Foray in spanish


pronunciation: inkuɹ̩sioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

foray = incursión. 

Example: This attitude can be regarded as a first hypothetical attempt at clearing the ground for a large-scale foray into the world of empirical reality.

Foray synonyms

strip in spanish: tira, pronunciation: strɪp part of speech: noun raid in spanish: RAID, pronunciation: reɪd part of speech: noun plunder in spanish: saqueo, pronunciation: plʌndɜr part of speech: noun, verb loot in spanish: botín, pronunciation: lut part of speech: noun, verb rifle in spanish: rifle, pronunciation: raɪfəl part of speech: noun pillage in spanish: pillaje, pronunciation: pɪlɪdʒ part of speech: noun, verb ransack in spanish: saquear, pronunciation: rænsæk part of speech: verb reave in spanish: raptar, pronunciation: riv part of speech: verb maraud in spanish: merodear, pronunciation: mɜrɔd part of speech: noun, verb despoil in spanish: despojar, pronunciation: despɔɪl part of speech: verb
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