Frightening in spanish


pronunciation: ɑterɑdoʊɹ̩ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

frighten = asustar, tener miedo, meter miedo, aterrar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con el sufijo "-en" añadido a nombres y adjetivos para formar generalmente verbos]

Example: What frightens me about OCLC is the fact that I am disturbed by the integrity of their kind of cataloging.


» frighten + Nombre + into = asustar a Alguien para que haga Algo.

Example: Many stories about hags seem to have been used to frighten children into being good.

» frighten + Nombre + to death = aterrorizar a Alguien, dar un susto de muerte, poner los pelos de punta, dar un susto morrocotudo, acojonar.

Example: He didn't kill them, but frightened them to death and made them run away.

» frighten off = ahuyentar, desanimar.

Example: Then something compelled her to blurt out: 'Are you interested in the job?' 'We haven't frightened you off, have we?' ejaculated another, with a nervous laugh.

» frighten + the hell out of = dar pavor, dar pánico, aterrorizar, dar un susto de muerte, poner los pelos de punta, dar un susto morrocotudo.

Example: What turns one person on can frighten the hell out of others.

» frighten + the life out of = dar pavor, dar pánico, aterrorizar, dar un susto de muerte, poner los pelos de punta, dar un susto morrocotudo.

Example: I was in the room at the time with my curtains closed and the sound of the bird hitting the glass frightened the life out of me!.

» frighten + the (living) daylights out of = dar pavor, dar pánico, aterrorizar, dar un susto de muerte, poner los pelos de punta, dar un susto morrocotudo.

Example: Presumably they got their name from their habit of frightening the living daylights out of unsuspecting passers-by.

» frighten + the pants off = dar pavor, dar pánico, aterrorizar, dar un susto de muerte, poner los pelos de punta, dar un susto morrocotudo.

Example: But themes haven't changed all that much, and the goal remains the same -- to frighten the pants off the viewer.

» frighten + the shit out of = dar pavor, dar pánico, aterrorizar, dar un susto de muerte, poner los pelos de punta, dar un susto morrocotudo.

Example: I was out for my usual nightly stroll recently and a car full of young lads shouted at me and actually frightened the shit out of me.

» frighten + the wits out of = dar pavor, dar pánico, aterrorizar, dar un susto de muerte, poner los pelos de punta, dar un susto morrocotudo.

Example: They are dark, bloodthirsty stories written to delight small children by frightening the wits out of them.

frightening = aterrador, espantoso, horripilante, horrible, dantesco. 

Example: No echo of so frightening a concept, 'class', ever lingers within the hushed precincts of our libraries.

Frightening synonyms

dire in spanish: terrible, pronunciation: daɪr part of speech: adjective dread in spanish: pavor, pronunciation: dred part of speech: noun awful in spanish: horrible, pronunciation: ɑfəl part of speech: adjective dreadful in spanish: terrible, pronunciation: dredfəl part of speech: adjective terrible in spanish: terrible, pronunciation: terəbəl part of speech: adjective fearful in spanish: temeroso, pronunciation: fɪrfəl part of speech: adjective horrendous in spanish: horrendo, pronunciation: hɔrendəs part of speech: adjective dreaded in spanish: temido, pronunciation: dredɪd part of speech: adjective horrific in spanish: horrendo, pronunciation: hɔrɪfɪk part of speech: adjective fearsome in spanish: temible, pronunciation: fɪrsəm part of speech: adjective alarming in spanish: alarmante, pronunciation: əlɑrmɪŋ part of speech: adjective direful in spanish: horrible, pronunciation: daɪrfəl part of speech: adjective terrorization in spanish: terror, pronunciation: terɜrɪzeɪʃən part of speech: noun terrorisation in spanish: terrorización, pronunciation: terɜrɪzeɪʃən part of speech: noun
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