Flowering in spanish


pronunciation: floʊɹ̩ɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

flower2 = florecer, prosperar. 

Example: Librarians seek to provide a challenging, dynamic environment in which individual growth can flower.


» deflower = desflorar, desvirgar.

Example: She wouldn't let me make love to her as she wanted to be deflowered by me on our wedding night.

flowering1 = florecimiento, floración. 

Example: Cultural programmes can bring the community together and build support for and interest in the library, while at the same time bringing about the flowering of knowledge.


» flowering plant = planta de floración.

Example: Algae comprise a much more diverse group of organisms than do the flowering plants, but this is ignored by Library of Congress Classification (LCC).

» spring-flowering = que florece en primavera.

Example: Many of the spring-flowering crocus bulbs are among our earliest bloomers -- truly a sight for sore eyes after a long winter.

flowering2 = florido. 

Example: Homosexuality, cuckoldry, flowering anuses, zombies, monstrosity, gambling, banquets, viral contagion all become signs of a historical epoch which exists in a repetitious & catastrophic crisis.

Flowering synonyms

mature in spanish: maduro, pronunciation: mətʃʊr part of speech: adjective, verb efflorescence in spanish: eflorescencia, pronunciation: ɪflɔrssəns part of speech: noun inflorescence in spanish: inflorescencia, pronunciation: ɪnflɔrsəns part of speech: noun blooming in spanish: floreciente, pronunciation: blumɪŋ part of speech: noun anthesis in spanish: antesis, pronunciation: ænθəsəs part of speech: noun bloomy in spanish: bloomy, pronunciation: blumi part of speech: adjective, noun flowery in spanish: florido, pronunciation: flaʊɜri part of speech: adjective abloom in spanish: en flor, pronunciation: əblum part of speech: adjective unfolding in spanish: despliegue, pronunciation: ənfoʊldɪŋ part of speech: noun blossoming in spanish: cierne, pronunciation: blɑsəmɪŋ part of speech: noun efflorescent in spanish: eflorescente, pronunciation: ɪflɔrəsənt part of speech: adjective blossomy in spanish: en flor, pronunciation: blɑsəmi part of speech: adjective

Flowering antonyms

flowerless pronunciation: flaʊɜrləs part of speech: adjective, noun bloomless pronunciation: blumləs part of speech: adjective
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