Flow in spanish


pronunciation: fluiɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

flow1 = flujo, circulación, movimiento, fluidez, subida, caudal, corriente. 

Example: The vocabulary used in conjunction with PRECIS is split in two sections, one part for Entities (or things) and the other for Attributes (properties of things, for example colour, weight; activities of things, for example flow, and properties of activities, for example, slow, turbulent).


» air flow = circulación del aire, ventilación.

Example: 'I don't know, but there must be some sort of mechanical air flow system that could be installed'.

» airflow = circulación del aire, flujo del aire.

Example: Asthma attacks can last minutes to days and can become dangerous if the airflow becomes severely restricted.

» blood flow = flujo sanguíneo.

Example: Syncope is temporary loss of consciousness and muscle tone due to decreased cerebral blood flow.

» capital flow = flujo de capital.

Example: This paper presents a model to explain how IMF programmes can catalyse private capital flows following a financial crisis.

» cash flow = flujo de caja, movimientos de efectivos.

Example: Spreadsheet programs allow the manager to set up mathematical models of various aspects of the organization such as cash flow and production rates.

» disruption in the flow of electricity = corte de luz.

Example: `Where were you when the lights went out?' considers the causes of disruptions in the flow of electricity and their implications for computer users.

» ebb and flow = fluctuación, cambios.

Example: This natural ebb and flow necessarily picks up speed as change accelerates.

» flow chart [flowchart/flow-chart] = diagrama de flujo.

Example: A flow chart can be a valuable tool in thinking through the main tasks and functions in a department and in helping to streamline processes.

» flow diagram = diagrama de flujo.

Example: This system for planning and scheduling work, sometimes called Critical Path Method (CPM), involves: 1) identifying all of the key activities in a particular project; 2) devising the sequence of activities and arranging them in a flow diagram; and finally 3) assigning durations of time for the performance of each phase of the work to be done.

» flow of commerce = paso del comercio.

Example: Its location on a navigable river gave it a place in the flow of people and commerce.

» flow of documents = circulación de documentos.

Example: This should be an opportunity to improve the free flow of documents between countries through the interlibrary loan and document supply network.

» flow of information = circulación de información.

Example: Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.

» flow of people = paso de la gente.

Example: Its location on a navigable river gave it a place in the flow of people and commerce.

» flow rate = caudal de salida.

Example: Priority is awarded to projects aiming to maximise the yield from oil reservoirs where the natural drive is weak so as to increase their flow rate and make marginal fields viable.

» flow with + the tides = adaptarse a los cambios.

Example: The public library, if managers can learn to flow with the tides, can be a major player in the new century.

» free flow = flujo libre, circulación libre.

Example: The author explains the danger of the information explosions and the factors that retard the free-flow of information.

» free flow of information = libre circulación de la información.

Example: The author discusses the roles that various arms of the proposed structure can play to promote free flow of information = El autor describe las funciones que los diferentes departamentos de la estructura propuesta puede desempeñar para promover la libre circulación de la información.

» get into + the flow (of things) = coger el ritmo de las cosas, meterse en el ritmo de las cosas, meterse en el ajo, ponerse al día, ponerse al tanto, ponerse al corriente, ponerse al loro, coger la onda.

Example: The team took a while to get into the flow of things but have been gaining steam and are now flying high, after winning six of their last seven outings.

» go against + the flow = ir (en) contra (de) la corriente, ir contra corriente, luchar (en) contra (de) (la) corriente.

Example: The article is entitled 'Going with the flow: many business are going against it'.

» go along with + the flow = ir con la corriente, seguir la corriente, dejarse llevar, dejarse llevar por la corriente, dejarse arrastrar, dejarse arrastrar por la corriente.

Example: Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.

» go with + the flow (of things) = ir con la corriente, seguir la corriente, dejarse llevar, dejarse llevar por la corriente, dejarse arrastrar, dejarse arrastrar por la corriente, aceptar las cosas (tal y) como vienen.

Example: The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.

» information flow = transmisión de información.

Example: Document analysis makes a significant contribution to communication and information flow.

» lava flow = río de lava.

Example: The author discusses issues involved in responding to volcanic eruptions and the lava flows and earthquakes they can trigger.

» mudflow = avalancha de barro, avalancha de lodo, alud de barro, alud de lodo.

Example: The mudflow has engulfed villages, roads, dozens of factories and swathes of paddy and sugarcane fields, as well as damaging railway.

» outflow = emanación, flujo, efusión, desagüe, fuga, escape.

Example: A dam at the Strait of Gibraltar could be constructed to limit the outflow and reverse the climate deterioration, thus holding off the next ice age.

» paper flow = papeleo, trámites.

Example: Computers have facilitated the paper flow within the organization -- a formerly arduous and staff-intensive effort = Los ordenadores han facilitado el papeleo en las organizaciones, un esfuerzo que antes era arduo y que necesitaba bastante dedicación de personal.

» rate of flow = velocidad de flujo, caudal.

Example: The location, rate of flow, and turbidity (clear or murky) are the critical factors when evaluating the seriousness of seepage from a dam.

» steady flow of = paso ininterrumpido de, flujo constante de.

Example: There was a steady flow of people charging out materials, and the checker was inspecting their bags as usual.

» swim against + the flow = ir contra corriente, ir (en) contra (de) la corriente, luchar (en) contra (de) (la) corriente.

Example: If you want to become a leader, swim against the flow and be a non-conformist.

» swim with + the flow = ir con la corriente, seguir la corriente, dejarse llevar, dejarse llevar por la corriente, dejarse arrastrar, dejarse arrastrar por la corriente.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

» traffic flow = tránsito, flujo de tráfico.

Example: The traffic flow in the building should be dictated by the compartmentalisation of the spaces and the arrangement of partitions and furniture.

» transborder data flow (TBDF) = transferencia de información entre países. [Intercambio o utilización de la información generada en un país por otros]

Example: The expression 'transborder data flows' (TBDF) encompasses a complex set of issues resulting from the electronic transfer or exchange of information across national boundaries.

» workflow [work flow] = distribución del trabajo, organización del trabajo, dinámica de trabajo.

Example: The chief drawback with the volunteer abstractors is the difficulty of controlling the workflow and the return of abstracts.

flow2 = fluir, correr, emanar, discurrir. 

Example: At this disclosure, a flush flowed from Leforte's cheeks to her neck.


» ebb and flow = fluctuar.

Example: The importance of the practicum in the curriculum has ebbed and flowed tremendously throughout the history of library education.

» flow back and forth = circular de uno a otro.

Example: It must be remembered that users do not depend solely on libraries for information; scientists, for instance, turn first to colleagues, then to their own journals, books, and reports, to conferences, and to the 'invisible college' (personal network of unprinted information that flows back and forth).

» flow from = emanar de, derivarse de, obtenerse de.

Example: Apart from well-known things like light and heat, what else flows from the Sun?.

» flow into = desembocar en, desaguar en, verter en, entrar en.

Example: Nobody seems to dispute that tons of weapons apparently are flowing into Mexico.

Flow synonyms

run in spanish: correr, pronunciation: rʌn part of speech: verb, noun fall in spanish: otoño, pronunciation: fɔl part of speech: verb, noun course in spanish: curso, pronunciation: kɔrs part of speech: noun current in spanish: corriente, pronunciation: kɜrənt part of speech: adjective, noun hang in spanish: colgar, pronunciation: hæŋ part of speech: verb period in spanish: período, pronunciation: pɪriəd part of speech: noun stream in spanish: corriente, pronunciation: strim part of speech: noun menses in spanish: menstruo, pronunciation: mensɪz part of speech: noun menstruation in spanish: menstruación, pronunciation: menstrueɪʃən part of speech: noun flowing in spanish: fluido, pronunciation: floʊɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective menstruate in spanish: menstruar, pronunciation: menstrueɪt part of speech: verb catamenia in spanish: catamenia, pronunciation: kætəminiə part of speech: noun flow rate in spanish: tasa de flujo, pronunciation: floʊreɪt part of speech: noun rate of flow in spanish: tasa de flujo, pronunciation: reɪtʌvfloʊ part of speech: noun
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