Flush in spanish


pronunciation: ruboʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun, adjective, verb
In gestures

flush1 = rubor, sonrojo. 

Example: At this disclosure, a flush flowed from Leforte's cheeks to her neck.


» hot flush [hot flash, -USA] = sofoco, bochorno. [Generalmente referido a los causados por la menopausa]

Example: For some women, the dreaded hot flushes or night sweats which often accompany the menopause can last for as long as a decade.

flush2 = arrebato. 

Example: I wonder if this is not altogether unrelated to the fact that this stage immediately precedes puberty, during the last flush of childhood, after which young people commonly go through a period of disenchantment with adults.


» flush of success = éxito repentino y total.

Example: The flush of success with AACR1 gave the code compilers and cataloguers the confidence to criticise the new code with the object of further refining it.



» edge-flush = colocado sin escalón entre pieza y pieza.

Example: The following recommendations are made: select copying machines carefully (edge-flush platens are best; don't flex a book more than 180 degrees; educate patrons and staff to be gentle with books; and limit the number of pages copied from each volume.

» flush tank = cisterna, cisterna del váter.

Example: Chapters cover the following topics: cleaning drains, faucet repairs, fire extinguishers, the flush tank, the fuse box, sanding and sharpening, handsaws, hangers, nails and wood screws, and pliers and wrenches.

» flush with = lleno de, repleto de, cargado de.

Example: There is growing evidence in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond that al Qaeda and its allies are newly flush with cash, able to buy new weapons.

» flush with/to = a ras de, alineado con, pegado a, al mismo nivel de.

Example: The text must be single-spaced and must be flush with the left margin.

» toilet flush tank = cisterna, cisterna del váter.

Example: The water in the toilet flush tank is cold, and because of the temperature difference there will be condensation on the outside of the flush tank.

flush4 = vaciar, descargar, evacuar. [Referido a líquido y de forma repentina]

Example: The sea swept in across a newly and solidly-built bus stand to come into the river which quickly and conveniently flushed the waters back into the sea.


» flush at = sonrojarse por.

Example: Pope flushed hotly at this disclosure.

» flushing toilet = inodoro con cisterna.

Example: The camp area has two ablution blocks with solar lights, hot and cold running showers, and flushing toilets.

» flush out = hacer salir.

Example: He is hounded by hired assassins and eventually flushed out of hiding for a final confrontation with his nemesis.

» flush out + differences = resolver las diferencias. [Hablando sobre ellas]

Example: This framework can help stakeholders flush out their differences and arrive at a common strategy.

» flush + the loo = tirar de la cadena, tirar de la cisterna.

Example: Every time you flush the loo it costs 2p, while each time the dishwasher is used it costs 5p.

» flush + the toilet = tirar de la cadena, tirar de la cisterna.

Example: You can see that, even if someone were to cut off the water to your bathroom, you could still flush the toilet.

Flush synonyms

charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun flower in spanish: flor, pronunciation: flaʊɜr part of speech: noun prime in spanish: principal, pronunciation: praɪm part of speech: adjective, noun peak in spanish: pico, pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, adjective buff in spanish: pulir, pronunciation: bʌf part of speech: noun, adjective rush in spanish: prisa, pronunciation: rʌʃ part of speech: noun, verb rich in spanish: Rico, pronunciation: rɪtʃ part of speech: adjective kick in spanish: patada, pronunciation: kɪk part of speech: verb, noun bloom in spanish: floración, pronunciation: blum part of speech: noun affluent in spanish: afluente, pronunciation: æfluənt part of speech: adjective bang in spanish: explosión, pronunciation: bæŋ part of speech: noun scour in spanish: fregar, pronunciation: skaʊɜr part of speech: noun, verb blossom in spanish: flor, pronunciation: blɑsəm part of speech: noun, verb thrill in spanish: emoción, pronunciation: θrɪl part of speech: noun gush in spanish: chorro, pronunciation: gʌʃ part of speech: noun, verb blush in spanish: sonrojo, pronunciation: blʌʃ part of speech: noun, verb sluice in spanish: compuerta, pronunciation: slus part of speech: noun inflammation in spanish: inflamación, pronunciation: ɪnfləmeɪʃən part of speech: noun heyday in spanish: apogeo, pronunciation: heɪdeɪ part of speech: noun crimson in spanish: carmesí, pronunciation: krɪmzən part of speech: adjective burnish in spanish: bruñido, pronunciation: bɜrnɪʃ part of speech: verb, noun wealthy in spanish: rico, pronunciation: welθi part of speech: adjective efflorescence in spanish: eflorescencia, pronunciation: ɪflɔrssəns part of speech: noun loaded in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: loʊdəd part of speech: adjective outpouring in spanish: efusión, pronunciation: aʊtpɔrɪŋ part of speech: noun furbish in spanish: renovarse, pronunciation: fɜrbɪʃ part of speech: verb moneyed in spanish: adinerado, pronunciation: mʌnid part of speech: adjective redden in spanish: enrojecerse, pronunciation: redən part of speech: verb redness in spanish: rojez, pronunciation: rednəs part of speech: noun rosiness in spanish: alegría, pronunciation: roʊznəs part of speech: noun
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