Friendly in spanish
pronunciation: simpɑtikoʊ part of speech: adjective

friendly [friendlier -comp., friendliest -sup.]1 = amistoso, amable, amigable, acogedor. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]
Example: Her face broke into a warm friendly smile.more:
» be on friendly terms = llevarse bien, congeniar, estar de buenas, hacer buenas migas.
Example: But reducing a small workplace entails the excruciating task of laying off people you know well and are on friendly terms with.» browser-friendly = fácil de consultar por el usuario.
Example: Particular attention is given to the development of the classification system and the 'browser-friendly' arrangement of resources in the centre.» child-friendly = adaptado especialmente para niños.
Example: Last year, we introduced an interactive and child-friendly educational Website to promote intergenerational reading and storytelling.» eco-friendly = ecológico, que no daña el medio ambiente, que no perjudica el medio ambiente. [Consulta la entrada "eco" para ver otras palabras que empiezan por esta abreviatura]
Example: Read on for 10 eco-friendly things that you can do with lemons, then hot-foot it to your local farmers' market to stock up.» environmentally friendly = ecológico, que no daña el medio ambiente, que no perjudica el medio ambiente.
Example: Consumer perceptions of the two top-selling brands are perceived to be more environmentally friendly than the other brands.» family-friendly = apto para toda la familia, idóneo para toda la familia, ideal para toda la familia, apropiado para las familias, pensado para familias, con ambiente familiar, familiar.
Example: Making healthy, family-friendly veggie soups and fruit smoothies or whipping cream is fast and fuss-free with a hand blender.» friendly fire = fuego amigo.
Example: The library was bombed by friendly fire in World War II, reducing most of its holdings to charred remains.» friendly game = partido amistoso, encuentro amistoso.
Example: There are no friendly games -- all games of football are and should be competitive.» friendly society = mutualidad, mutua, montepío, sociedad de beneficencia, sociedad de socorros mutuos.
Example: The origins of this institution -- part trade union, part friendly society, and part social club -- are obscure, but chapels were well established by the mid sixteenth century in the larger continental shops.» friendly-sounding = amable, cortés, amable, agradable.
Example: The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.» overly-friendly = demasiado amistoso, demasiado amable, demasiado amigable.
Example: City running has its list of perils: uneven pavement, overly-friendly dogs, and inopportunely-timed traffic lights can have you weaving and stopping when all you want to do is go.» people-friendly = amigable.
Example: A people-friendly information society in the UK should not just be global, but also local.» unfriendly = poco amistoso, hosco, sieso, arisco, montaraz, desabrido, desaborido, malasombra, malafollá, cara de perro.
Example: These messages were examined for 'friendly' features, such as politeness, specificity, constructiveness and helpfulness, and for 'unfriendly' features, like the use of cryptic codes or vocabulary, or language which users might find threatening, domineering, or emotive.» user friendly = amigable, fácil de usar.
Example: As information-retrieval software becomes available in more user friendly packages, the trend towards local computerized information-retrieval systems is likely to be reinforced.friendly2 = amistoso, partido amistoso.
Example: In the friendlies we eased past Colombia, and were unlucky to concede a last-minute equaliser against Germany.more:
» friendly match = partido amistoso, encuentro amistoso.
Example: France's national anthem was lustily jeered by the crowd at the opening of a France-Tunisia friendly match in Paris last night.