Following in spanish
pronunciation: sigiendoʊ part of speech: adjective

follow2 = seguir.
Example: An abstract covers all of the main points made in the original document, and usually follows the style and arrangement of the parent document.more:
» as follows = como sigue.
Example: The main conditions of authorship can be categorised as follows.» follow along = seguir la pista, seguir al tanto, mantenerse al tanto.
Example: If you have followed along with me over the years you may know that I went through heartbreak, divorce, depression and some rough times over the past few years.» follow along = imitar, copiar, hacer lo que Otro hace.
Example: In this video the instrutor moves slowly through the different yoga poses, so even inexperienced children can follow along well.» follow + a path = seguir una dirección.
Example: By following the path of related records from level to level, you can expand or focus your search almost indefinitely.» follow + a rule to the letter = seguir una norma al pie de la letra, seguir una regla al pie de la letra, seguir una norma a rajatabla, seguir una regla a rajatabla.
Example: The organisers could only confidently claim that less than 60 cars followed the rules to the letter throughout the entire parade.» follow + a story = seguir una historia, seguir un relato.
Example: To follow the story, reading and watching online are both required.» follow + a track = seguir un curso de acción, seguir una trayectoria.
Example: When this track is followed, the conversation very quickly drifts away from the book and becomes gossip about ourselves.» follow behind = seguir detrás.
Example: Some of us are bright shafts of light, others are just the shadows that follow behind.» follow in + Posesivo + footsteps = seguir + Posesivo + pasos.
Example: The librarians who are moving in these new directions serve as models for others who follow in their footsteps = Los bibliotecarios que hacen esto sirven de modelo para que otros sigan sus pasos.» follow in + the footsteps of = seguir los pasos de, ir a continuación de.
Example: Access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship, in fact, the fourth right, following in the footsteps of civil rights, political rights and social rights.» follow + Nombre + like + Posesivo + shadow = ser + Posesivo + sombra, seguir como + Posesivo + perro faldero.
Example: Melancholy followed him like his shadow in his journey; and on his return to Rome his malady increased.» follow + Nombre + through = acabar, terminar, finalizar.
Example: A part of me wanted knock it on the head, but my inner voice was telling me I'd got this far, so I may as well follow it through.» follow + Nombre + to the letter = seguir Algo al pie de la letra, seguir Algo a rajatabla.
Example: Treating everybody fairly without showing favoritism is equally important; that also means following policies and procedures to the letter both with inmate patrons and inmate library workers.» follow on = seguir, continuar, seguir la pista.
Example: If parents are eating unhealthily the pattern is likely to be followed on by the children.» follow on from = resultar de, tener relación con, deducirse de, continuar con, seguir con.
Example: Following on from my last question, did the pilot who dropped the atomic bomb on Horishima survive or was he killed in the explosion?.» follow on with = seguir con, continuar con.
Example: The day will usually start with a demonstration by myself, and then follow on with students doing something that they have brought along wanting to do.» follow + orders = seguir órdenes.
Example: Many of those defendants claimed that they were not guilty of the charges against them as they were 'only following orders'.» follow + pattern = actuar de un modo determinado.
Example: No two instructors will follow the same pattern in introducing a case to a group for the first time.» follow + Posesivo + dreams = perseguir + Posesivo + sueños, seguir + Posesivo + sueños.
Example: I'm planning to leave everything behind me and follow my dreams, but I'm still underage.» follow + Posesivo + example = seguir el ejemplo de Alguien.
Example: Thanks to those who followed his example, the talk about the Sophists can be heard in the hallways, classrooms, and convention halls of philologists, historians, philosophers, and literary critics.» follow + Posesivo + heart('s desire) = seguir + Posesivo + corazón, hacer lo que + Pronombre + decir + el corazón.
Example: Kim has revealed that the year gone by has taught her 'to always follow her heart's desire'.» follow + Posesivo + instincts = guiarse por el instinto, seguir + Posesivo + instinto, dejarse guiar por el instinto, dejarse llevar por el instinto.
Example: But the struggle to leave conventionality behind and to follow her instincts was not an easy one for Edna.» follow + Posesivo + lead = seguir + Posesivo + liderazgo, seguir + Posesivo + iniciativa.
Example: For me, I'm going to try to follow her lead, try to repeat everything she does.» follow + Posesivo + nose = guiarse por el instinto, seguir + Posesivo + instinto, dejarse guiar por el instinto, dejarse llevar por el instinto.
Example: Cruising the streets of Strasbourg on foot we followed our noses and found ourselves bumping into awesome buildings left, right and centre.» follow + Posesivo + nose = seguir recto, seguir derecho, ir todo seguido.
Example: We had no idea where we were going so we followed our noses down the main street.» follow + Posesivo + nose = dejarse llevar por el olfato, seguir el olfato de Uno.
Example: When her owners turned her loose, she followed her nose straight for the good stuff.» follow + Posesivo + (own) inclination(s) = guiarse por el instinto, seguir + Posesivo + instinto, dejarse guiar por el instinto, dejarse llevar por el instinto.
Example: She had a strong will, independent views, some contempt for the world, and followed her own inclinations without servitude to the opinion of others.» follow + Posesivo + own lead = marchar a + Posesivo + (propio) ritmo, bailar a + Propio + propio son, avanzar a + Posesivo + (propio) ritmo, ir a + Posesivo + (propia) bola, ir por libre, actuar por libre, andar por libre.
Example: Though he typically follows his own lead, Robert values the opinions of others and will normally seek feedback from a number of individuals on the same subject.» follow + Posesivo + shadow = seguir, perseguir, seguir de cerca, perseguir de cerca.
Example: She is a naive, misunderstood sweetheart who only wants love, happiness, respect and understanding but trouble seems to follow her shadow.» follow + steps = seguir unos pasos, tomar medidas.
Example: To bind a book, or rebind it, one of the steps to follow is to check that the book is complete, ie no pages missing.» follow + suit = hacer lo mismo, actuar de la misma forma, seguir el ejemplo.
Example: Israel pioneering use of 'bottled' solar energy now has many following suit.» follow + the crowd = dejarse llevar por los demás, ir con la corriente, seguir la corriente, dejarse llevar, dejarse llevar por la corriente, dejarse arrastrar, dejarse arrastrar por la corriente.
Example: Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.» follow + (the) doctor's orders = seguir las órdenes del doctor.
Example: My mother and two of her sisters developed glaucoma and in spite of following doctor's orders, each went blind.» follow + the dodo = desaparecer, extinguirse.
Example: It has the choice: to follow the dodo or to rise again like the phoenix.» follow + the herd = seguir el rebaño.
Example: It seems the human race is genetically programmed to follow the herd.» follow + the law = obedecer la ley, acatar la ley.
Example: But following the law is not enough to keep you safe, not by a long shot.» follow + the line of least resistance = seguir el camino más fácil, seguir la ley del mínimo esfuerzo.
Example: The tendency of human nature is to follow the line of least resistance -- like water.» follow + the path of least resistance = seguir el camino más fácil, seguir la ley del mínimo esfuerzo.
Example: The tendency to follow the path of least resistance guarantees failure in life.» follow + the rules = seguir las reglas.
Example: This booklet covers how to give notice, legal ways to move out early, and what can happen if you do not follow the rules about moving out.» follow + the thread = seguir el hilo, seguir la conversación, seguir el debate.
Example: Generally speaking, my philosophy is that if you've been following the thread, you already know what the reply is.» follow + the yellow brick road to = seguir el camino hacia, seguir el camino de. [Generalmente usado en sentido metáforico y referido a la felicidad o el éxito]
Example: I had bariatric surgery over ten years ago and since then I've followed the yellow brick road to healthier living.» follow through = hacer un seguimiento de, seguir la trayectoria, seguir la pista, prestar atención, atenerse a.
Example: The approach used is to follow through the decision making processes which underpin the successful introduction of any service.» follow through with/on + Posesivo + idea = hacer realidad una idea.
Example: But we simply don't have the physical or mental capability to follow through on every great idea we get.» follow up = seguir la trayectoria, seguir la pista, prestar atención.
Example: Both the original production and revision of STC spawned a large crop of such items which are worth following up.follow3 = deducirse, desprenderse.
Example: It automatically follows that any concept belonging to this facet will constitute a distributed relative.more:
» follow from = ser la consecuencia de, ser el resultado de, deducirse de.
Example: It follows from this that these experts will be recommending materials not necessarily available in the stock of the library.» follow + the lead = seguir la iniciativa, seguir el ejemplo.
Example: Many libraries are following the lead of retail chains and service organisations in recognising the need for customer care.» it follows that = es de deducir que, se desprende que, en consecuencia, por (lo) tanto.
Example: It follows that offenders who are remorseful should not be treated more leniently.» it must therefore follow that = debe por lo tanto ser lógico que, debe por lo tanto ser una consecuencia lógica que, debe por lo tanto esperarse que, debe por lo tanto deducirse que.
Example: As we have already seen, books themselves are of infinite variety and it must therefore follow that the writers of books demonstrate a great diversity too.» it therefore follows that = es por lo tanto lógico que, ser una consecuencia lógica que, es por lo tanto de esperar que, es por lo tanto deducible que.
Example: It therefore follows that rules for use of the scientific literature should be designed to help achieve that goal.following1 = seguidores, admiradores.
Example: Such is the reputation of these writers and artists that many of them have strong fan followings.more:
» gain + a following = ganarse seguidores, ganarse partidarios.
Example: While the DVD format is gaining a following among video developers, its application in the education market has advanced only very slowly.» gather + a following = ganarse seguidores, ganarse partidarios.
Example: They are also a place where untested ideas or authors can prove themselves and gather a following.» win + Nombre + a following = ganarse seguidores, ganarse partidarios.
Example: His public statements on art quickly won him a following among young students of art.following2 = siguiente.
Example: These limitations are considered in the following sections.more:
» following day, the = día siguiente, el; siguiente día, el.
Example: But he was proved wrong as India pushed England to the edge and beat them hollow the following day.» following month, the = siguiente mes, el; mes siguiente, el.
Example: An order placed after the 15th will ship out the following month.» following week, the = semana siguiente, la; siguiente semana, la.
Example: Meetings ended with students submitting excerpts that could be used in preparing a class ditto for the following week.» following year, the = año siguiente, el; siguiente año, el.
Example: The New Zealand Government's fiscal year begins on 1 July and concludes on 30 June of the following year.» in the following = a continuación.
Example: In fields unfamiliar to one, it is advisable to proceed according to the routine outlined in the following.» in the following terms = de la siguiente manera.
Example: The basic functions of a subject headings list as identified in section 16.6 above may be focused more precisely in the following terms...» the following = lo siguiente.
Example: Please read the following and help us if you can.» the following day = el día siguiente.
Example: We will however endeavour to inform the successful candidate by the close of play on the day of interviews failing which it will be on the following day.» the following year = el año siguiente, el año que viene, el año próximo.
Example: Each year guidelines are published by 1 May for application in the following year = Todos los años se publican directrices para el 1 de mayo y se aplican el año siguiente.following3 = después de, tras.
Example: Following internal discussion, it was agreed that a new library should be given the University's top priority in any forthcoming capital building project.more:
» immediately following = inmediatamente después de, justo después de.
Example: The uniform heading area of the reference entry may be inserted in the authority entry immediately following the information note.following4 = acatante.
Example: Male librarians believed the public's image of themselves to be more submissive, meek, nervous, effeminate, reserved, following, subdued and less approachable, athletic, and attractive than the undergraduate sample actually saw them.