Fold in spanish


pronunciation: doʊbleθ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

fold1 = pliegue, doblez. 

Example: A double leaf is a leaf of double size with a fold at the fore edge or at the top edge of the book.


» centrefold [centerfold, -USA] = póster desplegable. [Generalmente incluido en una revista para hombres y presenta una imagen de una mujer joven atractiva y ligeramente vestida]

Example: Men find the homely shape of the girl-next-door more appealing than the 'perfect' proportions of models and centrefolds, a study found.

» fold-down = plegable.

Example: For example, this home features a fold-down bed that, when not used, basically disappears into the wal.

» fold-out = ?pliego. [Material anejo a un documento superior en tamaño a éste]

Example: A fold-out is an annex to a document of a larger size than the document to which it belongs.

» fold strength = resistencia al plegado.

Example: The discussion is confined to the fold strength of paper in relation to its date and geographical origin.

» spine folds = doblez del lomo.

Example: The spine folds of the assembled sheets were simply cut off, separating all the leaves, which were then attached to each other and to a backing strip by a coating of rubber solution, and cased in the ordinary way.

fold2 = redil, corral. 

Example: Folds for animals and enclosures made specially for defensive purposes are also called kraals.


» adopt + Nombre + into the fold = admitir a Alguien en un grupo.

Example: The scientist sometimes preserves this appearance by adopting into the fold anyone who becomes logical.

» return to + the fold = volver al redil.

Example: On this increasingly God-fearing globe, only Western Europe looks like the last bastion of secularism -- or are the faithful here too returning to the fold?.

fold3 = Sufijo. 


» fivefold [five-fold] = cinco veces mayor.

Example: The riboflavin content of cow's milk is about five-fold that of woman's milk.

» fourfold = cuatro veces mayor, cuádruple.

Example: By the end of June 1980, Adviceline had attracted 289 enquiries, a fourfold increase on the number of enquiries originating from the same area in the corresponding period the year before.

» hundred-fold = cien veces.

Example: During the same period output increased about a hundred-fold, while prices went down by factors of about ten.

» multi-fold = múltiple.

Example: The novelty of this service is multi-fold.

» tenfold = diez veces, multiplicado por diez.

Example: The tenfold increase in the number of requests handled each year is ample confirmation of this, if any is needed.

» threefold = tripartito, triple.

Example: The rationale, then, for a separate chapter of this work devoted to the cataloguing of the works of corporate bodies is threefold.

» tri-fold = tríptico. [Nombre y adjetivo]

Example: If you are willing to help promote the conference among colleagues, please download, print, and post a copy of a tri-fold call-for-papers.

» twenty-fold = veinte veces.

Example: The number of properties worth more than a million pounds has increased twenty-fold over the past decade.

» twofold [two-fold] = doble.

Example: The purpose of the subject index is therefore twofold: (i) To translate a natural language term into a class number; (ii) to collocate distributed relatives.

fold4 = plegar, doblar. 

Example: Other commercially available wallets are made of a more pliable transparent plastic - again with a separate pocket for each slide - and these can be folded to fit into a cardboard box.


» enfold = envolver, abrazar. 

Example: And the colors, especially early morning and late evening, surround you, enfold you, with their ever-shifting shades.

» events + unfold = acontecimientos + desarrollarse.

Example: It will be readily apparent as the events unfold in some of the cases, however, that librarians are sometimes called upon to make painful decisions.

» fold + clothes = doblar la ropa.

Example: Amy, played by Sarah Webb, was always busy on stage, folding clothes, peeling tatties, always finding something to do.

» fold + Nombre + down = plegar, doblar.

Example: Use this folding cart to carry anything around the house, garden or warehouse and fold it down for storage when you're done.

» fold + Nombre + in half = doblar Algo por la mitad.

Example: To make it easier to spread the ruffles out evenly, before gathering find the center of the ruffle by folding the piece in half end to end.

» fold + Posesivo + arms = cruzarse de brazos, cruzar los brazos.

Example: She settled back in her chair and folded her arms.

» fold + Posesivo + legs = cruzarse de pies, cruzarse de piernas, cruzar los pies, cruzar las piernas.

Example: Evan took a seat on the stone bench, eagerly folding his legs into the lotus position.

» unfold = revelarse, desarrollarse, presentarse.

Example: Research in any scientific field can never be neutral: the process is initially motivated by the researcher's own questioning of perceived realities, and unfolds in a particular historical moment, subject to the social, political and ideological influences of that context.

» unfold = desdoblar, abrir, desplegar, extender.

Example: This algorithm handles cyclic graphs without unfolding the cycles nor looping through them.

» unfold before + Posesivo + eyes = revelarse ante + Posesivo + ojos.

Example: The young librarian was not accustomed to seeing scenes of despair unfolding before his eyes with ever increasing frequency.

fold5 = quebrar, cerrar. 

Example: By the mid-eighties, two of the big companies folded, but were replaced by a handful of small, independent firms = A mediados de los ochenta, dos de las grandes compañías quebraron, pero fueron sustituidas por un puñado de pequeñas empresas independientes.


» fold up + shop = cerrar, cerrar el negocio.

Example: Why talented and passionate business people so often fold up shop while their less talented, less skilled brethren continue to thrive.

Fold synonyms

bend in spanish: curva, pronunciation: bend part of speech: noun, verb close in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective multiple in spanish: múltiple, pronunciation: mʌltəpəl part of speech: adjective faithful in spanish: fiel, pronunciation: feɪθfəl part of speech: adjective crimp in spanish: rizar, pronunciation: krɪmp part of speech: noun, verb crease in spanish: pliegue, pronunciation: kris part of speech: noun congregation in spanish: congregación, pronunciation: kɑŋgrəgeɪʃən part of speech: noun flexure in spanish: flexura, pronunciation: fleggʒɜr part of speech: noun turn up in spanish: aparecer, pronunciation: tɜrnʌp part of speech: verb folding in spanish: plegable, pronunciation: foʊldɪŋ part of speech: noun plica in spanish: plica, pronunciation: plaɪkə part of speech: noun shut down in spanish: apagar, pronunciation: ʃʌtdaʊn part of speech: verb sheepfold in spanish: aprisco, pronunciation: ʃipfoʊld part of speech: noun plication in spanish: plegamiento, pronunciation: plɪkeɪʃən part of speech: noun sheepcote in spanish: sheepcote, pronunciation: ʃipkoʊt part of speech: noun pen up in spanish: encerrar, pronunciation: penʌp part of speech: verb close down in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊsdaʊn part of speech: verb fold up in spanish: plegar, pronunciation: foʊldʌp part of speech: verb sheep pen in spanish: corral de ovejas, pronunciation: ʃippen part of speech: noun

Fold antonyms

spread pronunciation: spred part of speech: verb, noun open pronunciation: oʊpən part of speech: adjective, verb unfold pronunciation: ənfoʊld part of speech: verb open up pronunciation: oʊpənʌp part of speech: verb spread out pronunciation: spredaʊt part of speech: verb
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