the subject rather than by the hope of wealth.» divert + funds = desviar fondos.
Example: Some large libraries and specialized collections have diverted sizable funds from other activities to preserve materials already in their collections.» EAGGF (European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund) = FEOGA (Fondos Europeos de Orientación y de Garantía Agrícola).
Example: This has been achieved by the establishment of a common fund, the 'European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund' (EAGGF, but often referred to by its French initials as FEOGA -- Fonds Europeen d'Orientation et de Garantie Agricole).» elicit + funds = recabar fondos, recaudar fondos.
Example: The purpose of a business plan is to elicit funds from outside sources for either thedevelopment of a new business or the expansion of an existing business.» endowment fund = donación económica de fundación.
Example: Endowment funds range from zero to 5 million.» equalisation fund = fondo de compensación.
Example: The overall amount available for the equalisation fund is negotiated yearly between the government and the municipalities.» European Development Fund = Fondo para el Desarrollo Europeo.
Example: The European Development Fund finances projects in overseas countries for which European-based firms can supply equipment and know-how.» European Regional Development Fund = Fondo para el Desarrollo Regional Europeo.
Example: The European Regional Development Fund provides cash for regional economic development and recovery in the worst off regions in the Community.» expend + funds = gastar dinero.
Example: Management data, such as numbers of items borrowed, funds expended in various directions, current awareness notifications followed up (that is, items borrowed after announcement), are very important to a library.» fund accounting = contabilidad.
Example: The resulting organisational changes are discussed, as well as workflow adjustments from preorder searching and ordering to receiving and fund accounting.» fund assistance = ayuda económica, ayuda financiera.
Example: The benefits to be gained from using fund assistance to help with local authority capital projects on roads, drainage, industrial sites, etc., were obvious.» fund development = recaudación de fondos.
Example: In addition the library could not draw on its own resources to fund development and there was virtually no access to foreign capital.» fundraiser [fund-raiser] = actividad dirigida a recabar fondos.
Example: This paper describes fundraisers, organised by a civic group in Northern Pennsylvania, which may be adapted for raising funds for public libraries by Friends of the Library organisations.» fundraiser [fund-raiser] = persona encargada de recabar fondos.
Example: These groups typically use paid fundraisers to solicit donations.» fundraising [fund-raising] = recaudación de fondos, captación de fondos.
Example: As the library is dependent on donations, fundraising is an important part of the librarian's tasks.» funds = fondo económico.
Example: For some time there have been insufficient funds to support the central management of the scheme.» funds = dinero.
Example: Funds received from federal or foundation grants are allocated for specific projects or programs on a one-time or temporary basis, and such funds are considered 'soft' money as compared to funds for permanently authorized positions.» Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) = Sección de Garantía del Asesoramiento Agrícola y del Fondo de Garantía Europeo (EAGGF).
Example: The Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) aims to provide a secure income for Community farmers and seeks to alleviate the problems of agriculture within the Community.» hedge fund = fondo de cobertura, fondo de inversión libre.
Example: For the most part, hedge funds (unlike mutual funds) are unregulated because they cater to sophisticated investors.» injection of funds = inyección de fondos.
Example: There are so many camels out and about causing damage to the landscape that we've decided to have a reasonably decent injection of funds to get stuck into this issue.» International Monetary Fund [IMF], the = Fondo Monetario Internacional [FMI], el.
Example: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cut its forecast for world economic growth for a third time this year.» library fund = partida presupuestaria.
Example: The acquisition file is indexed by vendor and library fund.» lien + funds = comprometer dinero.
Example: Sometimes, for example, by not immediately liening funds for an expensive reference work that is just announced, one may benefit from reviews or an opportunity to examine the work before committing the money.» manage + funds = administrar el presupuesto, administrar dinero.
Example: Command of various techniques for forecasting payments and managing funds is necessary to expend fully without overspending the annual materials budget.» mutual fund = fondo mutualista, fondo de inversión, fondo común de inversión.
Example: For the most part, hedge funds (unlike mutual funds) are unregulated because they cater to sophisticated investors.» operating funds = fondo para gastos de funcionamiento, partida para gastos de funcionamiento, presupuesto para gastos de funcionamiento.
Example: Some 4 million dollars of that increase is dedicated to operating funds, representing an increase of 30 per cent over previous levels.» pension fund = fondo de pensiones, plan de pensiones, plan de jubilación.
Example: Pension funds control relatively large amounts of capital and represent the largest institutional investors in many nations.» provident fund = fondo de previsión.
Example: Contributions to provident funds made by employers are tax deductible while contributions by members are not = Las contribuciones a los fondos de previsión de los empleados son desgravables, mientras que las contribuciones de los miembros no lo son.» public funds = fondos públicos, dinero público, erario público.
Example: This is probably a misuse of public funds and a betrayal of public trust.» pump prime + funds = recaudar dinero.
Example: The parent/teachers' association has been a valuable source of pump priming funds for the school library.» raise + funds = recabar fondos, recaudar fondos.
Example: This article examines Sika's successes in raising funds for the restoration of historic buildings, as well as his involvement in mining events and the education of miners.» reserve fund = fondo de reserva.
Example: However, in the case when the user's input fails, we would like to void the reserve funds.» retirement fund = seguro de jubilación, plan de pensiones, plan de jubilación.
Example: Some businesses use their retirement funds as a stopgap measure when clients are taking longer than usual to pay their bills.» sinking fund = fondo de amortización.
Example: One proposal would allow districts to use 'sinking-fund' taxes.» solicit + funds = recabar fondos.
Example: They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds from some of the large corn processors and farm equipment manufacturers.» superannuation fund = fondo de pensiones, plan de jubilación, plan de pensiones.
Example: Employees who are considering changing superannuation funds should be aware that some funds may charge a transaction fee.» trust fund = fondo fudiciario, fondo fideicomiso.
Example: These trust funds will enable EU countries to pool resources to provide coordinated and prompt financial assistance in times of crisis.» UNICEF [United Nation's International Children's Emergency Fund] = UNICEF [Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia].
Example: UNICEF (United Nation's International Children's Emergency Fund) is looking to restore normalcy to the lives of children in the disaster area.» win + funds = conseguir fondos.
Example: The title of the article is 'Winning funds without losing friends'.fund2 = financiar, subvencionar.
Example: Although a few library building projects will be adequately funded, many others will receive only partial funding, and cost will be a major factor in most cases.more:
» co-fund = cofinanciar.
Example: He also said that the school is expected to be self-reliant in the long run but for the time being will be co-funded by all stakeholders.» re-fund = volver a financiar, volver a recibir financiación, volver a subvencionar.
Example: The program was not re-funded for the 1984-85 school year.» refund = reembolsar, devolver, resarcir.
Example: The tax will be refunded but there will be a budgetary shortfall until the refund is received and extra funding will be needed to tide libraries over this period.