Flout in spanish
Burlarse de
pronunciation: buɹ̩lɑɹ̩sede part of speech: verb
pronunciation: buɹ̩lɑɹ̩sede part of speech: verb
In gestures
flout = desacatar, desobedecer, pasar por alto, saltarse Algo a la torera, burlarse de, pasarse Algo por el forro, pasar olímpicamente de.
Example: To find the 'real' identity of documents, one must flout conventions of rationality including the axioms of singularity and actuality.more:
» flout + a convention = desacatar las normas establecidas, desacatar las costumbres.
Example: In the 1970s it was called 'living in sin' but the couples who flouted convention back then mostly married each other before two years were up.» flout + the law = saltarse la ley a la torera.
Example: Drivers ignoring `No Entry' signs in this fashion have no regard for the safety of other road users and are clearly flouting the law.