Fore in spanish
pronunciation: delɑnteɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun

fore [Lista de palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
» aforementioned = susodicho, mencionado, ya mencionado.
Example: Evaluation of design of online catalogs can best be done employing the aforementioned seven variables.» aforenamed = susodicho, mencionado, ya mencionado.
Example: Any proposed changes to the sections of the aforenamed chapters will be open for an additional 30 day public comment period prior to final adoption.» aforesaid = susodicho, mencionado, ya mencionado.
Example: The next major task confronting the library staff is the compilation of a critical comprehensive bibliography on the aforesaid topics.» before = antes (de que).
Example: It will be a long time before all documents are available in machine-readable form.» before = ante, delante de.
Example: The hearings before the Royal Commission, including among the witnesses some of the most prominent librarians and scholars of that day, extended from 1847 to 1849.» be to the fore = destacar, resaltar.
Example: Those countries which were already to the fore in science and technology certainly faced problems in the handling of information.» bring to + the fore = destacar, resaltar, sacar a relucir, poner en evidencia.
Example: Installation of new computer terminals may bring the problem to the fore.» come to + the fore = destacar, resaltar.
Example: As this table shows, the age profile for all borrowers is very close to that of all adults in the country but when one looks at the more frequent users, the regular borrowers, the older people come more to the fore.» fore and aft = de delante hacia atrás.
Example: The carriage assembly ran horizontally fore and aft between the cheeks, about 75 cm.» forearm = antebrazo.
Example: A tiny prick is made with a lancet through a drop of allergen placed on the skin, usually on the forearm.» forebear = antepasado.
Example: These were gentlemen whose forebears had upset Elizabeth I by encouraging the people to think a little too much for themselves and who proved very difficult to control.» foreboding = premonición.
Example: Throughout the process of development, debate and enactment of the Digital Millennium Act in the USA, many dire forebodings were envisaged for the library profession.» forebrain = prosencéfalo, cerebro anterior.
Example: The cerebral cortex and some other forebrain regions atrophy so severely that the brain may weigh less than 1000g at death.» forecast = predecir, pronosticar, auspiciar, augurar, vaticinar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio forecast. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
Example: It is little wonder that all players in the serials information chain -- publishers, subscriptions agents and librarians alike -- are taking a long hard look at what they are doing and attempting to forecast what the future might hold for them.» forecast = previsto, anticipado, pronosticado.
Example: This article describes the functions and equipment of the forecast 'electronic office'.» forecast = pronóstico, previsión.
Example: As the sales figures show, DC is very much alive, despite pessimistic forecasts in the 1960s.» forecaster = meteorólogo.
Example: Forecasters hope holidaymakers will gain some respite in time for tonight's festivities, but cannot rule out frequent showers and gales.» forecaster = pronosticador.
Example: Nine major forecasters all say Iowa is a toss-up, ranging anywhere from a 62 percent chance of a Clinton win to a 65 percent chance of a Trump win.» forecasting = previsión.
Example: Further, it is necessary to predict in advance the areas in which new subjects are likely to arise and to leave gaps accordingly; this forecasting is obviously difficult.» forecastle = castillo de proa, cubierta de proa.
Example: It was our morning watch; when, soon after the day began to break, a man on the forecastle called out, 'Land ho!'.» foreclose = excluir, descartar, impedir, imposibilitar.
Example: The USA must act quickly before the rush of events forecloses some of the options now available for developing and managing this technology.» foreclose = ejecutar una hipoteca. [Retirar la propiedad a una persona que no cumple con los términos de la hipoteca. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
Example: Her home was put up for auction and sold after being foreclosed.» foreclosure = ejecución hipotecaria. [Retirada de la propiedad de una persona que no cumple con los términos de la hipoteca. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
Example: A 12-hour standoff ended with a man lobbing Molotov cocktails at police before taking his own life rather than vacate a home he'd lost to foreclosure.» foredeck = cubierta de proa.
Example: The coast guard has published photos of the submerged ship resting awkwardly on a sandbank, its foredeck protruding up out of the water.» fore-edge [fore edge] = canto delantero, canto externo. [Borde de un libro opuesto al de encuadernación; parte por la que se abre un libro, opuesta al lomo. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
Example: A double leaf is a leaf of double size with a fold at the fore edge or at the top edge of the book.» fore-end = parte delantera, extremo delantero.
Example: In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the more usual position for the horse was on the near side of the press, set out at slightly less than a right angle from the fore-end of the ribs = En los siglos XVII y XVIII, la posición más habitual del banco era al lado más cercano de la prensa, casi en angulo recto rspecto a los extremos delanteros de las escaleras.» forefather = antepasado, antecesor, progenitor, predecesor.
Example: I will stand for your rights as my forefathers did before me!.» forefinger = índice, dedo índice. [Dedo de la mano. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
Example: Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes.» forefoot = antepié, parte delantera del pie.
Example: Striking on your forefoot is the most natural way to run, it is also the fastest and most efficient way to run.» forefront = primer plano, primera línea.
Example: The issue of refereeing football matches is never far from the forefront of public debate of the modern game.» forego [forgo] = pasar sin, dejar pasar, olvidarse de, renunciar, soslayar, dejar de lado. [Verbo irregular: pasado forwent, participio forgone. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
Example: I cannot forgo commenting first on Mr Gorman's presentation because I think that it characterizes best the spirit of the present revision.» foregoing = anterior, precedente, anteriormente citado.
Example: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.» forehand = drive. [Usado generalmente en los juegos de raqueta. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
Example: do + Pronombre + a power of good.» forehand = cuartos delanteros.
Example: The horse's weight is distributed over its haunches and forehand.» forehead = frente. [De la cabeza. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
Example: The camera hound of the future wears on his forehead a lump a little larger than a walnut.» foreknow = conocer de antemano.
Example: Classical theists also maintain both that some individuals will earn eternal life and that God infallibly foreknows the future.» foreknowledge = conocimiento previo, presciencia, precognición.
Example: There's been no foreplanning -- they have no foreknowledge of this -- but I would like to invite Mr. Freedman to comment on what he is doing to begin to accommodate those unmet needs, particularly public library needs.» foreleg = pata delantera.
Example: The set of tracks found were made by a bipedal dinosaur which used its forelegs in climbing a steep slope.» forelimb = miembro delantero, pata delantera, extremidad anterior.
Example: The rats were then administered tests of forelimb use, tongue use, hind-leg use, and in a spatial navigation task.» forelock = copete, mechón, guedeja.
Example: In ancient China, women would pay no less attention to their forelock and earlock than they would pay to other parts of the body.» foreman [foremen, -pl.] = capataz.
Example: These descriptors are still alive: boatmen, city council-men, firemen, foremen, longshoremen, stunt men, statesmen, watchmen, man and manpower.» foremost = primero, principal, más importante, más destacado.
Example: Foremost among those recommendations was one pertaining to the development of a UNIMARC format for authorities.» forename = nombre propio.
Example: If initials only are noted effort is saved in reproducing full names and seeking out full forenames.» foreordain = predeterminar, predestinar.
Example: It may well be that this map is to a great degree foreordained by genetics.» foreplanning = planificación anticipada, planificación previa.
Example: There's been no foreplanning -- they have no foreknowledge of this -- but I would like to invite Mr. Freedman to comment on what he is doing to begin to accommodate those unmet needs, particularly public library needs.» foreplay = prolegómenos sexuales, preliminares sexuales.
Example: Fellatio is widely used in human foreplay, but rarely documented in other animals.» forequarters = cuartos delanteros.
Example: The angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters.» forerunner = precursor.
Example: The forerunner of many recent ideas, and the force behind some of the remaining traditional systems was Charles Ammi Cutter.» foresee = anticipar, prever, precaver, vislumbrar. [Verbo irregular: pasado foresaw, participio foreseen. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
Example: Developments in this area are proceeding at such a pace it is impossible to foresee total needs for next year let alone for the life of the building.» foreseeable = previsible.
Example: At the end of the day, the greatest need for the foreseeable future remains space for books and ordinary readers.» foreseen = Participio pasado del verbo foresee (prever). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
Example: As regards freedom of movement no limitations have been foreseen except perhaps for librarians at directorial level.» foreshadow = presagiar, anunciar.
Example: While in Uganda he authored the Markerere Institute list of subject headings, which foreshadowed his later work at the Hennepin County Library, which he joined in 1971.» foreshore = zona costera bañada por las mareas, anteplaya.
Example: Lamb Island's foreshore is at best pebbly rather than soft sand.» foreshorten = acortar.
Example: Medicine also needs to reconsider whether actions that foreshorten life can be normative and permissible.» foresight = a priori.
Example: This article notes that hindsight is always easier than foresight, and that some of these predictions should have been correct.» foresight = visión de futuro, previsión.
Example: Some foresight must be employed in order to make realistic speculations as to the eventual size of the collection that will be covered by any index based upon the thesaurus.» foretaste = muestra, adelanto, avance, anticipo.
Example: Hurricane Katrina brings a foretaste of environmental disasters to come.» foretell = predecir, pronosticar, augurar, vaticinar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio foretold. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]
Example: By asking readers to indicate whether the reference had been of interest or not, a degree of feedback can be obtained which can be used to modify their profiles, but there will never be any means of foretelling the 'wayout' article which may prove of interest.» forethought = previsión, premeditación.
Example: With a little bit of forethought on such aspects as insulation, windows and even the shape of a building to name only some aspects, considerable economies can be achieved.» heretofore = hasta ahora.
Example: If some or all of the suggested entries are made, many more entries will be made than heretofore.» keep + Nombre + at the fore = mantener Algo vivo, mantener Algo activo.
Example: The author stresses the importance of keeping these issues at the fore where vendors are concerned: vendors will respond if they see a demand for adaptive solutions to emerging technological challenges = El autor resalta la importancia de mantener estas cuestiones vivas en lo que respecta a los proveedores ya que éstos sólo responderán si ven que existe una demanda de soluciones a los retos de las nuevas tecnologías.