Fluid in spanish


pronunciation: fluidoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fluid1 = fluido, líquido. 

Example: For example, the heading 'Circulation of the blood' is acceptable, but the very similar 'Movement of fluids in plants' is not.


» amniotic fluid = líquido amniótico.

Example: Amniotic fluid is the watery liquid surrounding and cushioning a growing fetus within the amnion.

» body fluid = fluido corporal, humor corporal.

Example: The human tissues and body fluids found to be contaminated by these chemicals are listed.

» brake fluid = líquido de frenos.

Example: Chapter 11 covers the following: jumpstarting; installing antifreeze; replacing radiator hose, radiator cap, thermostat and fuses; and checking brake fluid .

» cerebrospinal fluid = líquido cefalorraquídeo, líquido cerebroespinal.

Example: The most common indication for a lumbar puncture is to collect cerebrospinal fluid in a case of suspected meningitis.

» cleaning fluid = líquido limpiador.

Example: The positive results from a pilot project, mounted with anti-static cleaning fluid and borrowed equipment, led the library to purchase the equipment so that a portion of the collection can be cleaned on a rotating basis each year.

» correction fluid = líquido corrector, típex.

Example: The stencil is perhaps the most flexible, since correction fluid can be used to remove errors.

» developing fluid = líquido revelador.

Example: The most common method is to expose the copy paper by passing it through a trough of developing fluid.

» erasing fluid = líquido corrector.

Example: Obviously this gives a much more satisfactory result than that achieved by the use of erasers or erasing fluid.

» fluid-control = control de flujo del líquido.

Example: The fluid-control button should then be moved to the 'on' position and the priming button pressed several times.

» lighter fluid = líquido para encender, líquido para encendedores.

Example: Last May, a man bound the legs of a dog, doused her with lighter fluid and burned her alive.

» spirit fluid = disolvente.

Example: This causes spirit fluid to moisten the felt pad in the duplicator.

» starting fluid = líquido de encendido.

Example: At one time today, after adding starting fluid, the engine did start and was starting to rev up pretty quickly.

» transmission fluid = líquido de transmisión.

Example: Chapter 10 covers the following: changing oil filter; checking automatic transmission fluid; replacing fan belt; and replacing headlight.

» vital fluid = fluido vital.

Example: The author reveals the close links between African ideas about the forcible extraction of vital fluids and European views about sleeping sickness, insect vectors, and deforestation.

» windscreen wiper fluid = líquido para limpiaparabrisas, líquido lavalunetas.

Example: Most windscreen wipers operate together with a windscreen washer; a pump that supplies water and detergent (usually a blend called windscreen wiper fluid) from a tank.

fluid2 = fluido, dinámico. 

Example: Literary language is vital, shifting, fluid; it looks constantly for new structures, new combinations that create new meanings.


» ever-fluid = en constante cambio.

Example: The public library needs to be staffed with personnel who have deep interest into the ever-fluid aspects of human development.

» fluid ounce = onza líquida.

Example: He is taking 30 fluid ounces of whole milk with 6 teaspoonfuls of maltose and 2 teaspoonful of cod liver oil daily.

Fluid synonyms

mobile in spanish: móvil, pronunciation: moʊbəl part of speech: adjective, noun smooth in spanish: suave, pronunciation: smuð part of speech: adjective liquid in spanish: líquido, pronunciation: lɪkwəd part of speech: adjective, noun fluent in spanish: fluido, pronunciation: fluənt part of speech: adjective graceful in spanish: agraciado, pronunciation: greɪsfəl part of speech: adjective unstable in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənsteɪbəl part of speech: adjective disposable in spanish: desechable, pronunciation: dɪspoʊzəbəl part of speech: adjective flowing in spanish: fluido, pronunciation: floʊɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective changeable in spanish: cambiable, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒəbəl part of speech: adjective runny in spanish: líquido, pronunciation: rʌni part of speech: adjective changeful in spanish: variable, pronunciation: heɪndʒfəl part of speech: adjective
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