Frog in spanish


pronunciation: rɑnɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

frog1 = rana. 

Example: The system identifies frog calls and measures their abundance.


» flying frog = rana voladora.

Example: Among the most visually striking is the red-footed but otherwise bright green flying frog.

» hairy frog = rana peluda.

Example: Incidentally, hairy frogs are also really weird in that they have claws.

» red-legged frog = rana draytonii.

Example: Red-legged frog tadpoles are brown, often with a pinkish sheen on their undersides, and commonly reach 3 inches in total length.

Frog2 = francés. [Término peyorativo]

Example: Consider now what we're going to place in the right-hand column, one for one, analogous: Krauts, Wops, Frogs, Kikes, Polacks, Micks, and Gringos.

Frog synonyms

toad in spanish: sapo, pronunciation: toʊd part of speech: noun gaul in spanish: Galia, pronunciation: gɔl part of speech: noun anuran in spanish: anuro, pronunciation: ænjɜrən part of speech: adjective frogs in spanish: ranas, pronunciation: frɑgz part of speech: noun batrachian in spanish: batracio, pronunciation: bətreɪtʃən part of speech: adjective, noun salientian in spanish: salientian, pronunciation: seɪlienʃən part of speech: adjective toadfrog in spanish: Sapo, pronunciation: tɔdfrɑg part of speech: noun
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