Flower in spanish


pronunciation: floʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

flower1 = flor. 

Example: Concepts which denote parts of a plant, eg leaf, flower, etc, are also Personality concepts.


» April showers bring May flowers = en abril, aguas mil; marzo ventoso y abril lluvioso hacen de mayo florido y hermoso.

Example: Just as April showers bring May flowers, it is often only after hard work, perseverance and planning that we see the benefit of our efforts.

» arrange + flowers = hacer arreglos florales.

Example: There is a need for simple manuals which help readers to play bowls, arrange flowers, decorate the house, and the like.

» as pretty as a flower = más bonito que una flor, tan bonito como una flor.

Example: She was as pretty as a flower and as sweet-tempered as well.

» be in flower = estar en flor, estar en floración.

Example: The first meeting was held on 8 March with the first real judging taking place on 22 March when several tulips were in flower.

» carpeted with flowers = cubierto de flores.

Example: When spring comes to rural England, the fields and woodlands are carpeted with flowers.

» cauliflower = califlor.

Example: Parasitization rates were low, but wasps actively attacked the weevil throughout the cauliflower growing season.

» come to + full flower = alcanzar la plenitud, hacerse realidad.

Example: It is a time when old rules give way to new and when expectations com to full flower.

» covered with/in flowers = cubierto de flores.

Example: The valley was covered with flowers that turn toward the sun.

» cut-and-dried flower = flor seca.

Example: Best in a sunny, yet moist border, the delicate plum-coloured blooms make excellent cut-and-dried flowers.

» cut flower = flor de regalo.

Example: He is a leading flower grower producing cut flowers from well over a million flower bulbs each year.

» flower arrangement = arreglo floral.

Example: The scale of the house-keeping is so large, that just to get fresh flower arrangements in the house takes a team of 15 volunteers, working on a rota.

» flower arranging = arreglo floral.

Example: The earliest known flower arranging dates back to ancient Egypt.

» flower bed [flowerbed] = arriate, parterre.

Example: For such designs he introduced many features from early English gardens -- raised flower beds, terraces, and trellis work.

» flower cultivation = floricultura, cultivo de flores.

Example: Flower cultivation in China has a history of over 2,700 years.

» flower display = exposición de flores, muestra de flores.

Example: Around 30 of the illegal plants were photographed in the flower displays close to the city's castle and high street.

» flower garden = jardín de flores.

Example: Flower gardens are an attractive place to hold wedding ceremonies.

» flower gardener = jardinero.

Example: It doesn't matter if you are a flower gardener or a vegetable gardener, in this article you will get some of my my greatest gardening tips ever.

» flower garland = guirnalda de flores, corona de flores.

Example: Sometimes the winner of an event would receive a garland of laurels -- even graves were adorned with flower garlands.

» flower grower = floricultor.

Example: He is a leading flower grower producing cut flowers from well over a million flower bulbs each year.

» flower growing = floricultura, cultivo de flores.

Example: Commercial flower growing is a significant industry in this area.

» flower offering = ofrenda floral, ofrenda de flores.

Example: It seemed like the entire town turned out for the flower offering in a solemn procession.

» flower petal = pétalo de la flor.

Example: Real flower petals in their natural colours, make beautiful biodegradable confetti.

» flower pot = maceta, macetero, tiesto.

Example: Four men were last night charged with importing 35 kilograms of cocaine concealed in flower pots.

» flower show = exposición de flores, muestra de flores.

Example: Chelsea plays host to one of the biggest flower shows in the country in May.

» flower tribute = ofrenda floral, ofrenda de flores.

Example: Flower tributes were so numerous that the front of the chapel was converted into a veritable flower garden.

» flower wreath = corona de flores, guirnalda.

Example: I made myself a flower wreath out of peonies, so now I'm ready for the celebration of midsummer!.

» linden flower = flor del tilo.

Example: Linden flowers were once thought to be so effective in the treatment of epilepsy that a patient could be cured simply be sitting under the tree.

» linden flower tea = tila.

Example: Linden flower tea has been used since the late Middle Ages as a diaphoretic, that is, a medication which promotes perspiration.

» lotus flower = flor de loto.

Example: Lotus flowers are amazing and have strong symbolic ties to many Asian religions especially throughout India.

» pressed flower = flor prensada.

Example: They are a small company specializing in creative fiberglass lampshades with pressed flowers and leaves.

» squirting flower = flor que echa un chorro de agua. [Artículo de broma]

Example: The author shows that manufactured practical jokes such as the whoopie cushion, squirting flower and fake animal feces are being used, carnivalistically and humorously, as a conscious and unconscious comment on larger social situations.

» sunflower = girasol.

Example: The students painted sunflowers in the style of Vincent van Gogh over the rust spots of a pickup truck.

» wildflower [wild flower] = flor silvestre, flor salvaje.

Example: Displays which take a theme approach, for example wild flowers, vintage cars, railways, and gather together material from different places in the library, can be useful in drawing attention to specific aspects of a library's resources.

flower2 = florecer, prosperar. 

Example: Librarians seek to provide a challenging, dynamic environment in which individual growth can flower.


» deflower = desflorar, desvirgar.

Example: She wouldn't let me make love to her as she wanted to be deflowered by me on our wedding night.

Flower synonyms

prime in spanish: principal, pronunciation: praɪm part of speech: adjective, noun peak in spanish: pico, pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, adjective flush in spanish: rubor, pronunciation: flʌʃ part of speech: noun, adjective, verb bloom in spanish: floración, pronunciation: blum part of speech: noun blossom in spanish: flor, pronunciation: blɑsəm part of speech: noun, verb heyday in spanish: apogeo, pronunciation: heɪdeɪ part of speech: noun efflorescence in spanish: eflorescencia, pronunciation: ɪflɔrssəns part of speech: noun
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