Flu in spanish


pronunciation: gɹ̩ipe part of speech: noun
In gestures

flu, the = gripe, influenza, trancazo. [Forma común abreviada de influenza]

Example: The flu can have serious complications ranging from sinus infections to life-threatening pneumonia.


» anti-flu = antigripal, contra la gripe.

Example: The ancient Egyptians used tea as an anti-flu remedy.

» avian flu = gripe aviar.

Example: The region is enduring the consequences of a global economic slump and the outbreak of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and avian flu epidemics.

» bad case of flu = trancazo.

Example: He suffers from what appears to be a bad case of flu, according to his representative.

» bird flu = fiebre del pollo.

Example: The case study of the recent bird flu crisis offers a specific account of political & cultural challenge to bureaucratic paternalism in the postcolonial context.

» bout of flu = ataque de gripe.

Example: Pneumonia is often triggered by a cold or bout of flu.

» catch + the flu = coger un trancazo, coger la gripe, pillar un trancazo, pillar la gripe.

Example: If you want to be one of the 20 percent of Americans who catch the flu this season, shake hands with a lot of sick people.

» flu epidemic = epidemia de gripe.

Example: French health officials warned Wednesday that the country is officially in the clutches of a flu epidemic.

» flu jab = vacuna contra la gripe, vacuna antigripal.

Example: This year's flu jabs are unlikely to protect patients from the main strain which has dominated other parts of the world because of virus mutations.

» flu-related = gripal, relacionado con la gripe.

Example: Second, seasonal influenza is infrequently listed on death certificates of people who die from flu-related complications.

» flu shot = vacuna contra la gripe, vacuna antigripal.

Example: Some flu shots are still made with thimerosal, a preservative that contains a form of mercury.

» flu vaccine = vacuna contra la gripe, vacuna antigripal.

Example: All pregnant women are to be offered the flu vaccine for the first time this winter.

» get + the flu = coger un trancazo, coger la gripe, pillar un trancazo, pillar la gripe.

Example: The best way to avoid getting a cold or the flu is to boost your body's immune system.

» have + a/the flu jab = vacunarse contra la gripe.

Example: Yes, it's fine to have the flu jab while you are taking a course of antibiotics, provided you are not ill with fever.

» have + a touch of (the) flu = tener un poco de gripe, estar un poco griposo.

Example: If you're able to make it to the shops or to the pub you don't have the flu so stop telling people that you've a touch of the flu.

» have + the flu = tener la gripe, tener un trancazo, estar griposo.

Example: Most people catch the flu when they breathe in tiny droplets from coughs or sneezes of someone who has the flu.

» swine flu = fiebre porcina, gripe porcina, gripe A.

Example: The global outbreak of swine flu has spread fear through the travel sector, blighting any green shoots of recovery from the financial crisis.

Flu synonyms

influenza in spanish: influenza, pronunciation: ɪnfluenzə part of speech: noun grippe in spanish: gripe, pronunciation: grɪp part of speech: noun
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