Fuller in spanish
pronunciation: bɑtɑn part of speech: noun

full [fuller -comp., fullest -sup.] = completo, total, lleno, pleno, pletórico. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]
Example: Since recall goes up as precision goes down, it is clearly not possible to achieve in general a system which gives full recall at the same time as full precision.more:
» achieve + Posesivo + full potential = lograr desarrollar el potencial de Algo, aprovechar las posibilidades de Algo, desarrollar el potencial de Algo, conseguir realizarse plenamente.
Example: Until this preference is shifted to on-line full text retrieval, the data base industry will achieve only a fraction of its full potential.» actionful [action-full] = lleno de acción.
Example: Men will often stick at the actionful adventure story; stage they often get a taste for at about the age of ten.» a full range of = una gran variedad de, una gran diversidad de, una gran gama de.
Example: Clwyd, noted for innovatory policies, has a Centre for Educational Technology with a theatre, cinema, arts centre, television studies, and a full range of audio-visual materials.» a full roster of = un gran número de.
Example: This university is a privately supported and largely residential institution and it offers a full roster of degrees.» at full blast = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a todo volumen, a todo vapor, a toda máquina, a toda marcha, a todo meter.
Example: With every air-conditioner running at full blast, the city's creaky infrastructure is often stretched beyond the breaking point.» at full capacity = a pleno rendimiento, a tope.
Example: Iran's first nuclear power plant will be connected to the national grid at full capacity in the coming weeks.» at full gallop = a todo galope, a toda velocidad.
Example: He was soon at the door in his van, as merry as a lark, when I mounted and we started off at a full gallop.» at full price = a su precio normal.
Example: Buy one at full price and get one at half price.» at full speed = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a todo vapor, a toda máquina, a toda marcha, a toda mecha, a todo meter.
Example: A train cruising at full speed hit an excavator that had backed up onto the track.» at full stretch = l máximo, a todo gas, a toda mecha, a toda marcha, a todo meter, a todo vapor.
Example: Gloucestershire has been badly affected by heavy rain, with the fire and rescue service working at full stretch.» at full throttle = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a todo vapor, a toda máquina, a toda marcha, a toda mecha, a todo meter.
Example: For the past three it has been operating at full throttle.» at full tilt = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a todo vapor, a toda máquina.
Example: Their regular tasks keep them working at full tilt at all times.» at (the) full price = al precio de venta al público, sin descuento.
Example: I do have to also admit, that I can count on my hands how many purchases I've made this year at full price.» be full of + Reflexivo = ser un engreído, ser un creído, ser un vanidoso, ser un presuntuoso, ser un pedante, tener muchos humos.
Example: That gets on my nerves, they are cocky and full of themselves.» be a full house = haber lleno al completo, estar lleno al completo, haber lleno total, estar lleno total.
Example: There will be a full house and we'll have to give them a guard of honour.» be (all) out in (full) force = acudir en masa, aglomerar las calles, abarrotar las calles, concentrarse, aglomerarse, llenar las calles, salir en masa, salir en bandada, salir con toda su fuerza.
Example: Myanmar's police and military were out in force again on Friday, patrolling the deserted streets.» bear + the (full) brunt of = soportar (todo) el peso de, llevar (todo) el peso de, ser el más afectado por.
Example: A woman seems to bear the full brunt of everything that could possibly go wrong with her child from the moment of conception on.» become + full = llenarse.
Example: Watch what happens when the output diskette becomes full.» be full of = estar lleno de, estar repleto de.
Example: The rhetoric of curriculum change in SLIS is full of such large judgements and unanswered questions.» be full of beans = estar lleno de energía, estar lleno de vitalidad, estar pletórico de energía, estar pletórico de vitalidad, estar repleto de energía, estar repleto de vitalidad.
Example: Deciding whether an unruly child has something wrong in his genes or is just full of beans may determine whether he's scolded or offered remedial education.» be full of character = tener mucho carácter, tener un carácter muy fuerte, tener mucha personalidad, tener una personalidad muy fuerte.
Example: The apartment was full of character and it really felt like home away from home.» be full of crap = decir tonterías, decir estupideces, decir sandeces, decir disparates, decir gilipolleces, hablar tonterías, hablar estupideces, hablar sandeces, hablar disparates, hablar gilipolleces.
Example: If you're full of crap or know someone who is, this is the place for you.» be full of energy = estar lleno de energía, estar lleno de vitalidad, estar pletórico de energía, estar pletórico de vitalidad, estar repleto de energía, estar repleto de vitalidad.
Example: They were full of energy and that brought the party to life.» be full of years = estar cargado de años, ser viejo, cargar con muchos años sobre los hombros.
Example: Jacob is old and full of years = Jacob es viejo y carga con muchos años sobre sus hombros.» be in full cry (over) = poner el grito en el cielo, ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, ponerse (hecho/como) una fiera, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.
Example: The left, meanwhile, is in full cry over the commission's allegedly draconian cuts in Social Security benefits.» bring + Pronombre + full-circle = volver al punto de partida, completar el ciclo, volver al principio.
Example: Together, they represent the onset of the cataclysm of which Noah is the triumphant conclusion, thus bringing us full circle.» carry on + full steam ahead = avanzar a todo vapor, avanzar a toda máquina, avanzar a todo gas, avanzar a toda pastilla, avanzar viento en popa, avanzar a toda mecha, avanzar a todo meter.
Example: The rest of the world will carry on full steam ahead irrespective of who you are in this world, only a handfull of people will feel genuine loss if this had to happen.» chock-full = abarrotado, de bote en bote, a tope, hasta los topes, atestado, petado, lleno, repleto.
Example: Herbal cancer remedy is chock-full of drugs.» come (all) out in + (full) force = acudir en masa, aglomerar las calles, abarrotar las calles, concentrarse, aglomerarse, llenar las calles, salir en masa, salir en bandada, salir con toda su fuerza.
Example: The supporters of Henry George came out in force last night and marched over a route two miles long.» come + full circle = completar el ciclo, volver al punto de partida, volver al principio.
Example: Once the planning team is formed, there needs to be consideration of how often the process comes full circle and begins to repeat.» come into + full bloom = alcanzar el punto más álgido.
Example: Combined with acces to full texts of papers online in the near future, the navigational and retrieval capabilities of citation links will finally come into full bloom.» come to + a full stop = detenerse completamente, pararse completamente, detenerse por completo, pararse por completo.
Example: Right turns at red lights are only allowed after coming to a full stop and yielding right-of-way to pedestrians and other vehicles.» come to + full flower = alcanzar la plenitud, hacerse realidad.
Example: It is a time when old rules give way to new and when expectations com to full flower.» develop + Nombre + to its full potential = desarrollar al máximo, aprovechar las posibilidades de Algo.
Example: In the future, when videotex is developed to its full potential, deaf people will be able to use it to transmit messages person-to-person simply and rapidly.» develop + Posesivo + (full) potential = desarrollar el potencial de Algo/Alguien, aprovechar las posibilidades de Algo.
Example: This view intensifies the problems which technical staff experience when attempting to develop their potential.» enjoy + each moment to the full(est) = disfrutar al máximo (de) cada momento.
Example: Sometimes we have to take a step back and remind ourselves to be present now and to enjoy each moment to the fullest.» enjoy + life to the full = disfrutar (de) la vida a tope, disfrutar (de) la vida al máximo.
Example: We all want to enjoy life, but are we enjoying it to the extent that we can to enjoy life to the full?.» exploit + Posesivo + full potential = sacar el máximo partido, aprovechar al máximo.
Example: This, however, falls short of exploiting the full potential of the microcomputer to revolutionize the way in which business documents, memoranda, reports etc. are produced and disseminated.» full-blown = completo, extenso, total.
Example: Reference transactions can range from the ready-reference, or short-answer question, to the full-blown research inquiry to establish methodology.» full board = pensión completa.
Example: All June departures are £599 per person which include full board for 7 nights, flights and transfers with no hidden charges.» full-board accommodation = alojamiento en régimen de pensión completa, pensión completa.
Example: Package B includes full-board accommodation in a student residence in a single or double room with shared bathroom.» full-bodied = completo, hecho y derecho, con todas las de la ley, en toda regla.
Example: By adulthood the child's literary consciousness has grown into a full-bodied appreciation of the work of the great imaginative writers.» full cataloguing = catalogación completa. [Nivel de catalogación superior que incluye todos los elementos prescritos en la descripción bibliográfica]
Example: One library might wish to use very full cataloguing, and would thus need to use most of the data; another might wish to use abbreviated cataloguing, and select only the author, title and date.» full-colour = en color, de colores, de color, a todo color.
Example: Engelmann's technique used only three colour stones (red, yellow, and blue) to make a full-colour print.» full-day = de un día de duración.
Example: The 4 full-day and 40 shorter sessions were attended by a total of over 1,200 delegates.» full-dress uniform = uniforme de gala.
Example: The full-dress uniforms -- white for summer and sea green for the remainder of the year -- were worn with dirks and white gloves.» full edition = edición completa.
Example: In addition to the full edition, there exist abridged and medium editions of the scheme.» full-featured = completo, con todas las prestaciones.
Example: The EPIC service is a full-featured on-line reference system that provides subject access, and keyword and Boolean searching to a variety of databases.» full-fed = harto de comida.
Example: In Little Gidding T.S. Eliot gives us some lines that express what I mean not just by saying it but by demonstrating it too: Last season's fruit is eaten And the full-fed beast shall kick the empty pail.» full-figured = rellenito, regordete, rechoncho, retaco, metido en carnes, entrado en carnes, gordinflón, gordiflón, tripón.
Example: Full-figured women know how hard it can be to find a proper fitting bra.» full-flavoured [full-flavored, -USA] = lleno de sabor, sabroso.
Example: Full-flavoured, deliciously sweet and tender, British asparagus is regularly described as the 'best in the world'.» full-fledged = completo, con todas las de la ley, en toda regla.
Example: Once the functional and informal network seeks to widen its influence, it becomes a full-fledged institution.» full force = impacto, toda la fuerza, toda la fuerza del impacto.
Example: Ireland's rugged coastline combined with the full force of Atlantic swell provides suitable conditions for surfing.» full force of the law, the = todo el peso de la ley.
Example: I'd like to see the full force of the law brought down on these people who are involved in this riotous behaviour.» full-frame = de fotograma completo.
Example: Most film-strips are full-frame but some are half-frame, ie they have two smaller pictures occupying the same area as would normally be filled by one.» full-frontal = de portada.
Example: This article discusses various aspects of the display of library materials such as full-frontal versus spinal display, and others.» full-grown = adulto.
Example: A full-grown horse or dog is beyond comparison a more rational, as well as a more conversable animal, than an infant of a day, or a week, or even a month.» full house = lleno completo, lleno total.
Example: This article describes the success of a story-telling programme which brings full houses in central and branch libraries.» full information display = pantalla de información completa.
Example: The 'substitute short date' note replaces the date information on the short and the full information displays.» full information screen = pantalla de información completa.
Example: If the first date is zero, only the second date is displayed on the short and full information screens.» full initials = todas las iniciales del nombre propio.
Example: A correctly rendered surname together with the full initials is usually sufficient to ensure that the searcher will have no trouble, for instance, HAY, E.S.» full-length = completo, extenso.
Example: Plays and music performances put on by staff and children require less arduous preparation than a full-length public performance.» full marathon = maratón completo, maratón entero.
Example: Training for full marathons involves a lot of work, and you need to get everything right if you want to become good at it.» full marks to = premio para, sobresaliente para, enhorabuena a/para, felicitaciones a/para.
Example: Full marks to the film's creators for balancing a vision of a peaceful world with an adventure story that takes us forward at the speed of lightning.» full moon = luna llena, plenilunio.
Example: The rate of absorption of water by roots was significantly greater during the full moon phase than during the new moon phase.» full-motion = de movimiento total.
Example: A multimedia computer system can integrate two or more types of media materials in digital form, such as audio, image, full-motion video, and text information.» full name = nombre completo, nombre y apellidos.
Example: If initials only are noted effort is saved in reproducing full names and seeking out full forenames.» full of = lleno de, repleto de, pletórico de.
Example: The idea was exquisite but full of terror.» full of character = lleno de carácter.
Example: It is a small town, full of charm and character, and is very welcoming to students of all nationalities.» full of charm = lleno de encanto.
Example: It is a small town, full of charm and character, and is very welcoming to students of all nationalities.» full of conceit = todo vanidoso, todo engreído, todo arrogante.
Example: I arrived at the airdrome full of conceit, thinking I was a real pilot.» full of confidence = lleno de confianza, con la moral por las nubes.
Example: The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.» full of doubts = lleno de dudas.
Example: The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.» full of genius = genial.
Example: The problem with Ireland is that it's a country full of genius, but with absolutely no talent.» full of opinions = prepotente, dogmático.
Example: He was most definitely not their kind of Republican - a moderate, a maverick; outspokenly full of opinions that made their hair stand on end.» full-page = de página completa.
Example: Finally a second set of plates was cast from the original, full-page, moulds.» full potential = posibilidades.
Example: There is an interesting and very relevant project under way to demonstrate the full potential of TeletexProject Hermes (the winged messenger of the gods).» full price = precio normal, precio íntegro.
Example: Below is the list of tickets offered today for half-price, special offers, and full-price.» full professor = catedrático. [En los Estados Unidos, profesor universitario cuya situación laboral está por encima de la de associate professor (profesor titular)]
Example: A follow-up study was carried out in independent use of CAS ON-LINE data bases for all interested faculty members from full professors to teaching assistants.» full professorship = cátedra.
Example: It was customary to retain a full professorship until death, regardless of one's ability to carry out the various associated duties.» full-provision database = base de datos completa. [Base de datos que contiene la referencia y el texto completo]
Example: The result could be termed a full-provision data base -- a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.» full-scale = a escala natural, a fondo, completo, hecho y derecho, con todas las de la ley, en toda regla.
Example: Obviously, staff will have to be instructed in the use of the new system, be it word processing or a full-scale circulation system.» full-screen = de pantalla completa.
Example: The new technology provides full-motion, full-screen, and three dimensional motion graphics from a single compact disc as well as from other high-speed digital media.» full-service = completo, hecho y derecho.
Example: In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service center, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.» full-size(d) = de tamaño real, de tamaño natural.
Example: In most of these cases, however, a limited number of full-size 'blow-ups', on paper, are also produced which can be made available to users who cannot use microfiche.» full-sized = de tamaño normal, de tamaño estándar.
Example: The platen jobber was a simple machine for dealing with the minor jobs such as billheads and cards for which the hand-press was too slow and the full-sized printing machine too large to be economic.» full speed ahead = a todo vapor, a toda máquina, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, viento en popa, a todo meter, a toda mecha, adelante a toda máquina, avante a toda máquina.
Example: We are full speed ahead, we are hoping to continue the good work that we have started.» full steam ahead = a todo vapor, a toda máquina, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, viento en popa, a todo meter, a toda mecha, adelante a toda máquina, avante a toda máquina.
Example: The article 'Full steam ahead' describes the implementation of optical disc based imaging system at the photographic library of the National Railway Museum in York.» full stop (.) = punto (.), punto final, punto y seguido. [En inglés, no se distingue como en español entre punto final y punto y seguido]
Example: There is no space before a full stop, but a space is left after one.» full stop = punto (y) final, y punto (y) pelota, fin de la discusión, y aquí se acaba la discusión, y aquí se acaba el tema.
Example: This is what I do, it's my life, it's my love, and I am physically and emotionally compelled to do it, full stop.» full-stretch dive = palomita, estirada. [En fútbol, parada espectacular del portero]
Example: He kicked a superb volley from the edge of the area, but found that the quality was matched by the goalie's full-stretch dive to tip it away for a corner kick.» full-term = a término, nuevemesino, sin complicaciones.
Example: Most healthy, full-term, newborn babies can sleep through the whole night without feeding by the time they turn six months old.» full-text = en texto completo, a texto completo.
Example: In addition, 10 non-bibliographic CD-ROMs, containing full-text, numeric or graphic data, were acquired and evaluated.» full text = texto completo.
Example: Factual information, in the form of statistics, and full text will become more central.» full text database = base de datos de texto completo.
Example: Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text databases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.» full-text information = información de texto completo.
Example: He predicts that the demand for on-line full-text information will rise due to the increased importance of information in national economics.» full text retrieval = recuperación de texto completo. [Posibilidad de poder acceder a información contenida en una aplicación informática que bien no está organizada por campos o ha sido indizada de tal modo que se puede acceder a cualquier palabra o combinación de palabras; también denominada simplemente recuperación de texto text retrieval o recuperación de texto libre free text retrieval]
Example: The developments which have hitherto been implemented for non-full text data bases now need to be introduced to enhance full text retrieval.» full text search = búsqueda en texto completo.
Example: The system, called 'T-Search', includes not only automatic phonetic searching but also capabilities of full text search and couples them with the capability to search the figurative elements of trademarks.» full-throttle = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a toda máquina, a todo vapor.
Example: As we enter full-throttle into the Information Age, the mere mention of 'the information highway' conjures up a predictable set of high-tech images.» full throttled = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a toda máquina, a todo vapor.
Example: Is today's jarring coexistence of prurience and prudery merely a transitional phenomenon as the Chinese race, full throttled, toward sexual liberation?.» full-tilt = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a toda máquina, a todo vapor.
Example: Do not march off full-tilt in front of the readers.» full-time = a tiempo completo, a jornada completa.
Example: Abstracts may be prepared by a team of full-time abstractors.» full to capacity = abarrotado (de), hasta los topes (de), atiborrado (de), atestado (de), a reventar (de), a rebosar (de), repleto (de), completamente lleno (de).
Example: Once the bucket is full to capacity, let the contents ferment for a period of 10-14 days at room temperature.» full to the brim = lleno hasta el borde, repleto hasta el borde, rebosante.
Example: Charles Dickens said that students were like 'little vessels... ready to have imperial gallons of facts poured into them until they were full to the brim'.» full to the gunwales = abarrotado, lleno al máximo, lleno a reventar, lleno hasta la bandera, lleno hasta los topes, lleno a tope, abarrotado, de bote en bote, hasta los topes, a tope.
Example: At this time of year, the boats at the floating market are full to the gunwales with sweet potatoes, cabbages, carrots and spring onions.» go + full circle back to = volver a.
Example: Ironically, today's catalogs have gone full circle back to the book catalogs of yore, with each work having only one complete catalog entry = Paradójicamente, los catálogos de hoy día han vuelto a los catálogos en forma de libro de antaño, en los que cada documento tenía un único asiento catalográfico completo.» go (on) + full steam ahead = avanzar a todo vapor, avanzar a toda máquina, avanzar a todo gas, avanzar a toda pastilla, avanzar viento en popa, avanzar a toda mecha, avanzar a todo meter.
Example: They are part of those who want to see the war on drugs go full steam ahead, regardless of the consequences to non-violent offenders.» half full of = medio lleno de.
Example: But health is relative, and by eighty-seven, even without a main disease you've become a bag of bones, a sack half full of fluids going rancid.» halt + in full flight = detener bruscamente.
Example: I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight during a visit to a college to speak to student teachers by the explosive entrance of a lecturer.» have + a full house = tener un full. [Usado generalmente en los juegos de cartas]
Example: If two or more players have a full house then the player with the best three of a kind wins.» have + a full house = tener un lleno completo, tener un lleno total.
Example: We had a full house for the weekend including two very happy and well-behaved young dogs.» have + Posesivo + hands full = estar muy ocupado, estar muy atareado, estar ocupadísimo, estar atareadísimo, tener mucho que hacer, tenerlo difícil, vérselas y deseárselas para, tener tela que cortar, no dar abasto.
Example: Firefighters will again have their hands full as southerly winds pick up in central, northeast and eastern Victoria.» have + Posesivo + plate full = estar muy ocupado, estar muy atareado, estar ocupadísimo, estar atareadísimo, tener mucho que hacer, tenerlo difícil, no dar abasto.
Example: With the booming food business in the country, restaurant consultants of all hues have their plates full.» history + come full circle = la historia + repetirse, la historia + volverse a repetir.
Example: History has come full circle and chemotherapists are now actively searching for new drugs against smallpox virus.» in full = de forma completa, por completo, en su totalidad, completamente, por extenso, en extenso.
Example: Geographical divisions are sometimes given in full in the main schedule, and sometimes elsewhere as tables in classes.» in full bloom = todo florido, en flor, en plena floración, en su punto más álgido, en pleno apogeo.
Example: Night was in full bloom, most of the food had been devoured and the fire was dying.» in full blossom = todo florido, en flor, en plena floración.
Example: We passed by a cherry tree already in full blossom, though it was only March, and noticed the sound of skylarks twittering above our heads.» in full colour = a todo color.
Example: But in the late 1830s Engelmann in France and Hullmandel in England developed processes of 'chromolithography' whereby pictures in full colour were printed from suites of stones.» in full cry = estar en pleno auge, estar en pleno apogeo.
Example: During the 1st period, 1895-1912, American liberalism was in full cry, the basic idea being to improve the level of knowledge among the masses and thus aid the development of society.» in full cry = persiguiendo sin tregua, buscando como loco, pisándole los talones a Alguien, a ladrido limpio.
Example: The pack of hounds on leash rushed downhill in full cry after the hare, and from all sides the borzois that were not on leash darted after the hounds and the hare.» in full gear = con toda la vestimenta, uniformado.
Example: It shows a military soldier in full gear with gas mask on and weapon in hand standing near a strip of deserted road.» in full gear = en plena marcha, en pleno funcionamiento, en pleno desarrollo, en pleno rendimiento, a todo ritmo, a tope, al máximo.
Example: Christmas is merely three weeks away, even if the commercialized aspect of the holidays have been in full gear for over two weeks now.» in full operation = en pleno funcionamiento, en plena marcha, en pleno desarrollo, en pleno rendimiento, a todo ritmo, a tope.
Example: Fortunately, for the most part, the pier is back in full operation after the storm.» in full pursuit of = persiguiendo sin tregua, buscando como loco, pisándole los talones a Alguien.
Example: In the 19th century, the wit and playwright Oscar Wilde memorably mocked fox-hunting as 'the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable'.» in full regalia = de etiqueta, vestido de ceremonia, de gala, emperifollado, emperejilado, engalanado, acicalado, endomingado, de punta en blanco, de tiros largos, hecho un pincel, como un pincel, hecho un cromo, hecho un marqués.
Example: This detailed and hand-finished Athena statue shows the warrior Goddess in full regalia with sword and snake shield.» in full swing = en plena marcha, en pleno funcionamiento, en pleno desarrollo, a pleno rendimiento, a todo ritmo, a tope, al máximo.
Example: And when the New Year celebrations were in full swing at the moment Britain entered the Community, how many people remember raising their glasses to Europe?.» in full view (of) = a la vista (de), a plena vista (de).
Example: For some unknown reason, success usually occurs in private, while failure occurs in full view.» in the full sun = a pleno sol, en pleno sol.
Example: Many say the foliage color of the crotons is best in the full sun but it does well any where it gets adequate water.» know + full well = conocer muy bien, saber muy bien, conocer de sobra, saber de sobra, conocer a ciencia cierta, saber a ciencia cierta, conocer con conocimiento de causa, saber con conocimiento de causa.
Example: They know full well that if their plan is okayed by the Supreme Court, almost every Latino community in Texas would be underrepresented in legislatures.» live (+ Posesivo +) life to the full = vivir intensamente, vivir la vida al máximo.
Example: Life is to be lived dangerously and to the full.» live (+ Posesivo +) life to the fullest = vivir intensamente, vivir la vida al máximo.
Example: My mother was a strong beautiful woman who lived her life to the fullest.» live (+ Posesivo +) life to the fullest and have no regrets = no poder quitar lo bailado, no arrepentirse de lo vivido.
Example: Jessie admitted that she has lived her life to the fullest and has no regrets.» live to + the fullest = vivir intensamente, vivir la vida al máximo.
Example: Getting more out of life is a matter of choosing to live to the fullest and being smart about how you spend your time.» make + a full recovery = recuperarse completamente, recuperarse totalmente.
Example: His thumb will be in a splint for five weeks but his doctors expect him to make a full recovery.» operate at + full capacity = trabajar a pleno rendimiento, trabajar a tope, funcionar a pleno rendimiento, funcionar a tope.
Example: In most cases, it is unlikely that any system will operate at full capacity for prolonged periods.» packed full = lleno, atiborrado, repleto, atestado, petado.
Example: The days will be packed full, without any filler and without a moment wasted.» pay in + full = pagar por completo, amortizar.
Example: Most used cars are bought in installments, meaning you make a regular monthly pay- ment to your creditor until the loan is paid in full.» pump + Nombre + full of lead = acribillar a balazos.
Example: Of course, they first had pumped themselves full of drugs before the police pumped them full of lead.» reach + the full potential of = sacar el máximo partido a.
Example: But burnishing is laborious and slow, and the full potential of the copperplate process could not be reached in the absence of a special press = Aunque el pulido es laborioso y lento y no se le pudo sacar el máximo partido al proceso de impresión mediante planchas de cobre al no disponer de una prensa especial.» realise + its full potential = demostrar su valía.
Example: This excellent cumulative index has not yet realized its full potential because of the relative lateness of its publication.» realise + to its full potential = explotar al máximo, aprovechar al máximo.
Example: There is still a great deal to be learned about information, its use by people and the way people interact with machines before information technology can realize its full potential as an aid to human communication and decision-making.» reap + Posesivo + full potential = obtener el máximo beneficio.
Example: Although progress has been made in the development and use of on-line retrieval services, substantial improvements are necessary to reap their full potential.» repay + full consideration = merecer la pena considerar más detalladamente.
Example: Figure 19.2 will repay full consideration.» say in + full confidence = decir con toda confianza, decir con la boca llena.
Example: And although I still feel there are oodles of designers out there who are better than me, I can say in full confidence I ain't half bad.» speak with + Posesivo + mouth full = hablar con la boca llena.
Example: Nick speaking with his mouth full is a sight to behold.» stay in + full control = controlar totalmente, controlar completamente, estar en control total, estar en completo control.
Example: It seems he never gets into a fret, always stays in full control.» take + full advantage (of) = aprovechar al máximo, sacar el máximo partido, rentabilizar.
Example: In 1972 Hans Wellisch discussed the inadequacy of LC's subject cataloging and the failure of LC to rectify this inadequacy by taking full advantage of the richness of the MARC (Machine-Readable Cataloging) format.» take + full control of = hacerse con el control total de, tomar el control total de, hacerse dueño y señor de.
Example: This is seen as a significant move towards taking full control of Afghanistan's airspace which has hitherto been under the control of NATO.» take + the (full) brunt of = soportar (todo) el peso de, llevar (todo) el peso de, ser el más afectado por.
Example: When a car hits a pedestrian, the pedestrian takes the full brunt of the severe and sometimes fatal injuries.» talk with + Posesivo + mouth full = hablar con la boca llena.
Example: He slurps, spills, slouches, talks with his mouth full, and never, ever tucks in his shirt.» the (full) brunt of = todo el peso de, la parte más dura de, lo peor de, lo más recio de.
Example: Almost 3,200 flights have already been cancelled for tomorrow -- when the full brunt of the storm is expected to hit New England states.» the (full) brunt of + Nombre + fall upon/on = todo el peso de + Nombre + recaer sobre/en, todo el peso de + Nombre + caer sobre/en.
Example: However, the brunt of the task necessarily fell upon the Commission which was obliged to set up the most elaborate procedures to organize its publications.» the full force of = toda la fuerza de.
Example: We drove along the coast road then being bulldozed clear to Weligama a beautiful small town at the cusp of a wide bay and open unprotectedly to the full force of the ocean waves.» the full height of = con la misma altura que.
Example: In the proposed reconstruction, the facade appears surmounted by painted crenellations, with a large marble portal the full height of the building.» the full monty = todo, completamente, totalmente, sin tapujos, sin reservas.
Example: The article 'The digital full monty?' forecasts that the world of information is likely to be dominated by global giants on the one hand and selective niche providers on the other.» the full range of = la totalidad de, el total de, toda la gama de, la gama completa de.
Example: This will make it yet more difficult for the information worker and the end user to keep up to date with the full range of data bases.» the wheel + turn + full circle = las cosas + volver + a su punto de partida.
Example: Interestingly the wheel turned full circle in 1980 for Cheshire acquired the system pioneered by Derbyshire.» things swing full circle = volvemos siempre al principio.
Example: It seems that, pace Yeats, things really do swing full circle sometimes.» to + Posesivo + full capacity = hasta el límite de + Posesivo + posibilidades, hasta el máximo de + Posesivo + posibilidades.
Example: She decided that since she had been given a second chance at life she would use every second to live life to her full capacity.» to + Posesivo + full potential = hasta el límite de + Posesivo + posibilidades, hasta el máximo de + Posesivo + posibilidades.
Example: Cabot, disappointingly, does not flesh out this gimmick to its full potential.» to the full = al máximo.
Example: Others prefer to exploit to the full the opportunities offered by computer systems, even if the resulting index is less than perfect.» to the full extent of the law = con todo el peso de la ley.
Example: In that case, such lies, whether under oath or not, should be treated as the crimes that they are and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.» up to full speed = en plena marcha, en pleno funcionamiento, en pleno desarrollo, en pleno rendimiento, a todo ritmo, a tope, al máximo.
Example: The girls played hard and Liza gave it her best shot, even though she wasn't up to full speed after spraining her ankle.» with full rights = con pleno derecho.
Example: An illiterate is a person who cannot read, write or do mathematical calculations well enough to be integrated into society as an individual with full rights.» work at + full capacity = trabajar a pleno rendimiento, trabajar a tope, funcionar a pleno rendimiento, funcionar a tope.
Example: Your laptop battery should work at full capacity for two to three years before it will not last as long as it used to.» work at + full tilt = trabajar sin respiro, trabajar a pleno rendimiento.
Example: In addition to their regular tasks, which keep them working at full tilt at all times, 15,000 periodical titles had arrived and had to be processed.