Focussed in spanish


pronunciation: enfoʊkɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

focus4 = enfocarse, centrarse, prestar especial atención. [Pasado y Participio Presente: focussed/focused y focussing/focusing]

Example: The basic functions of a subject headings list as identified in section 16.6 above may be focused more precisely in the following terms...


» defocus = desenfocar, desenfocarse, perder el enfoque.

Example: Since the two sides of the image are so far apart, it's easier to cross your eyes than to defocus.

» focus + a discussion = centrar una discusión.

Example: This discussion focused on the activities of Frank Gillie, who has recently been sent to jail for getting libraries to pay substantial sums for multi-volume works which he could not provide.

» focus + attention = centrar la atención, prestarle atención.

Example: Much attention was focused specifically on the cataloguing and organisation of nonbook materials in the early 1970s.

» focus on/upon = centrarse en, centrarse sobre, tratar.

Example: In a text such as this which focuses primarily upon controlled indexing languages and systems it is difficult to place natural language indexing in a appropriate context.

» focus + Posesivo + search = precisar una búsqueda.

Example: By following the path of related records from level to level, you can expand or focus your search almost indefinitely.

» refocus = redirigir, reajustar, reorientar.

Example: This article discusses a set of critical human resource issues which may help to provide a platform from which to refocus personnel administration as it is currently practiced in US libraries.

focused [focussed] = centrado, específico, concentrado, con un objetivo claro, con una meta clara, enfocado hacia uno objetivo concreto. 

Example: These include a series of focused workshops and a four day national conference.


» career-focused = con una fuerte orientación profesional, con una gran ambición profesional.

Example: New career-focused courses open doors for students.

» customer focused [customer-focused] = centrado en el usuario, orientado hacia el usuario.

Example: The customer-focused service provided by libraries makes them ideal candidates.

» narrowly focused = específico, concreto.

Example: Some articles cover broad themes while others are more narrowly focused.

» narrowly focused in/on = centrado específicamente en.

Example: The typical botany library in this sample is small, narrowly focused in its collection, attached to a botanical garden and staffed by part-time or one full-time librarian.

» self-focused = egoísta, centrado en uno mismo.

Example: In either case we are making use of the book for our own ends: our reading has become self-focused.

» service-focused = centrado en el servicio, orientado hacia el servicio.

Example: The public library must be service-focused, developing services that meet user's needs and delivering them where they will be most effective.

» stay + focused = mantener la concentración, mantener la atención, concentrarse.

Example: Staying focused can be tough with a constant stream of employees, clients, emails, and phone calls demanding your attention.

» unfocused [unfocussed] = no concentrado, no centrado, distraído, sin un objetivo claro, sin una meta clara, desenfocado.

Example: They may be unfocused, underprepared, and not of a frame of mind to devote time and thoughtful energy to library research.

» user-focused = orientado hacia el usuario, centrado en el usuario.

Example: The CBC has just revamped their site so it's more user-focused.

Focussed synonyms

focused in spanish: enfocado, pronunciation: foʊkəst part of speech: adjective convergent in spanish: convergente, pronunciation: kənvɜrdʒənt part of speech: adjective

Focussed antonyms

unfocused pronunciation: ənfoʊkəst part of speech: adjective unfocussed pronunciation: ənfəkʌst part of speech: adjective out of focus pronunciation: aʊtʌvfoʊkəs part of speech: adjective
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