Fluent in spanish


pronunciation: fluidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

fluent = con soltura, con fluidez, fluido, desenvuelto, con un buen nivel. 

Example: Any librarian who is fluent in Spanish will have an edge in applying for a public service position in most public libraries today = Cualquier bibliotecario que hable con fluidez el español tendrá una ventaja al solicitar un puesto público en la mayoría de las bibliotecas públicas actuales.

Fluent synonyms

articulate in spanish: articular, pronunciation: ɑrtɪkjəleɪt part of speech: verb, adjective facile in spanish: fácil, pronunciation: fæsəl part of speech: adjective fluid in spanish: fluido, pronunciation: fluəd part of speech: noun smooth in spanish: suave, pronunciation: smuð part of speech: adjective eloquent in spanish: elocuente, pronunciation: eləkwənt part of speech: adjective silver in spanish: plata, pronunciation: sɪlvɜr part of speech: noun liquid in spanish: líquido, pronunciation: lɪkwəd part of speech: adjective, noun graceful in spanish: agraciado, pronunciation: greɪsfəl part of speech: adjective flowing in spanish: fluido, pronunciation: floʊɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective silver-tongued in spanish: lengua de plata, pronunciation: sɪlvɜrtʌŋd part of speech: adjective smooth-spoken in spanish: suave, pronunciation: smuðspoʊkən part of speech: adjective
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