Fluff in spanish


pronunciation: pelusɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fluff1 = pelusa. 

Example: There comes a special time in every boy's life when they start to get a bit of fluff on their face.


» navel fluff = pelusa del ombligo.

Example: This is a selection of US museums dedicated to some rather unusual and extraordinary subjects and exhibits, including beverage cans, sugar packets, band aids, hygiene products, road asphalt and navel fluff.

» peach fluff = vello facial, bozo.

Example: He's grown at least two inches in the past month and you can see a tiny patch of peach fluff on his upper lip.

fluff2 = inconsecuente, trivial, insignificante, baladí. 

Example: Drama is, bottom line, seen as a fluff subject by many people.


» a bit of a fluff = inconsecuente, trivial, insignificante, baladí.

Example: A bit of a fluff episode, but it shows just how naive these boys can be.

fluff + Nombre + up3 = mullir, ahuecar. 

Example: From time to time, fluff your comforter up to keep the feathers from clumping together or hang it out on the clothesline for a quick freshen-up.

Fluff synonyms

blow in spanish: soplo, pronunciation: bloʊ part of speech: noun, verb spoil in spanish: mimar, pronunciation: spɔɪl part of speech: verb, noun tease in spanish: molestar, pronunciation: tiz part of speech: verb, noun blunder in spanish: torpeza, pronunciation: blʌndɜr part of speech: noun bagatelle in spanish: bagatela, pronunciation: bægətel part of speech: noun fumble in spanish: buscar a tientas, pronunciation: fʌmbəl part of speech: verb, noun ruffle in spanish: volante fruncido, pronunciation: rʌfəl part of speech: verb, noun botch in spanish: chapucear, pronunciation: bɑtʃ part of speech: noun, verb frivolity in spanish: frivolidad, pronunciation: frəvɑləti part of speech: noun muff in spanish: manguito, pronunciation: mʌf part of speech: noun bollocks in spanish: cojones, pronunciation: bɑləks part of speech: verb flub in spanish: flub, pronunciation: flʌb part of speech: noun, verb bungle in spanish: estropear, pronunciation: bʌŋgəl part of speech: verb, noun bobble in spanish: borla, pronunciation: bɔbəl part of speech: verb frippery in spanish: perifollos, pronunciation: frɪpɜri part of speech: noun screw up in spanish: arrugar, pronunciation: skruʌp part of speech: verb bollix in spanish: Bollix, pronunciation: bɑlɪks part of speech: verb mishandle in spanish: manejar mal, pronunciation: mɪshændəl part of speech: verb mess up in spanish: estropear, pronunciation: mesʌp part of speech: verb muck up in spanish: arruinar, pronunciation: mʌkʌp part of speech: verb foul up in spanish: estropear, pronunciation: faʊlʌp part of speech: verb ball up in spanish: pelota, pronunciation: bɔlʌp part of speech: verb botch up in spanish: chapucear, pronunciation: bɑtʃʌp part of speech: verb louse up in spanish: desperdiciar, pronunciation: laʊsʌp part of speech: verb bollix up in spanish: bollix hasta, pronunciation: bɑlɪksəp part of speech: verb bollocks up in spanish: bollocks hasta, pronunciation: bɑləksəp part of speech: verb
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