Flowing in spanish


pronunciation: fluidoʊ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

flow2 = fluir, correr, emanar, discurrir. 

Example: At this disclosure, a flush flowed from Leforte's cheeks to her neck.


» ebb and flow = fluctuar.

Example: The importance of the practicum in the curriculum has ebbed and flowed tremendously throughout the history of library education.

» flow back and forth = circular de uno a otro.

Example: It must be remembered that users do not depend solely on libraries for information; scientists, for instance, turn first to colleagues, then to their own journals, books, and reports, to conferences, and to the 'invisible college' (personal network of unprinted information that flows back and forth).

» flow from = emanar de, derivarse de, obtenerse de.

Example: Apart from well-known things like light and heat, what else flows from the Sun?.

» flow into = desembocar en, desaguar en, verter en, entrar en.

Example: Nobody seems to dispute that tons of weapons apparently are flowing into Mexico.

flowing1 = fluido. 

Example: He raised tympan and frisket in one flowing movement, lifted the new-printed sheet off the points, and laid it on the horse at the end of the unprinted heap; then turned immediately to laying on the next sheet = Levantaba el tímpano y la frasqueta con un movimiento fluido, sacaba de las punturas el pliego recién impreso y lo colocaba en el banco a un lado de la pila de pliegos no impresos; a continuación procedía a colocar rápidamente el siguiente pliego.


» flowing back = entrada de vuelta.

Example: Strictly speaking, the word piracy or infringement can be applied only to the flowing back of unauthorised reproductions to countries of origen = En su estricto sentido, la palabra piratería o infracción puede aplicarse solamente a la entrada de vuelta a los países de origen de reproducciones que se hayan hecho sin la debida autorización.

» free-flowing = libre, abierto, sin restricciones.

Example: Creating an innovative organisation requires a sponsor followed by guidance by example and gradual change aided by free-flowing communication.

flowing2 = en caída, ondulante, con vuelo. 

Example: With his flowing white mane, lanky agility and subdued charisma, he was an unflappably aristocratic seducer.

Flowing synonyms

flow in spanish: fluir, pronunciation: floʊ part of speech: noun fluid in spanish: fluido, pronunciation: fluəd part of speech: noun smooth in spanish: suave, pronunciation: smuð part of speech: adjective liquid in spanish: líquido, pronunciation: lɪkwəd part of speech: adjective, noun fluent in spanish: fluido, pronunciation: fluənt part of speech: adjective graceful in spanish: agraciado, pronunciation: greɪsfəl part of speech: adjective moving in spanish: emocionante, pronunciation: muvɪŋ part of speech: adjective streaming in spanish: transmisión, pronunciation: strimɪŋ part of speech: noun artesian in spanish: artesiano, pronunciation: ɑrtiʒən part of speech: adjective

Flowing antonyms

subartesian pronunciation: subɑrtɪʒən part of speech: adjective
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